- Miharu dogs - see below
Miharu Daruma 三春だるま
Miharu hariko 三春張り子 papermachee dolls

Elongated form. Blue part around the pink face, light part of eyebrows turning up in the middle. Mouth in two parts with line in the middle. With eyes already painted. Golden pattern on red body with characters like FUKU, HOO. Wishfulfilling Jewel is another painting on the belly.
Another oval type with blue beard on lip and chin. Simple golden lines on the red robe, showing hands clasped under the robe.
Another type has a white body and also blue and green around the face. Big golden character FUKU on the belly. Usually given as a present.
福島県といえば張子であろう。現在も三春をはじめ福島、船引、白河、磐梯熱海、会津若松、野沢の各地で張子人形が作られている。このほか、富岡や久之浜にも最近まで張子があった。張子人形の代表はだるまである。デコ屋敷(郡山市高柴地区)で作られる三春だるまは、頭が平らで顔の彫りは深く、睨み顔の周囲を青く縁取りし、出っ腹なのが特徴。デコ屋敷の“デコ”は“でく(木偶=人形)”が訛ったもので、いずれも橋本姓を名乗る五軒の張子屋が、だるまのほか面や三春人形(天神、歌舞伎、動物などを題材とした人形)を競って製作している。左のだるま22cm。(H16. 11/26)
© 佐藤 研 (仙台市)

Daruma Market ...
I come to find good luck
and he stares back at me
source : sinsenbikan

About the Daruma Market in Miharu
Miharu Daruma Fair 三春だるま市 Miharu Darumaichi
Held on the 15th of January in Miharu-machi(三春町) near Koriyama, Fukushima prefecture. This event dates back over 300 years. It features a Daruma, numerous roadside stands, and a drum meet (taiko taikai 太鼓大会). It will be held on the street in front of the Omachi Public Hall, 10 minutes by bus or a 20 minute walk from Miharu Station.
. Daruma Markets / 達磨市
More than 70 stalls seling all kinds of goods. Performance of Drummers and Dancers.

Since more than 300 years ago in the area, along with the Daruma of Shirakawa.
. . . . . www.town.miharu.fukushima.jp/
Daruma from Miharu for reconstruction

With many messages

復興 。福島の三春 Fukkoo Daruma
source : kitaro.chaya
. . . . .

source : Yamadaruma 山田るま
. Japan after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011
This Daruma reminds of of the famous
takizakura 滝桜 "waterfall cherry tree" of Miharu.

1,000-year-old cherry tree blooming in Fukushima
A cherry tree more than 1,000 year old is blooming in Fukushima Prefecture, northeastern Japan.
The 13-meter tall cherry tree in Miharu town is designated as a national natural treasure. The town is located about 50 kilometers west of the troubled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant.
On Monday, the town officially declared the start of the tree blossoms.
Because the branches appear like water falls, the tree is nicknamed Takizakura, or waterfall cherry.
The blossoms appeared 10 days later than usual due to cold weather.
One visitor said she was deeply moved to see the tree and prayed for the prefecture's quick recovery from the nuclear disaster.
source : www3.nhk.or.jp
sennen no toki ga nagaruru sakura kana
A thousand years
flow through cherry blossom :
Mille ans
coulent à travers des fleurs :
- Shared by Taro Aizu -
Joys of Japan, 2012

source : blog.nihondorei.com
about 16 cm high, 14 cm wide
. hahako 母子 / 母と子 mother and child dolls .
. Inu 戌 / 犬 Dog toys and dolls .
Miharu no hari-e hariko 三春の貼り絵張子
papermachee dolls with pictures pasted on them

. Regional Folk Toys from Japan .
koshidaka tora 腰高虎 tiger holding his hip up
. Tora トラ - 虎 - 寅 Tiger Toys .
. Folk Toys from Fukushima .
- #miharudolls #miharu -
1 comment:
小槌抱きねずみ mice sitting on the mallet of Daikoku
papermachee dolls
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