. Fukuoka Folk Art - 福岡県 .
Dolls from Hakata / 博多人形
。。 。。 。。 。。Clay Dolls / 博多土人形

The history of the old Hakata dolls dates back to the beginning of the 17th century. It seems that when the Lord Kuroda Nagamasa built Fukuoka castle, Soshichi Masaki making ridge-end tiles for the castle developed his skills with forming and firing, and Masaki gave one of the figures he made to the head of the clan. The Hakata dolls may also originate from simple biscuit fired toy dolls that were made by the people living in the Gion-machi district of Hakata sometime during the first half of the 19th century.
. Kuroda Kanbei Yoshitaka 黒田官兵衛 孝高 and
his son Kuroda Nagamasa 長政 .
In the late Edo period (1818~1830),
Kichibe Nakanoko crafted unglazed pottery folk dolls that became the model for today's Hakata dolls. They are about 50 to 60 cm tall and their dress represents the fine local textiles. Skin areas of a figure are coated with a lime-glue preparation (gesso). The remainder of the decoration is painted directly onto the pottery surface.
A great variety of figures are made including representations of beautiful women, kabuki players, characters from Noo dramas, characters of town and country, famous Taoist or Buddhist figures, and children. All figures are characterized by an unassuming beauty springing from biscuit firing, subtle coloring and finely carved
It was only in the year 1924 that the new Hakata dolls suddenly burst into fame when the three dancing-girl Hakata dolls won the silver prize in the Paris World's Fair. Created by the late Yoichi Kojima, the Hakata dolls gained worldwide fame and are now internationally renowned and loved. They are so popular that the Japanese government made this craft a traditional national art in the year 1976. The heritage of this craft is now supported by 50 government recognized Master Craftsmen among the 635 employed by 89 firms.

The famous Mr. Hiroki Nakamura made some statues of Daruma practising meditation (zazen Daruma), as you can see in the example of the picture above, which is from the collection of Mr. Minegishi.
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There are eight stages in the production of Hakata dolls:
Preparing the clay, modelling, making a mold, making the body, firing at about 900 degrees centigrade, painting, facial features and the final touch-up.
Painting gives the doll its typical HAKATA look. The face is painted with layer upon layer of Chinese white, to form an undercoat. This pigment is made from ground oyster shells. Color is then applied to the kimono, obi and pattern in that order. Several other techniques are used to decorate some dolls. Besides using gold leaf and thickly applied paint, another technique involves the application of gold,
which is then burnished with a hard enamel such as that of a dog's tooth.
. . . CLICK here for Photos : Hakata Dolls !
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If you want to throw away your old, worn Hakata doll (why would you?), anyway you can bring it to the temple on the following HP and have it consescrated in a special Hakata Doll Hall during a memorial ceremony (ningyoo kuyoo) once a year in December.
博多人形供養 Hakata Ningyo Kuyo

祥勝院 福岡市博多区博多駅前1-7-38。
source : www.hakataningyou.com
. Ningyoo kuyoo 人形供養
Memorial Ceremony for used dolls .
Ningyo Kuyo
Old dolls, which have incorporated the "souls" of their owners, can not simply be thrown away!
Many temples provide this service once a year.
It is a funeral mass for used dolls is annually held in the compound of Kiyomizu Kannondo Temple in Ueno Park. Japanese people often humanize their dolls. When they are not able to keep them any longer, they bring these dolls to this temple for a funeral mass for them. After a religious ritual, those dolls are cremated from 2 pm to 4 pm on this day.
source : eventcalendar
. hahako 母子 / 母と子 mother and child dolls .
furugata Hakata Ningyo 古型博多土人形 old Hakata Dolls
. 俵乗り金太郎 - Kintaro standing of a barrel of rice .

舞姫 Woman Dancing with Fan

槌持ち童子 child with a mallet, like Daikoku
- other motives on this page
花見娘 ♥ Woman go to see the cherry-blossoms
三味線持ち ♥ Shamisen player
ふくめん ♥ Woman Put On Okosozukin
三味線弾き ♥ Child Plays Shamisen
子守 ♥ Baby‐sitter
鶏押え ♥ Child Catching Chicken
鯉抱き ♥ Child Catching Carp
太鼓 ♥ Child on Drum
鈴持ち ♥ Child Holding Hand-bell
鯛乗り ♥ Child on Sea Bream
子供恵比寿 ♥ Child Modelled after Ebisu
子供猿廻し ♥ Child and Monkey
お膳座り ♥ Ozen-suwari - Traditional ceremony in Fukuoka
獅子舞 ♥ Shishimai Lion Dancer
猿持ち ♥ Monkey Trainer for Amusement
俵持ち ♥ Man Holding Rice Bale
お米屋さん ♥ Rice Dealer
高札持ち ♥ Man Holding Notice Board
ポチ(学生) ♥ Student Fonding Dog Pochi
稚児天神 ♥ Young Tenjin on Ox
笹野才蔵 ♥ Sasano Saizō
- source : kohakata.html

Sasano Saizoo, Sasano Saizō 笹野才蔵 Sasano Saizo
with his monkey carrying a gohei 御幣 wand
Most dolls are made by the Nakanoko family 中ノ子家.
中ノ子吉兵衛 Nakanoko Kichibei was also a famous potter and is called the "Father of Hakata Dolls".
He was the son of a rich man in Hakata, warding off the deity of smallpox by jumping out of the window of his home to hit the monster. He is now a helpful amulet to ward off disease. Paintings of Saizo are attached to the entrance door of a home.
Dolls of Saizo are made in many parts of Northern Kyushu.

CLICK for more samples !
The story of Saizo is also part of Kabuki and Noh performances.

「今様百花撰之内」「笹野才蔵」Sasano Saizo
歌川国貞 Utagawa Kunisada (1768 - 1864)
. Daruma, Smallpox and the color Red .
Hoosoogami, Hoosooshin 疱瘡神 deity of smallpox
. Kani Saizō 可児才蔵 Kani Saizo .
Kani Yoshinaga 可児吉長
(1554 - 1613) 慶長18年6月24日(1613年8月10日)
- - - - - more Hakata dolls on ebay
- source : www.ebay.com
。。 。。 Papermachee Dolls /博多張子

These dolls are local toys long loved by the middle-class children. In the middle of Edo period, they were first made by a doll-craftsman from Tokyo with top-quality hand-made Japanese paper and newspaper paper. The colors are carefully put on one-by-one using plant glue (nikawa, funori).
The Hakata Daruma dolls are also called "Roly-poly dolls from Hakata" (Hakata okiagari). The original form is not made from wood but from the clay that is used to make the dolls we met earlier. During the last day of the year peddlers would walk around to sell little Daruma dolls to be put on the Family Shelf of the Gods (kamidana) in the house beside a candle to wait for the New Year while praying for good fortune.
Nowadays Mrs. Nakao Hideko is specializing in Daruma and little tigers of papermachee. Her Mr. Daruma (otokodaruma) has a proportionally smaller head part and the body is quite big. He mostly carries a
headband with blue spots (mameshibori) and his face is colored in flesh-color. His nose is protruding like a dumpling (dangobana). His mouth is red, while the eyebrows and beard are black, painted in bold strokes with a fierce expression. The Mrs. Daruma (onnadaruma) has a face of white gofun powder with black hair painted. Here eyes are turned upward in the same way as his but here eyebrows are just two
black dots. Her mouth is almost a little red double dot. Her cheeks are reddish (hohobeni).
The pattern on the body of both figures is similar, with a red robe and a symbolic version of the Pine-Bamboo-Plum-pattern in green. From the breast downwards there are lines of glimmering gold, the old characteristic of a Hakata Daruma. Small Lady Dolls may also show the pattern of a wishfulfilling jewel.
The Hakata Daruma story is linked to the Emperor Oojin and Jinguu Koogoo, which we met in the story about UTO Hime and the papermachee doll was a Lady Daruma only, but since about 1930 the first maker, Mr. Nakao, started to make an accompanying flamboyant Mr. Daruma.
中尾俊雄 所在地 糸島郡二丈町深江1268 電話番号
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Kuroda bushi 黒田武士 Kuroda Samurai
Kuroda Kanbei
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
There are more Hakata Daruma Dolls (Hakata Ningyoo) in my Photo Album.
Girl holding a Daruma

And all the Others
. Clay Doll Collection .
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There is also a Hakata Doll of the "Wall-gazing Daruma" Menpeki Daruma.
I introduced him here
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Man making a Daruma
Checking about "Hakata+Daruma" I came about many restaurants with the name Daruma, but I will tell you more about this in a story about Ramen Noodle Shops.
. Local Dishes from Hakata and Fukuoka .

. . . CLICK here for Photos !
Calendar with Hakata dolls and Haiku
source : www.akagi-net.com
. Haiku, Kigo and Dolls . INFO .
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Hakata ningyoo ippo seridasu haru no nai
this Hakata doll
is taking one step forward -
earthquake in spring
Kimura Mikan 木村みかん
source : www.haisi.com
haiku about earthquake 春の地震 : はるのなゐ
. Japan after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011
. Matsuo Basho and Sora .
Oku no Hosomichi 奥の細道(松尾芭蕉)Hakata dolls

. Inu 戌 / 犬 Dog toys .
. WKD : Hakata Dontaku Festival
Dontaku Festival どんたく
. Haiku, Kigo and Dolls . INFO .
. Clay Dolls from Japan - Introduction .
. Folk Toys from Fukuoka .
- #hakata #fukuoka -
Hakata Dontaku Minato Matsuri (Port Festival)
held on May 3 and 4 in Fukuoka-city, Fukuoka Prefecture is one of the most popular festivals take place during the Golden Week period in Japan.
The origin of the festival is believed to date back to a local New Year's celebration in the late 12th century, and it grew into a big festival of Fukuoka-city. It's said that the word, dontaku, came from the Dutch word, zontag, which means a holiday. It's a lively festival where people parade on the street in costumes, beating shamoji rice spatulas and present various performances on over 30 stages.
Hakata Dontaku is one of the biggest festivals in Japan, and over 2 million people usually visit the festival every year. About 30 special stages are set for over 10,000 performers. Parades are held through the Meiji street in Tenjin area. At the closing time, visitors are welcomed to dance together at the Dontaku Hiroba square.
It's said that the origin of Hakata Dontaku is a local New Year's celebration called matsubayashi held in 1179. This tradition became a big festival of the city where people parade on the street in costumes, perform dances, play instruments, and so on. People often beat shamoji rice spatulas in this festival.
It's said that the word, dontaku, came from the Dutch word, zontag, which means a holiday.
Fuji Musume 藤娘人形 Fuji Musume Dolls
Hakata Yamagasa dorei 山笠土鈴 clay bells with a hat
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