Otafuku, O-Tafuku, O-Fuku Daruma
お多福だるま、お福達磨, お福だるま
There are many examples at Kodomobeya.

Great Link for many Papermachee Dolls.
This O-Fuku Daruma comes in various shapes.

© paperboy&co / Snow Factory
柏お福だるま Kashiwa O-Fuku Daruma

Source : 工房夢舞 Kobo MuMu
. Saitama Folk Art - 埼玉県 .

Daruma seoi 達磨背負い carrying Daruma
matsutake seoi o-kame 松茸背負いおかめ
O-Kame carrying mushrooms on her back
- reference source : popeye.sakura.ne.jp/saitama... -
Onna Daruma
Oiran to Daruma 花魁と達磨 Daruma and the Courtesans (geisha)
Tatoo - O-Kame Daruma
Daruma Museum - Fukusuke 福助だるま
Husband of O-Fuku

. Tenugui 手ぬぐい Small Towels .

. . . CLICK here for O-Kame Photos !
Okame, Okamesan おかめ【お亀/阿亀】
is another name for O-Tafuku.
O-Kame san
She derived from Ame no Uzume アメノウズメ
天宇受賣命, 天鈿女命, 天宇受売神

A goddess of mirth, mentioned already in the Kojiki. The first masks of O-Kame where used for Kyogen performances and have maybe shown the ultimate of female beauty.
She danced in front of the stone cave where the sun goddess had hidden. Her lascivious dance made the goddess laugh and come out to this world again.
. . . CLICK here for 天鈿女命 Photos !
Later she changed into a funny round face, sometimes identified with the cheap courtesans of the Edo period.
Ame-no-Uzume-no-mikoto (天宇受売命, 天鈿女命) Ama no Uzume
is the goddess of dawn and revelry in the Shinto religion of Japan. Her name can also be pronounced as Ama-no-Uzume.
The Great Persuader, The Heavenly Alarming Female.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !
- - - - - and her partner,
. 猿田彦 Sarutahiko .

Otafuku: Joy of Japan
Amy Katoh
Anywhere you go in Japan you are likely to encounter the plump, smiling image of Otafuku. Author Amy Sylvester Katoh traces the roots and folk beginnings of this mythic figure, showing Otafuku's many delightful identities, and providing a magical glimpse into this charming character who has become a national icon.
With a mixture of poems, photographs, anecdotes, and stories, she presents a veritable treasure chest of surprises that is sure to enchant readers.
- amazon com -
. tsurushibina つるし雛 / 吊るし雛 small hanging hina dolls .

With the wish to bring a "lot of luck" (ta fuku) to the child.

Mask of O-Kame, click for more photos !
. tori no ichi 酉の市 (とりのいち)
market on the day of the rooster
okame-ichi おかめ市(おかめいち) maket for masks of "o-kame"
okame おかめ【阿亀】 is a woman with a flat, round face.
This is an auspicious item for happy couples, together with the kumade sold at the fair.
With this name, her husband is Hyottoko ひょっとこ.
This is short for Hi Otoko 《「ひおとこ(火男)」, a man in the fire. His face is distorted like a man who uses a bamboo stick to blow into a fire.
This mask is often used for comical rural Kaguya dance performances at the local Shinto Shrine.
In Iwate Prefecture, there is a myth about the origin of Hyottoko. In that story, there was a boy with a bizarre face who could create gold out of his belly button. When someone died in a house, you would put the mask of this boy at the top of the fireplace to bring good fortune to the house. The name of the boy was hyoutokusu (ヒョウトクス). This is considered as one of the possible name of the origin of Hyottoko.
Hyottoko appears in traditional dance Dengaku (田楽). He plays the role of a clown.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

Hyottoko Daruma as clay bell

Here O-Kame comes in an advertisement for Natto, fermented soy beans , with O-Kame san.

. . . CLICK here for 達磨おかめ Photos !
. . . CLICK here for O-Kame Photos !
. Choosa tsuchi ningyoo 帖佐土人形 Chosa clay dolls .
Hyottoko figure
. Men, omote 面 masks of Japan .
火男 Hyottoko
- reference source : 伊豆面工房 Izu Men Kobo Shop for masks -
Izu, Shizuoka

Okame and Hyottoko as a chopstick rest
for a good couple
. Chopstick rest 箸置け hashioki .

source : solotama
tonbodama beads とんぼ玉 for good luck
. Tonbodama とんぼだま【蜻蛉玉】
Dragonfly Glass Beads .
Okame hyottoko odoru yubisaki kara karete
O-Kame and Hyottoko
dancing - from the fingertips
Takahashi Kyoko 髙橋京子

Usobuki, Usofuki 嘘吹き - (空吹き)
(not to mix with Hyottoko)

Usofuki (or sometimes, Usobuki), is the smallest of the characters, representing the meaninglessness of the human condition in its impotent apex. Its eyes look surprised, but it is unable to scream or roar; it can only whistle, discretely, cowardly, inconsequentially. Hence, Usofuki also being used as the representation of insects and small animals. Hence, again, the origins of its own name: "uso" meaning lie, and "fuki" meaning to blow, to whistle.
As a representation of the human condition, it is exaggerated and comedic. As an esoteric principle, it is precise in the form it depicts the action of man and the turns of Fortune: tragedy arising from the whisper of a lie.
- source : maskdictionary.blogspot.jp

source : blog.nihondorei.com
clay bells with Choroken and O-Tafuku
. choroken ちよろけん / ちょろけん Choroken .
A street performance custom 長老舞 in Kyoto and Osaka.
With 'bekuhai,' drinkers can't put down their cups until they are empty
April 04, 2015
A "bekuhai" drinking cup in the shape of Hyottoko, right, and another modeled after Okame
A unique drinking culture has developed in Kochi Prefecture, which faces the Pacific Ocean, along with a long-established drinking game.
Blessed with a rich supply of fresh seafood, people often hold a banquet to enjoy the nature's offerings extravagantly served on plates and drink with one another.
It is said there is no signal to call it a day, and partygoers end up going around the place and drinking with people they don't even know.
On such occasions, "bekuhai" drinking cups come in handy.
Bekuhai come in different types, but Hyottoko and Okame-shaped ones are particularly delightful.
Hyottoko is a legendary character often portrayed as a clown and featured in local festivals, wearing a polka dot-patterned towel around his head and puckering his lips. Okame is the female version with apple-red cheeks.
There is an opening in the place of the mouth of Hyottoko to prevent the sake drinker from putting down the cup before it is empty. The hole must be covered with a finger when sake is poured.
The cups come with a dice featuring Hyottoko, Okame and other illustrations, which is rolled to determine which cup the drinker should drink from.
Senchu Hassaku from the Tsukasabotan Shuzo brewery is highly recommended for drinking from bekuhai cups. Beloved by local people for its dry taste, the sake is also mild-tasting.
oni wa soto 鬼は外 "Demons, get out!"
「鬼は―外! 福は―内!」
. setsubun 節分 "seasonal divide" rituals - Introduction .
and O-Fuku with Daikoku and Ebisu
okame おかめ / 面 face mask
Once an 鳴物師 instrument maker picked up the mask of おかめの面 O-Kame san. Since he had picket it up, his family experienced a lot of misfortune. And every time before something bad happened, the mask opened her mouth and laughed. He finally broke the mask and burned it in a fire. But even after everything was reduced to ashes, when he turned around the mask was again sitting on the chest of drawers, with an open mouth, laughing loudly.
Legends from Taito ward, Tokyo
達磨担ぎお福 Two O-Fuku carrying Daruma san
This is a special auspicious combination.
Tsutsumi ningyoo 堤人形 Tsutsumi dolls
Miyagi, Sendai
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