Jirochoo and Ishimatsu
次郎長だるま . 石松だるま
. Shimizu Daruma 清水だるま .

© PHOTO : www.daitoin.com
At the temple Daitooin (Daito-In 大洞院) in Shizuoka there is the grave of Ishimatsu.
Jirochoo was a yakuza, but later helped greatly to build the harbor of Shimizu.
One of his kobun was Mori no Ishimatsu, a straighforward guy, who lost one eye in a fight.
Jirochoo asked Ishimatsu to go to Kompira in Shikoku and repost a sword that he wanted to offer to the gods.
So off he went and his adventures are here
WASHOKU : Ishimatsu manjuu 石松まんじゅう
Manju in memory of Ishimatsu
at the shrine Kompirasan, Kotohira shrine, Konpira 金毘羅, Kagawa, Shikoku
Konpira san, Kompira san ... 金毘羅大権現 ...
Kotohira Shrine 琴平宮
and more DARUMA DOLLS !
Mori no Ishimatsu 森の石松 - (? - 1860)
Photos of Jirocho and Mori no Ishimatsu
They are the heroes of many stories, theater plays and movies.
. Ichimatsu Ningyoo 市松人形 Ichimatsu dolls .
周智郡森町 Suchi ward, Shizuoka
創作陶芸工房アートファーム - 主宰者 :仲田康生
Shimizu no Jirocho 清水次郎長

Japanese-style gangster (Yakuza). Born in Shizuoka, the adopted son of his uncle Jirohachi Yamamoto, who was a komedonya (middleman-merchant dealing in rice). Although his real name was Chogoro Yamamoto, he was called "Jirocho," which was short for "Jirohachi's Chogoro". He took over the komedonya after his uncle's death but soon turned into a gambler.
He built up his following and extended his influence, fighting over territories relating to the Fuji River and maritime transport. In the first year of the Meiji Era (1868), he was appointed Dochu tansakugata by the Government-General of the Eastern Expedition. In the same year, the warship Kanrin-maru of the old Edo Shogunate was attacked by new government troops while lying at anchor in the Shimizu harbor. Jirocho treated and buried the dead with sincere condolence and became acquainted with Tetsutaro Yamaoka, Takeaki Enomoto, and others.
After the Meiji Restoration, he engaged in development around the foot of Mt. Fuji and marine transportation business.
source : Copyright 2004 National Diet Library, Japan
. kyookaku 侠客 Kyokaku, "chivalrous Yakuza" .
The storytelling of "Mori no Ishimatsu"
Enmado no damashi-uchi, the surprize attack at Enma Temple Hall
Kodan is also known as Koshaku こうしゃく(講釈), which means the reading and explanation of religious texts. It began with readings and lectures of a teacher, reading from a text on a stand. These texts would include Buddhist, Confucian and Shinto classics, or edifying stories from Japanese or Chinese history. By the 18th and 19th centuries, Kodan became a type of entertainment performed in Yose variety theaters.
A storyteller sat at a desk (a reminder of the days when Kodan performers were supposed to be reading from precious texts) and would alternate between explaining the story as an omniscient narrator and taking different roles as a dramatic play. The climax of a story would often be a fight scene in a shotgun style punctuated by beats of a fan or wooden blocks. This speaking technique is the most distinctive feature of Kodan. An adaptation of this speaking technique in Kabuki can be heard in the spoken sections of Kanjincho.
source : jtrad.columbia.jp
. Folk Toys from Shizuoka .
. Japanese Persons - ABC list .
. Ichimatsu Ningyoo 市松人形 Ichimatsu dolls .
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