. neko Daruma 猫だるま Daruma as a cat .
Cats and Daruma 招き猫とだるま Manekineko
midday heat ...
my cat sleeps
with her paper doll

LOOK : August 2008
Sleeping Cat with Daruma
and with Princess Daruma

September 29 is the Day of the Manekineko !
- source : monmon cats : daruma cat print -
The Maneki Neko (招き猫, literally "Beckoning Cat"; also known as Welcoming Cat, Lucky Cat, Money cat or Fortune Cat) is a common Japanese sculpture, often made of porcelain or ceramic, which is believed to bring good luck to the owner. The sculpture depicts a cat (traditionally a Japanese Bobtail) beckoning with an upright paw, and is usually displayed—many times at the entrance—in shops, restaurants, pachinko parlors, and other businesses.
Some of the sculptures are electric or battery-powered and have a slow-moving paw beckoning. In the design of the sculptures, a raised right paw supposedly attracts money, while a raised left paw attracts customers.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !
Together with Daruma, it is even more auspicious !

CLICK thumbnail for more photos !

Tama Papermachee Doll 多摩張子 だるま抱き猫
Maneki-neko .. ..
This cat belongs to the Tama Papermachee Dolls. It was bought at the home of Aida san.
Look at more pictures on the link above.
. Tokyo and Edo Folk Art .
Legends around the Beckoning Cat
- quote -
Tokyo temple’s beckoning cats keep visitors purring in
by Yoshiaki Miura
A five-minute walk from Miyanosaka Station on the Tokyu Setagaya Line, Gotokuji Temple in Tokyo’s Setagaya Ward offers a fun sight for visitors.
By a path leading to the main temple sit a huge number of bright white cat figures placed around a statue of Kannon, the goddess of mercy. Many tourists visit just to take photos.
These are maneki neko, beckoning cats, figures that are believed to bring good luck and are said to have originated at the temple.

Legend has it that during the Edo Period, a chief priest at the temple, had a cat he cared for very much. One day, feudal lord Ii Naotaka passed by with his servants and saw the cat, which appeared to be waving at him to come inside.
Curious, they entered and were greeted by the priest. As the priest served them tea and offered a sermon, a thunderstorm broke outside.
Grateful to the cat and the priest, Ii later donated rice crops and land to the then-poor temple, elevating it to prosperity. The temple became a designated cemetery for the Ii family, whose members served in central roles in the Tokugawa shogunate.
Today, the cats are a symbol of the area. Many maneki neko goods are available in local shops, and feline figures dotted around the neighborhood make it a lovely place to walk.
- Look at many more photos :
- source : japantimes.co.jp/news/2016 -
.. .. .. .. .. Legend of the Old Woman in "Imado"
In the last part of Edo period (19th century), there was a old woman who lived in Imado, eastern part of Tokyo. Though she had kept a pet cat, her extreme poverty did not allow her to keep it any more. So she told her cat, "I'm sorry I have to abandon you under this poor situation".
On that night, the cat appeared in her dream and told her,
"Please make my image in clay.
It will surely bring a good luck to you".
When the old woman made the cat's image in clay following to her dream, guest visited her wishing to buy it. The more the old woman made the cat's images, the more guests visited her to buy them, and she could save money.
The cat's image in clay which relieved her from poverty was the origin of Manekineko.

Manekineko from Imadoyaki 招き猫 今戸焼

CLICK for more cats !
Tokyo 平河天満宮 Hirakawa Tenman-Gu
Maneki Neko, the lucky God born in Japan
About Maneki Neko Museum
It is the greatest beckoning cat museum in Japan which exhibits several thousands private collection by a couple Mr.Kanji Bando and Mrs.Chihiro Arakawa who act as the sponsor of a Japan Beckoning cat club. Former Japan Beckoning cat club and Beckoning Museum were at Tsumagoi mura Azuma gun,Gunma ken.(2000 ~2004)
The town of Seto is the Native land for Maneki Neko

The MANEKI NEKO Museum in Seto is one of the largest exclusive Museum in Japan where exhibiting private collection of thousands of items even a local toy to a curio thing and the miscellaneous goods for daily..
The museum shop and the gallery have also annexed.
- source : www.luckycat.ne.jp
Made by by 樋口節子さん Higuchi san

- - - with Daruma
Cat embracing Daruma だるま抱き猫

瑞穂町 Mizuho Town
Here is a cute cat holding her Dear Daruma

Cat with Daruma made from Japanese Rice Paper, Washi 和紙のだるま猫
. . . CLICK here for more Photos !
Piggy Bank with Cat and Daruma 猫舎だるまバンク


© PHOTOS : だるまさん色々
Here is my Photo Album with more beckoning cats and other lucky items (engimono).
Manekineko .. ..
Read my story about
ENGI-MONO - Things for Good Luck
... 縁起物とだるま

Present from Ishino san
shookon neko 招婚猫 cat calling for a wedding

- Hayashi-An is a maker of papermachee dolls. Look at their collection:
- reference source : Hayashi-An 林庵 -
"I hear heaven is so wonderful that nobody returned from it!
Can I go there, too, niya, ニャ . . .?"
.. .. .. Antique Cats of Asia and Japan
. Trocadero Antiques

Manekineko enjoying a beer
source : facebook lucky cat
Small cat with long ears and FUKU on the belly

Fudo Myo-O as a cat 不動明王 !

painting by runtatta ルンタッタ / ふどうみょうおうにゃんこ
source : runtatta0429.blog8
. Fudo Myo-O 不動明王 Acala Vidyârâja
and his manekineko versions !!

source : kinnyanko.blog.fc2.com
. Neko Yakushi 猫薬師 Yakushi Nyorai and the Cat .
- Introduction -
ryooen manekineko 良縁招き猫
beckoning cat for a good match
ketchien manekineko 結縁招き猫
"to bind things together in luck"

Two cats together, for even more good luck. The one on the right is the female.
From shrine Imado Jinja in Tokyo.
Imado Shrine 今戸神社, Imado jinja
is a Japanese shrine located in Imado where north part of Tokyo Asakusa. It is one of the Shichifukujin (七福神) Shines of Asakusa, and enshrined Fukurokuju (福禄寿). The history of the shrine begins at 1063 by Yoshitomo Minamoto and Yoshiie Minamoto. It is very famous for the birth place of fortune cat (招き猫, manekineko), and last place of Soji Okita(沖田総司), the greatest samurai warrior of Shinsengumi(新撰組). Now, it is well known as good luck shrine for love and marriage.
There are many good luck items for love and marriage with fortune cat.
source : mustlovejapan.com
. Amulets and Talismans from Japan - Edo .
maneki neko bringing fruit

source : 門司ヶ関人形工房 - Fukuoka
WASHOKU - - Folk Toys and Food

yoroi kabuto 鎧兜猫 cat in full armour

source : neuneu.jp/manekineko
made by Sakurai Makiko 櫻井魔己子
. kabuto ningyoo かぶと人形 dolls with helmets .
Musha ningyoo 武者人形 Samurai Dolls
hatsuharu ni maneki neko itte furu honya
The first day of spring
there is a welcoming cat
at the old bookshop.
. by Mr. Oyadomari

東北復興 祈願招き猫だるま
Beckoning good luck for Tohoku !
Thoughts on Fukushima:
maneki neko
can't lift her paw
- Shared by Elaine Andre -
Joys of Japan, 2012
There are many maneki neko made and sold to help the reconstruction of Tohoku and Fukushima these days
maneki neko -
she lifts her paws
higher than ever

source : waraku
Don't give up, Tohoku!
source : きよおと-KiYOTO
All kinds of wooden Easter eggs to help Tohoku !

Click for more photos !
. Japan - After the BIG earthquake .

source : item.rakuten.co.jp/zakkayafree
. Lucky Mouse, Cat and Daruma
招き猫とだるまと福ねずみ .
. komainu 狛犬 / 高麗犬 / 胡麻犬 "Korean Dog" .

Welcoming visitors at the Gate !
source : www.b-gunma.com/kaiunzi
狛犬ポジションに2匹の招き猫。 Two Manekineko like Komainu !
海雲寺 Kaiun-Ji The temple of beckoning cats 招き猫の寺
- Komainu Cats - facebook -

. Join the Maneki Cat Friends of Facebook ! .
- #neko #cat #daruma #katze -
Neko Jinja, Neko-jinja 猫神社 / ネコ神社 cat shrines
kamishimo manekineko かみしも招き猫 beckoning cat with a formal robe
made by 小澤 和賀代
Shizuoka, Kanaya dolls
oidashi neko 追い出し猫 cat to drive out illness and bad influence
byooma taisan 病魔退散 warding off disease - amulet with cat
Manekineko with a tsubaki camellia pattern
manekineko with an ebi lobster in its arms
五大猫明王 Five Meneki Neko Myo-O
like the five great Myo-O
kimekomi ningyoo 木目込人形 Kimekomi dolls
and maneki neko
This large solar powered maneki neko
beckoning cat is our largest size of solar toys.
Each cat is 34cm (13 inches) tall and comes in white with a red base.
Both the head and the left arm move!
Maneki Neko at my halloween party!
Have a look!
strawberry maneki neko
on fb
moo cow maneki neko
on fb
- - - - - Kappa dolls (kappa ningyoo 河童人形 ningyo) - - - - -
Kappa maneki neko
Buddhism and a Cat:
The Cat who went to Heaven
This is too great a mystery
For me to comprehend:
The mercy of the Buddha
Has no end.
This too beautiful a thing
To understand:
His garments touch the farthest
Grain of Sand.
Book by Elizabeth Coatsworth
Manekineko with
karakusa 唐草 / からくさ Karakusa art motives
karakusa moyoo 唐草模様 Karakusa pattern. Karakusa arabesque
Chinesischen Arabesken und Rankenornamente
Figure waffles (ningyooyaki 人形焼)
with manekineko !
Shogi game 将棋 and manekineko
Maneki Inari Fox まねき稲荷
富士浅間神社 - Aichi
Okkawa tsuchi ningyoo 乙川土人形 clay dolls from Okkawa
Kutaniyaki 九谷焼 Kutani Pottery, Kutani ware
elegant Manekineko
Legends about cats
Nekotsuki and Bakeneko
Shizuoka Ogasa district 小笠町
boonoya ningyoo 坊ノ谷人形 clay dolls from Bonoya valley
with a lively manekineko !
Kyoyo, Fushimi 伏見 clay doll
manekineko 招き猫親子 beckoning cat with children
by 六代目丹嘉 potter Tanka 6th generation
meneki neko doll from Imajuku Ningyo 今宿人形 dolls from Imajuku
brought from Hakata to Imajuku by 大橋清助 Ohashi Seisuke.
イオンモール常滑 - お多福 Tokoname
Maneki neko with covid Mask !
“Waneko” Studies: A Journey into Japan’s Cat Lore
Cat lover and doctor of veterinary science Iwazaki Eiji is also an investigator of cats and their related folklore. He is the author of Waneko no ashiato (Tracking Japan’s Cats), an introduction to Tokyo’s many cat-related shrines and temples. Here he talks about the deep connections between the people and cats of Japan, as reflected in cat lore all over the country.
The Imperial History of the Waneko
Cat Legends Abound
Legends of Old Yasaburō and the Nekomata
The Bakeneko and Manekineko of Edo
Vanishing Traditions
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