Bushuu Daruma from Edo 武州だるま Bushu Daruma
Koshigaya Daruma 越谷だるま
This is a special papermachee Daruma from a store near the temple of Kawasaki Daishi. This Daruma was also called "Daishi Daruma".

伝統工芸師 島田 和明さん
On the following link you can see most of the process of making this Daruma. The present maker, Shimada san, is in the 14th generation of making this doll.
The form has to dry.

Now the face is painted.

It takes about one week to finish one doll.
Look at it here with more details:
General index of the shop of Shimada san
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Doll Making in Saitama
Japanese dolls, traditional crafts well known for their delicate and graceful beauty, are popular souvenirs for overseas travelers. Did you know that nearly half the number of Japanese dolls sold in Japan are manufactured in Saitama?
The production of dolls has been going on since long ago in Saitama, which has been blessed with plentiful paulownia wood as material for dolls and water of good quality to dissolve the white pigment used to paint dolls.
Dolls are produced in Iwatsuki, Kounosu, Tokorozawa, and Koshigawa in Saitama, among which Iwatsuki and Kounosu are the largest production areas; dolls produced in these areas are famous nationwide. The main streets in town are lined with doll manufacturers, which look as if they were doll-dedicated streets. People visiting these places will find that each store is crammed with dolls manufactured by artisans who put their hearts and souls into their creation.
Iwatsuki and Kounosu are famous for their dolls' festivals as well including the Bikkuri Hina Matsuri (lit. Surprise Japanese Doll Festival), which features Japan's highest tiered doll stand, and the Iwatsuki Festival, which features pleasant Manto Mikoshi (a lighted portable shrine) and doll costume parades.
The two areas of production hold these doll-related festivals to boost the production of traditional dolls in Saitama.
- source : sainokuni-kanko.jp -
Bushuu Daruma is also a type that comes from Koshigaya in Saitama prefecture.
越谷だるま(武州だるま)Koshigaya Daruma.
The one on the left in the picture below.
Koshigaya goshiki Daruma 越谷五色だるま
in five colors (the small ones)

The belly had no inscription in the older days, but now the character for good luck, FUKU, 福, is inscribed.
... Fuji Musume 藤娘
... Benkei 釣鐘弁慶
Osato daruma 大里だるま
Ukiya no goshiki Daruma 浮谷 五色だるま
(from Saitama town)
Koshigaya Daruma 越谷だるま

In the last few years, the production has risen to more than 50000 pieces a year, mostly sold at the great Daruma fairs in Kawasaki, Shibamata Taishaku and other markets around Tokyo. But this Daruma is loved from Hokkaido to Kyushu by all Japanese.


White Daruma from Koshigaya
. Koshigaya Daruma as a flower vase
kabin Daruma 花瓶ダルマ .
DARMA Formless FormlessDesign
- - - - - and
hi no yoojin 火の用心 take care of fire
Big Daruma in front of Koshigaya Fire Department
Sunahara hariko 砂原張子 papermachee dolls from Sunahara

CLICK for more photos !
Apart from Daruma dolls there are foxes, Tengu masks, and many others.
Many are sold at the local shrine festival of
Musashi DairokuTen Jinja 武蔵第六天神社 in Iwatsuki.
. Dairoku TenJin Sha 第六天神社 Hanno town .

Sunahara Kitsune Hariko 砂原狐張子 Fox papermachee doll
neri ningyoo form Koonosu Town 練り人形

source : narumi/clinic/gangu
tsukune ningyoo 捏(つく)ね人形
made from forming clay into doll forms.
Reference : 練り人形 photos
Hagino San, another Daruma Maker in Koshigaya

His Daruma are more white and the nose is more protruding. He makes Daruma together with his mother and his wife.
Japanese Link about the Daruma from Saitama Prefecture,
including the ones mentioned above.
越谷だるまは他の産地のだるま等に比較して、色が白く、鼻がやや高く、上品で優しい顔立ちが特色です。だるま作りには、型取りから下張り、ひげ描きまでいくつかの手作業での工程があります。 なかでもだるまの生命ともいえるひげ描きには穂先の長い面相筆を使い、大小にかかわらず同じ筆で描きます。そのせいか、だるま一つ一つみな表情が異なり、個性的です。
Funado Daruma 船渡だるま from Funado town
. . . also read as
Funawatashi 船渡の張り子 Funawatashi papermachee dolls

Funado Hariko dolls 船渡張り子, made in Koshigaya town since the Meiji time. They also made foxes, Tengu and tigers.

source : asahi-net.or.jp
tako sanbasoo 蛸三番叟 tako sanba 蛸三番
octopus dancing the Sanbaso
. Sanbasoo 三番叟 Sanbaso Dancer .
- Introduction -
Sanbaso is an auspicious dance, often performed during the New Year season.
A link with pictues from Shimodate, where the Bushuu Daruma are burned in an official ceremony on the 15th of January, dondo-yaki ドンと焼き

Read my story about
Kukai, Kobo Daishi 弘法大師 空海 (Kuukai, Kooboo Daishi)
. Regional Folk Toys from Japan .
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