
Takamatsu Dolls

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Papermachee and Clay Dolls from Takamatsu

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The story started HERE:

. Daruma-hunting in Takamatsu - and Konpira-san  

The store Hisaroku in Takamatsu

Here are the upper shelves full of papermachee dolls of the area. The picture in the back shows Mrs. Miyauchi Fusa.

Here are the lower shelves.

I got two papermachee dolls from Mrs. Mikiko Miyauchi 宮内ミキコ, which I had ordered in spring. Even Mikiko is only making only a few dolls per year now.

Sumo Wrestler Kuroiwa Daruma 黒岩 お相撲さんだるま
. . . . . He is 15 cm high and wears a red belt with his name on it. His body is quite individually modeled. On the bottom he has the signature of MIKIKO, Takamatsu Hariko, Miyauchi.

. Sumo 相撲  Sumo wrestling dolls .

Okame-san Daruma  おかめだるま
. . . . . She is 16 cm high and carries the same signature as the sumo wrestler. She wears a blue jacket over her red Kimono. Her facial expression is really cute

. Shoojoo 猩猩 /猩々 Shojo, a legendary drunkard


hookoosan 奉公さん Hokosan, the servant girl

She was one of the most well-loved papermachee dolls of Shikoku and Western Japan.
Her model is おまき O-Maki San, a dilligent servant girl to a princess. She sacrificed her own life, when her lady was ill. She took on herself the high fever of her lady and threw herself in the waves, washing away the illness of her mistress.
Later parents bought this doll, gave it to a child sick with fever and then threw the doll into the waves to wash away the illness.

Now it is an amulet against sickness and given to a girl at the time of marriage.
It is also a favorite souvenir for tourists.


kunuki Daruma, ku nuki Daruma 苦抜き達磨
Daruma taking away the pain

Once upon a time
an old man lived a lonely life, his dreams of getting back his former riches never came true.
One night he had a dream that he would find riches if he cut down the large kunugi oak tree in a corner of the Shinto shrine. Next morning he went to the shrine, and found the big tree. When he hit it with his ax, from the wound in the tree trunk came a small Daruma doll rolling out.
Now the old man realized that he should not follow wrong dreams of riches but live in penance every day and be happy whith what he got.
Another version
tells of an old tree with no special value and just a small hole among its roots, where the Daruma was sitting. He took the Daruma home and prayed to it every day for guidance to achieve a calm mind.

kunugi 櫟 Quercus acutissima - a pun with 苦抜き ku nuki, ku o nuku.


. Gangu 玩具伝説, omochcha おもちゃ  toy, toys and legends .


tamatori ningyoo 珠取人形 Doll with a Treasure Ball

Dolls by 大崎豊五郎 Osaki Bungoro

金比羅犬, 嫁入り人形 and many more samples:
- source : 大崎文仙堂 -


. Daruma from Yakuri 八栗だるま


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Click for more photos from Takamatsu Hariko Dolls !

Shikoku Daruma ... Introduction

. Regional Folk Toys from Japan - KAGAWA.




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