Yonago Daruma 米子だるま

The Papermachee dolls of Daruma from Yonago are made by the members of the Old People's Club in Kaike Hot Spring Village. They started around 1980 and this has become quite a happy hobby for the elders.
Kaike Hot Spring at the Ocean Front
Yonago has two prominent onsens—at both ends of the price spectrum. The first is the Kaike Ocean Onsen. This one’s located in the heart of Kaike. It’s 1,100 yen, but that includes a large and small towel and a yukata (upon request). There are a couple indoor pools (hot and cold) and a large rocky rotemburo.
This one’s nice when it’s snowing—you’re in a hot pool though the air and precipitation are cold! There is a large relaxation area with recliners. Upstairs is a snack bar and entertainment area. This is somewhere you could bring a book and stay all afternoon!
More about Hot Springs in Tottori prefecture
Official Japanese Page of Kaike Onsen
Kaike Hot Spring is one of the top 100 places for viewing the Morning Sun !

皆生温泉から見る朝日は、国立公園・大山の方向から昇るため、雄大な山容がシルエットとなり、幻想的な風情を醸し出します。少し早起きして海岸線を散策 すると、潮騒の奏でるメロディーも心地よく、一層ロマンチックな気分に浸れることでしょう。 なお、皆生温泉は夕陽の情景も一見の価値があります。皆生温泉にお越しの際は、日の入り前にチェックインされることをお勧めします。
Here is a link to my own trip in the area in Spring 2005.
Click on the Haiku to get there.
spring wind -
the mind just soars and soars
and soars
. Folk Toys from Tottori .
Izumo Kaido ... Yonago
Alphabetical Index of the Daruma Museum
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