Matsukawa Daruma from Sendai
Matsukawa is named after the person who created this daruma, and it's popular among people as a religious item rather than a folk toy. Its colors and facial expressions are exquisitely matched, and it's a gorgeous example of folk art. Ultramarine blue is the main color.
Yanagiu washi is a hand-made paper that was developed in Sendai City. It is produced around Yanagiu, Taihaku-ku, Sendai City and is said to have been started by paper craftsmen from Date (Fukushima Prefecture) who had been brought to the area by Date Masamune in the early middle ages.
The robust paper, which is produced adding the tororoaoi root juice to the fiber of the kozo bark (broussonetia kajinoki), has been used for various daily objects, including paper lanterns, sliding paper screens, and wrapping paper, and it is also used for the Matsukawa daruma dolls which are famous for their colorfulness and intricate decoration. The sale of these daruma dolls, which takes their name from that of the original craftsman (Matsukawa), is an essential feature of Sendais New Year.
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New Year Greetings for 2007

© blog.kahoku

from my friend Ishino
about 12 cm high
made by Hongo Tokuji 本郷徳治, active since 1921.
Now Takahashui Hashime Hariko たかはし はしめ工房の張子
This Matsukawa Daruma was already mentioned in a famous book about Japanese Toys.
Unai no tomo うないの友
A Child's Friends; Japanese folk toys
by Shimizu Seifu [1851-1913]
. Shimizu Seifu (Seifuu) 清水清風 .
Date Masamune 伊達政宗 (1567 - 1636)
. Akakeshi 赤芥子 Red Poppies Dolls
from Miyagi
. Folk Toys from Miyagi .
1 comment:
Japan dankt mit Pappmaché
Die Daruma-Puppe ist ein echtes Stehaufmännchen. Egal, wie oft man sie zu Boden drückt, die bunte Figur aus Pappmaché richtet sich immer wieder auf. Und so soll es auch Japan ergehen nach der Erdbeben- und Tsunamikatastrophe im vergangenen Jahr.
Berliner Kinder der Conrad-Grundschule und Schüler der Japanischen Internationalen Schule in Wannsee haben ein solches Daruma am Freitagabend bei einer Gedenkfeier in der Residenz der japanischen Botschaft auf den Weg geschickt, um den überlebenden Opfern in Japan Glück zu wünschen. Dazu malten sie ein Auge der Puppe aus. Das andere soll folgen, wenn die Wünsche in Erfüllung gegangen sind.
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