Onna Daruma, Daruma as a Woman
女達磨 女だるま 女ダルマ
Daruma News 2005, Nr. 7 had an interesting contribution about the female Daruma.
Murakami san listed 30 dolls from his collection.
1 China, Ban futoo from Rakuyoo 洛陽の搬不倒
2 China, Santooshoo Shangdongsheng, Hoimin no Ban futoo 山東省
3 Korea, Ottoki 韓国のオットキ
ottoki in Korean means okiagari, go fall down and get up again. The dolls come in male and female form.
30 Myanmar (Burma).
Little dolls are sold at the entrance to the many pagodas of Burma.

Female Daruma from Japan
5 Made by Bui Hachi'emon 武井八右衛門
6 Made by Kasama Banjiroo 笠間幡次郎、筑前山川村
7, 11 from Kagoshima 鹿児島

H12.7×W7.7×D8.6(cm) 88.6(g)
粘土、塗、紙、張り子、墨書 / 破損、剥離・接着不良、よごれ
特別展「大正昭和くらしの博物誌 ‐ 民族学の父・渋沢敬三とアチック・ミューゼアム ‐」
8 from Hiroshima 広島の女達磨

H13.2×W8.5×D8.9(cm) 57.0(g)
粘土、塗、紙、張り子、墨書、スタンプ / 亀裂、破損、剥離・接着不良、わん曲・変形、変色・退色、よごれ
「屋根裏の博物館 ‐ 実業家渋沢敬三が育てた民の学問 ‐」展
9, 21 from Kaga 加賀の女達磨
. Kanazawa hariko 金沢張子 papermachee dolls .
made by Nakajima Menya from Kanazawa 金沢の中島めんや
21: Hachiman okiagari 八幡起き上がり, 八幡起上り
(there are different Hachiman Okiagari from Shikoku).
Hachiman Oki-agari from Watanabe San . 泉王子だるま
10 from Fukuoka Pref. Yanagigawa 福岡県、柳川の女達磨
made by Yamashita Jinsaburoo 山下仁三郎

Meoto Daruma, Enmusubi and more Happy Couples 夫婦だるま
12, 13, 14 from Osaka 大阪の女達磨
15, 16 from Kyoto 京都の女達磨
17 from Takamatsu
with a green robe.
Takamatsu Daruma 高松張子、
18 from Ashiya 芦屋の女達磨, Fukuoka pref.
19 from Kurayoshi, Tottori pref. 倉吉の女達磨
20 from Matsuyama 松山の女だるま(姫だるまとは違う)
Tenkin Daruma with a golden head, 天金
Princess Daruma from Matsuyama
Himeji no Daruma - Daruma from Himeji 姫路のだるま ...
Matsuyama no Kinten Daruma 松山の金天だるま with a golden head
22 from Okaya 岡谷の女達磨
. 23 from Tosa 土佐の女達磨 .
made by Yamamoto Koosenn 山本香泉
. . . . . Kochi Onna Daruma 高知女だるま
24 from Kooshuu 甲州の女達磨
Kooshuu Daruma, Takeda Shingen
25 from Toyokawa 豊川の女達磨
Mikawa Daruma, Daruma from Toyokawa and Toyohashi ... by Gabi Greve
26 from Moji 門司の女達磨
27 from Takeda 竹田の女達磨
Takeda no Hime Daruma - Princess Daruma from Takeda ...
28 from Ibaragi 茨城の女達磨
29 from Goboo, Wakayama Pref. 御坊の女達磨
a pair of male and female
姫だるま, Hime Daruma, Princess Daruma
is a different matter. I will take it up in more detail.
Hime Daruma Dolls 姫達磨 姫だるま Introduction
. Komatsu Nyoin Daruma 小松女院だるま .
from Bungo 豊後, Beppu, Kyushu
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Oiran, Daruma and the Courtesans, Onna Daruma
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