. Aichi Folk Art - 愛知県 .
- Nishio clay dolls, see below
Dolls from Nagoya /名古屋張子だるま

Nagoya Daruma with a headband
The eyes can be painted in later.
In Nagoya, two types of dolls are produced, clay dolls and papermachee dolls.
Let us look at the clay dolls first.
Nagoya Clay Dolls - Nagoya tsuchi ningyoo

They are made in the tradition of Fushimi clay dolls.
In the beginning of Meiji period, one doll maker went to Fushimi (Kyoto) to learn the trade and brought it back to Nagoya. Before the war there were two families producing them, later only Mr. Noda Suekichi was left. He made a lot of different clay dolls but very few Darumas. One of his favourite is a tiny clay bell with a Daruma or a Princess Daruma. When he passed away at age 86 in 1989, nobody picked up the trade after him. A lot of his works are exhibited at the Castle of Nagoya.
The two sisters Hatsu and Koo Yamada also made claydolls during the beginning of the Showa period, but their art has died out too. They were also called after the temple where they were sold as talismans to protect the silk production, Eikoku-ji Clay Dolls.
Please look at the HP to see more examples.
Dolls for the Childrens Festival
Nagoya Sekku Ningyoo 名古屋節句人形

野田さんの土人形 clay dolls from Mr. Noda
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
They have been out of production in the early Meiji period, but revived now by the Noda family 野田家, as souvenirs for the shrine Atsuta jingu 熱田神宮 and other shrines and temples in the town. During the Edo period they were quite popular, it seems Ito Tomomatsu 伊藤友松 started the tradition.

牛若丸 Ushiwakamaru doll
from 野田末成 Noda Suenari
. 牛若丸 Ushiwakamaru .
源の義経 Minamoto no Yoshitsune - (1159 - 1189)
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
There is also a
ningyoo zuka 人形塚 memorial mound for dolls with the famous "manju eating boy"
built in 1933.

There is even a telephone card with these dolls:

. Museum with dolls from Noda .

MORE photos
source : nagoyatutiningyo
. manju kui ningyo 饅頭食い人形 Eating Manju .
Papermachee Dolls form Nagoya
Nagoya Hariko 名古屋張子

Most of the Nagoya papermachee dolls were made before the war but the trade has not continued. Mr. Noda made some too, mostly Sumo wrestlers and some legendary figures.

The first Daruma of this kind,
Hachimaki Daruma 鉢巻だるま, were made in Kyoto, but during the beginning of the Meiji period they started to be made in Nagoya, too. They were quite popular for a time, but nowadays there is just one producer of them and they are hard to get.
Some are made without eyes, but most of them have eyes and wear a headband with blue dots. Their facial expression is rather simple.
The lady Daruma at the left side is a roly-poly doll called
"Okororin" おころりん. She is a talisman for the silk production.
Have a look at more pictures on the HP.
. Nagoya karakuri ningyoo 名古屋 からくり人形
mechanical dolls from Nagoya .
The lunchbox producer DARUMA in Nagoya has a large picture of Daruma on the wall of the building.

名古屋の駅弁 Nagoya Daruma Bento
The Tokugawa Art Museum in Nagoya
Tokugawa Bijutsukan 徳川美術館
. Reference .
. Nagoya matsuri 名古屋祭り Nagoya Festival
Nishio ningyoo 西尾人形 Nishio Dolls
Nishio town 西尾市 is a leading producer of powdered green tea.
The Mikawa area has been inhabited since prehistoric times, as attested by finds of pottery shards from the Jōmon period and the megalithic Kofun tomb in Kira, the oldest in the Mikawa Province.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

Nishio no inu 西尾の犬 dog from Nishio
. 大黒 Daikoku .
. 恵比須 Ebisu .
. Kira no Akauma 吉良の赤馬 .
Kira Kozukenosuke 吉良上野介
. kirara suzu きらら鈴 Kirara bells .
. rokkaku goma 六角ごま spinning top with six corners .
. Ushiwakamaru 牛若丸 .

西尾土人形 Nishio Clay Dolls
. Toys and Talismans from Japan .
- #nagoyadolls #nagoyadaruma #nishio -
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