Yakko Daruma / 奴だるま
First let me explain what YAKKO 奴 means.
. Clay Yakko Dolls From Tsuyama /津山の奴土鈴
Introducing the Yakko halberd-bearers and servants of a Daimyo.

yakko shoogatsu 奴正月(やっこしょうがつ)
New Year holiday for the yakko servants
kigo for the New Year
Now let us talk about YAKKO Daruma in Japanese folk art a little more.
Maybe the most famous are the dolls made of laquer from Oouchi in Yamaguchi Prefecture. They are made from local wood, covered with tree laquer (本漆) and decorated with goldleaf foil. A lot of dolls and other pieces are made in this way, so have a look at the following Yakko Daruma. On the left you find two pictures of Oouchi Yakko Daruma. This is the second type of Oouchi Daruma
Oouchi Daruma / 大内だるま
Made from Laquer and Wood 漆のもの

. Ouchi Ningyo 大内人形 Yakko Laquer Dolls from Yamaguchi

. Folk Toys from Yamaguchi .
Yakko Daruma made from Stone 石の奴だるま
This one is made in China and sold in Japan. 中国産です at Ashiyoshidai in Western Japan.
Made from chirimen material / ちりめんでできた奴
. chirimen ちりめん / 縮緬 crepe silk .
was the name of the lowest social position in the Edo society, the simple workers of a daimyo household. They were the chuugen 中間(ちゅうげん)」 or orisuke 折助(おりすけ. yakko, most probably derived from the "child of the house", member of the household, ie no ko 家つ子 iekko. They came from poor farming families and did hard labour, carrying the luggage of the lord during traveling. They used to wear simple square jackets (hanten) with a square as decoration, kuginuki mon 釘抜紋.
WASHOKU - hiyayakko, hiya yakko 冷奴 "cold guy",
"kalter Bursche"

source : rakuten.co.jp/ujichaen
chopstick rest 箸置 from Kiyomizuyaki pottery 清水焼
. tako 凧 Kites of Japan - Introduction .

CLICK for more photos !
yakkodako, yakko tako 奴凧 kite with a Yakko
- quote -
Also of note is is the yakko dako.
A yakko was a lowly servant of a daimyo or nobleman and one of his jobs was to clear the roads and force the populace to kneel when his master’s entourage passed by.
The size and shape of a yakko dako depends on the area of Japan where it is made, but it is easily recognized by the wide sleeves that catch the wind and act as stabilizers instead of a tail.
Some yakko dako are also called hibuse 火伏せ(fire prevention) and are believed to protect against fire, an ever-present danger in old Japan where an overturned lamp or uncontrolled cooking fire could easily raze an entire neighborhood of paper-and-wood built houses. Symbolically, the yakko dako cuts through the wind and reduces its power to fan the flames of destruction.
- source : japanesqueaccents.com -
. Edo Yakko 江戸奴凧 Yakko kite from Edo .

. Kyushu Yakko kites 九州の奴凧 .
ura yakko tako 裏奴凧 Yakko from the backside from Usuki臼杵
. Shizuoka Yakko kites 静岡の奴凧 .
shoosuke yakko 庄助奴凧 Yakko names Shosuke
ashinagayakkodako, ashinaga yakko 足長奴凧
kite with a "long-legged Yakko"
. Tokushima Yakko kites 徳島の奴凧 .
Awa yakkodako 阿波奴凧 Yakko kite from Awa

source : youchan.com/japanese
manhole from Shizuoka 静岡県 マンホール
- #yakko #yakkodako -
carrying luggage in the Edo period
koori 行李 box to carry luggage
a wicker trunk
Matsuo Basho
en naru yakko ima yoo hana ni roosai su
the alluring Yakko fellows
now enjoy blossom viewing
and sing the Rosai song
Tr. Gabi Greve
Written in 天和2年, Basho age 39.
about the Rosai song
roosaibushi, rōsaibushi 弄斎節 rosai-bushi
Fudo Myo-O , Tanuki and a Yakko
Taniku Fudo - Fudo Tanuki 狸不動 不動狸
Awa yakkodako 阿波奴凧 Yakko kite from Awa
Yakkodako 奴凧 is one of the most well-loved kites in Japan. It is very difficult to fly without a tail, so children often attach about 3 meters of tails made by newspaper slips or other tape.
Now there is only one store in Tokushima which makes this kite.
Aburahi Jinja 油日神社 Aburahi Shrine, Shiga
Yakkofuri 奴振 Yakko-furi
and Taiko Odori 太鼓踊 Drum Dance
This festival is held every five years on May 1. The last time was in 2016
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