
Daruma from Oita


Princess Daruma from Takeda 竹田の姫達磨

Komatsu Nyoin Daruma 小松女院だるま


Princess Daruma from Takeda 竹田の姫達磨

She reminds us of the diligent wife of the samurai
Zaika Kanzaemon
雑賀勘左ヱ門 of the Oka clan in the old province of Bungo in Kyushu.

Once upon a time more than 300 years ago, there was the young girl Aya, wed into a Samurai family and thrown out of the house by her unfriendly mother in law on an icecold winter night. She had to stay in a shed braving cold and hunger for two days and was rescued by her husband just in time. The mother in law heard the story and came to see Aya, tears in her eyes and remorse for her harsh behaviour and from that day on the family lived happily together.
The diligence of Aya became the model for a tumbler doll in the fashion of Daruma, since he is the model for diligence too, meditating nine years in a cave. She is also called
Takeda Onna Daruma, the Lady Daruma of Takeda.

Aya endured spiritual and emotional conflict and found peace through living a pure and noble life. Words of the artist Mrs. Gotoo: "We can achieve a happy life by devoting ourselves to selfless love of others. I believe that if one can reach the state of this Himedaruma, one will be able to enjoy a life filled with good luck. A life without peril; in wich one's family is happy and one's business is fruitful."    

This Princess Daruma or Lady Daruma is one of the specialities of Oita prefecture and of course the village of Takeda. It is sold at various places throughout this area, especially at the souvenir shops at Oka castle. This doll is also called the "Roly-Poly Doll of Takeda", Takeda no Okiagari 竹田の起き上がり, but since 1931 it is usually called "Princess Daruma".

This papermachee doll is also called
"Lucky Lady" (fukuonna 福女)
and her face is really pretty. During the second night of the New Year, young people of the town of Takeda start running through the village at the cry of the cock and throw small Lady Daruma Dolls in the entrance of the homes. So all homes will have a lot of good luck during the coming year.

The small doll of the following picture was made by the first producer of this doll, Mrs. Gotoo, the bigger one by her daughter. If you cover the mouth of the bigger doll, the facial expression will change and she looks like crying. The face of the smaller one does not change if you cover any part, it will always look full of happiness. Maybe it is the rendering of the face of her daughter, who was still a young child when Mrs. Gotoo made this one.

Gotoo Himedaruma Store
source : 後藤姫だるま工房 大分県竹田市吉田889-1


"On the back of this kind-looking lady
we find a picture of the male symbol Hohoho....!"
優しい顔の背中に男性のシンボルが描かれています。 ぎょ!ぎょ!


Komatsu Nyoin Daruma 小松女院だるま

Made by Ogawa Shuuta 小川秀太 from Kusu village.

Once upon a time in the Heian period
the grandchild of Daigo Tenno named Lady Komatsu Nyoin 小松女院 fell in love with a samurai of low rank from the Bungo province and followed him into exile to Bungo.
His name was Kiyohara Masataka 清原正高 (some say he was the brother of Sei Shonagon).
When she arrived in Bungo, she found out that he was already married and she and her fellow ladies threw themselves into the waterfall Mikazuki no taki 三日月の滝 to die.
The pine where she deposited her stick and straw hat are still there.
kasakake no matsu 笠掛けの松.

Mikazuki waterfall in the shape of a crescent moon

The Bungo Kiyohara Family 豊後清原一族 When Emperor Daigo found out that Masataka had been with his grandchild, Komatsu, he banned him to Tajima and leter to Bungo. In 973 he arrived by ship in Hiji no shoo 日出庄 and made his way to Kusu village 久兼. He became involved with the daughter of a local regent and married her. Eventually the emperor forgave him and he could move back to Kyoto.


. Onna Daruma 女だるま Daruma as a Woman .

. Oita Folk Art - 大分県 .


Yakuri Daruma


Daruma from Yakuri 八栗だるま
八栗達磨 Yakuri Daruma

The Temple Yakuri-ji, Nr. 85 of the Shikoku Pilgrimage

CLICK for more photos

Before introducing the Yakuri Daruma you have to know a little about this temple. It stands on the slopes of Mt. Goken 五剣山 (Mt. Five Swords). Today, the 376.5m mountain does have only four peaks looking like as many swords thrust into it. The 5th peak slid down in 1707 in a big earthquake. These sheer peaks used to provide an ideal place for rigorous asceticism, making Yakuri-ji into a sort of seminary for ascetics. Even today not a few people climb up and down the cliffs by the chains as an ascetic practise.

The temple has been founded in 829. According to the history of the temple, before Kobo Daishi went to China to study Buddhism, he climbed this mountain and prayed that his studies may be fruitful and his journey be safe. He made an offering to the guardian god of the mountain by burying eight roasted chestnuts in the ground. When he returned to Japan, he visited this temple again, and saw five swords fall from heaven (thus the name of the mountain) as well as eight trees growing up from the roasted chestnuts.
Thus the temple was named "yakuri (yaguri)," meaning "eight chestnuts".

Another attraction of this temple is Kanki-ten 歓喜天, a Buddhist guardian divinity enshrined in Shooten-doo Hall. Kanki-ten, meaning "gods in ecstasy", is actually an elephant-headed god and goddess in an inseparable embrace, a motif of Ganesh of Hindu iconography adopted along with Buddhism. They are believed to share their pleasure with their worshippers, also bringing them marital happiness, family well-being and success in business. They attaract many people when the fire ceremony is performed on the 1st and the 16th of every month, even though they are open to the public only once every 50 years.

Kukai, Kobo Daishi
弘法大師 空海 (Kuukai, Kooboo Daishi)




Yakuri Daruma, me-nashi Daruma 八栗目無しだるま
Daruma without eyes

© PHOTO : mumu.ocnk.net

Yakuri Daruma 八栗だるま

These papermachee dolls are hard to get and in April of this year, I had asked the owner of the Hisaroku Store if he could get one for me. He was so kind to talk to his doll friends in the area and one person was willing to part with one of his Daruma dolls from Yakuri. Thank you so much, unknown Daruma friend! Now I will take the chance to tell you a little more about this one.

This Daruma used to be made by Mr. Yasuo Urushibara since about 1960 as a talisman for the nearby Yakuri temple, but he died in 1978. The tradition stopped for a while but now the widow, Mrs. Chioko Urushibara, makes a few.

This one is about 14 cm high. His beard is painted in an individual form with single strokes. His eyebrows are like half-moons facing up, but he has no pupils painted in the white round eyes. On the belly you can see a rendering of Mt. Five Swords. On the bottom the Chinese letters for Chiyo 千代, his late wife, are written.



On this HP about toys you can have a look at one Yakuri Daruma on the lowest picture. This one was sold at a store near the entrance of the cable car up the mountain, but now you cannot buy it there any more.

Some dolls from Takamatsu

© PHOTO : 全国郷土玩具の旅

. Papermachee and Clay Dolls from Takamatsu

. Folk Toys from Kagawa .


Daruma News ... だるまNEWS Vol. 18
Introducing SHIKOKU Daruma




Yakuri-ji no chijistu no ishizaka no kankyuu ni

the steep stone slope
up to temple Yakuri-Ji -
days getting longer

Izawa Masae 井沢正江




Takamatsu Dolls

[ . BACK to Daruma Museum TOP . ]

Papermachee and Clay Dolls from Takamatsu

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The story started HERE:

. Daruma-hunting in Takamatsu - and Konpira-san  

The store Hisaroku in Takamatsu

Here are the upper shelves full of papermachee dolls of the area. The picture in the back shows Mrs. Miyauchi Fusa.

Here are the lower shelves.

I got two papermachee dolls from Mrs. Mikiko Miyauchi 宮内ミキコ, which I had ordered in spring. Even Mikiko is only making only a few dolls per year now.

Sumo Wrestler Kuroiwa Daruma 黒岩 お相撲さんだるま
. . . . . He is 15 cm high and wears a red belt with his name on it. His body is quite individually modeled. On the bottom he has the signature of MIKIKO, Takamatsu Hariko, Miyauchi.

. Sumo 相撲  Sumo wrestling dolls .

Okame-san Daruma  おかめだるま
. . . . . She is 16 cm high and carries the same signature as the sumo wrestler. She wears a blue jacket over her red Kimono. Her facial expression is really cute

. Shoojoo 猩猩 /猩々 Shojo, a legendary drunkard


hookoosan 奉公さん Hokosan, the servant girl

She was one of the most well-loved papermachee dolls of Shikoku and Western Japan.
Her model is おまき O-Maki San, a dilligent servant girl to a princess. She sacrificed her own life, when her lady was ill. She took on herself the high fever of her lady and threw herself in the waves, washing away the illness of her mistress.
Later parents bought this doll, gave it to a child sick with fever and then threw the doll into the waves to wash away the illness.

Now it is an amulet against sickness and given to a girl at the time of marriage.
It is also a favorite souvenir for tourists.


kunuki Daruma, ku nuki Daruma 苦抜き達磨
Daruma taking away the pain

Once upon a time
an old man lived a lonely life, his dreams of getting back his former riches never came true.
One night he had a dream that he would find riches if he cut down the large kunugi oak tree in a corner of the Shinto shrine. Next morning he went to the shrine, and found the big tree. When he hit it with his ax, from the wound in the tree trunk came a small Daruma doll rolling out.
Now the old man realized that he should not follow wrong dreams of riches but live in penance every day and be happy whith what he got.
Another version
tells of an old tree with no special value and just a small hole among its roots, where the Daruma was sitting. He took the Daruma home and prayed to it every day for guidance to achieve a calm mind.

kunugi 櫟 Quercus acutissima - a pun with 苦抜き ku nuki, ku o nuku.


. Gangu 玩具伝説, omochcha おもちゃ  toy, toys and legends .


tamatori ningyoo 珠取人形 Doll with a Treasure Ball

Dolls by 大崎豊五郎 Osaki Bungoro

金比羅犬, 嫁入り人形 and many more samples:
- source : 大崎文仙堂 -


. Daruma from Yakuri 八栗だるま


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Click for more photos from Takamatsu Hariko Dolls !

Shikoku Daruma ... Introduction

. Regional Folk Toys from Japan - KAGAWA.




Tamashima Dolls Kurashiki

[ . BACK to Daruma Museum TOP . ]

Tamashima Daruma 玉島だるま
Tamashima papermachee dolls 玉島張子
Kurashiki, see below

Ryokan san and Tamashima Daruma

Ryokan is one of my best friends and teachers of the heart, and I hope he will become your friend too. His name can be spelled in many ways, like Ryoukan, Ryohkan, or Ryookan. He is one of the most well loved monk-poets that walked the roads of the poor of Japan.

Ryokan (1758-1831) (Nickname: Great Fool、Taigu 大愚)
He lives on as one of Japan's best-loved poets, the wise fool who wrote of his humble life with such directness.
Ordained as a Soto Zen priest and certified as a master, Ryokan chose to express his practice of the Way through living as a hermit in the countryside, begging for his food as was done by the Buddha and His disciples in ancient India.
Ryokan had no disciples, ran no temple, and in the eyes of the world was a penniless monk who spent his life in the snow country of Mt. Kugami in Northern Japan. He admired most the Soto Zen teachings of Dogen Zenji and the unconventional life and poetry of Zen mountain poet Han-shan.

"Who says my poems are poems?
These poems are not poems.
When you can understand this,
Then we can begin to speak of poetry."

Ryokan never published a collection of verse while alive. His practice consisted of sitting in zazen meditation, walking in the woods, playing with children, making his daily begging rounds, reading and writing poetry, doing calligraphy, and on occasion drinking wine with friends.

He got his Buddhist name from his teacher, the Priest Kokusen at the temple Entsu-Ji 円通寺 in Tamashima, after many years of practise in 1790. His certificate said: "RYOO (meaning GOOD) seems foolish, but the road is very WIDE (reading: KAN)".

Ryokan, who loved people and has been loved by generations of people since, seems to be telling us something even today.

He lived for 20 years in a small hermitage at the slope of Mt. Kugami 国上山(くがみやま)in Echigo province, Northern Japan. I visited this "Go-goo-An" (Gogo-An, 五合庵) many years ago, way up in the hills, quite far to walk to the nearest village to beg for alms. It is located in the precincts of the Temple Kugami-ji, but you reach it only after quite a lonely walk through the forest. It has just four walls and a roof and must be pretty icecold in winter, since this side of Japan receives a lot of snow every year. There is a spring nearby which is said not to freeze in winter.

Ryokan and the Nun Teishin 良寛と貞心尼
When Ryokan was 70, he met a nun named Teishin, and they fell in love. She was 28 and also a poet. They met rarely, but exchanged some of the most beautiful love poems in world literature during the three years they knew one another. When Ryokan was dying, Teishin was sent for and she held him as he died.
「くるに似て かへるに似たり おきつ波」

Ryokan is well known for his fine calligraphy and he also painted for many purposes. One of the finest examples of Zen calligraphy ever brushed is a set of scrolls written by Ryokan for an illiterate farmer: i-ro-ha, ichi-ni-san (a-b-c, one-two-three), the beginning of the Japanese alphabet and the first three numbers in Chinese characters.

Ryokan is quite international.
Ryokan College in Los Angeles, California 
The name stems from the name of a Japanese 18th century Buddhist renegade monk who left his order's path and moved to live near a remote village in western Japan where he spent the remainder of his life begging, living a Spartan existence, playing with the village children and becoming known for his love of nature and his beautiful poetically written insights about life. The monk, Ryokan, has been compared in temperament and message to America's Henry David Thoreau. The College has no affiliation with any organized religious thought, but its founder, Dr. Alvin P. Ross took the name in memoriam to his son who expressed deep appreciation for the monk's beliefs after taking Buddhist vows and being given the dharma name Ryokan.

Temple Entsuu-Ji in Tamashima  玉島の円通寺
Entsu-ji is famous for being the temple where renowned priest Ryokan,lover of children and noted poet and scholar,trained in his youth. The temple holds the Ryokan Festival and the Ryokan Tea Ceremony annually. Entsu-ji was founded by priest Gyoki in the 8th Century. It is set atop a hill surrounded by beautiful gardens with trees,camellias and azaleas in Tamashima, close to Kurashiki in Okayama prefecture.

The main Buddhist Deity at this temple is the Holy Kannon Bosatsu.
source : Entsu-Ji Kannon Statue

. Ryokan memorial Day (Ryokan-ki)
January 6, 1831


Tamashima Good Luck Daruma 玉島福達磨

It used to be the only Daruma to make a wish (gankake Daruma) without eyes made in West Japan, but now there are several others. They are made from a metal form, but also from forms made of wood, pottery, clay and stone.
This Daruma is made in memory of the famous Zen monk and poet Ryokan, who trained for ten years at the Zen Temple Entsuu-ji in Tamashima, as we have already learned.

Hoping for a better future, Kikue Ono and her husband made their first daruma doll after the end of the Second World War, and she has continued to produce these good-luck figures in the fifty years that followed. They produce 14 different sizes, the biggest one is about 75 cm and the smallest one just one centimeter. The head is big with a large white face and huge eyes. The eyebrows and the beard are painted in bold strokes. On the belly the Chinese character for good luck, 福, is painted in a golden letter.


Tamashima papermachee Tiger   玉島張子  虎


Tamashima Daruma Making for 2008

Click for main article !


Kurashiki Hariko 倉敷張子 Papermachee Dolls

Kurashiki flourished as a distribution base for goods transported on the Kurashiki River during the Edo period (1603-1869). The Kurashiki River flows through the center of the city, and even today, storehouse-mansions where rice, cotton, and other goods that passed through Kurashiki in the Edo period were stored remain along its banks.

The roofs of these storehouse-mansions were laid with techniques used around the 6th century and the windows are wooden latticed windows. The walls are either simple white walls, or white with flat black tiles laid on top for increased strength, and the joints are strengthened with white mortar, producing a checked pattern of white on a black background. These buildings create rows of beautiful houses with a simple overall color scheme that blends well with the willow trees, and this is why Kurashiki is called the "white-walled town" (Shirokabe no machi 白壁の町).

Hariko papermachee dolls of grandfather

In the late Edo period (1603 - 1867), papermachee dolls became a popular celebration gift for a newborn baby boy. The tradition of displaying papermachee tigers on Children's Day has been maintained since then. Recently the twelve animals from the Asian zodiac, with a variety of colors are popular.
Have a look at some samples on the following HP.


The Kurashiki Rural Toy Museum 倉敷郷土玩具博物館
Read about the history of this museum on the following HP.

The Museum of Folk Craft, Mingei Kan 民芸館
An old rice storehouse in the late Edo period (1603 - 1867) is utilized as a museum to introduce some commodities and folk crafts from various places in the world.

The famous Ohara Museum of Fine Art 大原美術館
Magosaburo Ohara (Oohara), president of Kurashiki Spinning Company, built the first Western museum of modern art in 1930. Magosaburo's friend and a painter as well as an art collector, Kojima Torajiro, started collecting art pieces with great support from Mr. Ohara. Later, Ohara Soichiro, a grandson of Magosaburo, added more and organized them.

. My Backup File .


. Folk Toys from Okayama .



Okinawa Dolls


Folk Art and Daruma from Okinawa

The Lady Daruma from Okinawa is also called
"Utchiri Kubusaa うっちりクブサー"
in the local dialect, meaning a "Roly-poly Daruma Doll".

Ryuukyuu hariko 琉球張子
Papermachee Dolls from Ryukyu
. . . CLICK here for Photos !


金運 だるま シーサー
Daruma Shisa for luck with money


Four red Darums Shisa

Two blue Daruma Shisa from 常明さん


Tee Shirt with Daruma-Shisa

source : folkcraft.samurai47.com

shiisaa シーサー enjoying life !


. Okinawa Bingata .. colors and robes  

CLICK for more photos

Bingata (Ryukyuan: 紅型, literally "Red Style")
is an Okinawan traditional resist dyed cloth, made using stencils and other methods. It is generally bright-colored and features various patterns, usually depicting natural subjects such as fish, water, and flowers. Bingata is worn during traditional Ryūkyū arts performances and historical reinactments.

Bingata dates from the Ryūkyū Kingdom period (c. 14th century), when the island of Okinawa experienced an influx of foreign goods and manufacturing techniques. It is believed to have developed as a synthesis of Indian, Chinese, and Javanese dying processes.

Bingata is a type of stencil dyed fabric originating from the island of Okinawa. The techniques used are thought to have originated in Southeast Asia (possibly Java, or perhaps China or India) and arrived in Okinawa through trade during the 14th century. The Ryukyu Kingdom "dominated trade between Korea, Japan, China, and the countries of Southeast Asia in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries". The Okinawans borrowed the technique and created their own nature-inspired designs found throughout the island. The abundant flora and fauna have provided Okinawans with an endless supply of images to reproduce into the artwork called bingata.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Food from Okinawa

. Bingata, 紅型 and Dragons of Asia


Okinawa Pottery

click for more photos

. . . CLICK here for Photos !

The famous Shiisaa who protect your property
沖縄 シーサー

click for more photos

Shīsā (シーサー) (Okinawan: siisaa)
(alternative spelling shishi or shisaa) is a traditional Ryukyuan decoration, often found in pairs, resembling a cross between a lion and a dog, from Okinawa mythology. Many people put a pair of shisa on their rooftops or flanking the gates to their houses. Shisa are wards, believed to protect from various evils.
When found in pairs, the shisa on the left traditionally has a closed mouth, and the one on the right an open mouth. The open mouth to ward off evil spirits, and the closed mouth to keep good spirits in.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !


. Folk Toys from Okinawa .



Nogata Dolls


Papermachee Dolls from Nogata 直方張子
and Clay Dolls from Tsuyasaki 津屋崎土人形 - Fukuoka

Nogata is a small castle town south of Kita-Kyushu.

The Nogata Daruma (Noogata Daruma 直方だるま) is a papermachee toy and good luck charm during the New Year's season. The figures are quite simple, some wear a headband (hachimaki) and most New Year dolls are decorated with the auspicious symbols of pine, bamboo and plum (shoochikubai), like the one on the picture above. Daruma dolls to make a wish have no eyes to start with.

They come in 6 different sizes and all of them are handmade and handpainted by the Harada Family, now in the 12th and 13th generation.

The Harada family has moved from Tsuyazaki to Nogata and kept the tradition of making dolls of papermachee and clay. The dolls all have large eyes and big eyebrows in the ancient family tradition.
Harada Misaemon 原田三右衛門

Tsuyasaki clay dolls are made from a wooden form, covered with papermachee and then painted by hand. The colors are vibrant and shining and the facial expression of each Daruma is unique. They may tumble over when you hit them, but they always get up again to show you the spirit of Daruma.
These dolls are a designated folk art of Fukuoka prefecture.
see below


The Doll Store Harada in Nogata 

直方の 原田人形屋

Nogata, Misohori 3-6-14 TEL:  (09492)2-1156

The present head of the family is Mr. Tadashi Harada who works with his two sons, Takashi and Jiroo to preserve the tradition of the family. Tadashi is the 12th generation in a long list of these Daruma makers since the Edo period. The family makes a lot of different dolls bringing good luck, like Daruma, tigers and festival carts.

Tadashi's father was also a famous carver of Buddha statues and made over 2000 pieces. Tadashi studied arts and carving at university but then went back home to take over the family tradition of Nogata doll making and carving Buddha statues.


筑前津屋崎人形 Chikuzen Tsuyasaki Ningyo

CLICK for more photos

The Tsuyazaki (Tsuyasaki) 津屋崎 tradition
of these simple clay dolls started in 1772, when the first maker, Ushichi Harada and his son Hanbei found suitable clay in the area around Tsuyazaki and made some dolls, some in the traditon of Hakata dolls. Most of the dolls are famous Kabuki players or historical figures, the Gods of Good Luck and other good luck items like Daruma san and the Asian zodiac animals.
There are more than 1500 different dolls in the repertoire of the family. They are made with characteristic features, bright colors and are all hand made.

津屋崎人形 旧型ひな人形 old-style Hina dolls
- source : www.yokamon.jp

- source : makimaki-syo まきまきしま書

The Tsuyasaki Daruma dolls of this tradition come in many different forms, like sitting in Zen meditation, standing, piggy-bank Daruma, princess Daruma, clay bells with Daruma and many others, said to be more than 300 different types.

. 熊押之金時 Kintaro holding down a bear, with hammer .


Akasaka tsuchi ningyoo 赤坂土人形
clay doll from Akasaka, Fukuoka

Clay is pressed into a form, then taken out and fires. Simple natural colors are applied.

鯉抱き金太郎 Kintaro with a carp
koi-daki Kintaroo
about 26 cm high

The pottery makers of Akasaka also made some dolls. This one is from the Noguchi family.

- quote -
We introduce you to simple yet heart-warming Akasaka Ningyo dolls being passed down throughout generations in Akasaka, Chikugo City; which has been flourishing since the Edo period as the designated kiln of Arima Domain - the origin of Akasaka porcelain.

Flourishing since the mid Edo period as the designated kiln of Arima Domain, is the town of Chikugo Akasaka - the origin of Akasaka porcelain.

It has been told that the beginning goes back to when those who had been working at other kilns started making these dolls on their spare time.

Also known as Teteppopo.
Introducing Mr. Noguchi, whose family has been creating Akasaka Ningyo dolls for 5 generations.
. . . Teteppopo is an Akasaka dialect meaning "not so smooth" or "uncoordinated" - hence the unorthodox look. . . which is what people love.

- - - - - Look at a video here :
- source : webtv.pref.fukuoka.lg.jp


Mud-Snail Dolls, Tanishi Ningyoo  たにし人形

Small dolls made from local mud-snails and sold in the town of Yukuhashi、Fukuoka prefecture, especially during the New Year season. The mud-snails live in the wet ricefields nearby and are the subject of old children's songs. The dolls come in many funny forms, also as the Asian zodiac animals, like a little boar.


. WKD : tanishi 田螺 たにし paddy snail
Cipango paludina. Teichschnecke


The Horse of The First Day, Hassaku no Uma 八朔の馬
hassaku no warauma 八朔の藁馬 straw horse of the First Day

This straw horse has a history of about 300 years. It is a traditional present for a little boy on September the first, when he was born in the previous year. All the relatives, friends and neighbours of the boy bring such a horse on the evening of August 31 and some families get more than 200 horses on that day, which they put up on a special shelf for the occasion. On the second of September, all the horses are given away to the local children and only the biggest one stays with the family.

The horse is made from straw and the decorations from wood and silk. You can have a special name written on the flag, when you order a horse. Most are in black or white. In the area of Chikuzen, it is also a traditional present for a wedding or a newly build home, carrying a lot of good luck to the event. It comes in three different sizes and is made by the Inoue Family. A big one made to order may cost you more than 800 dollars.

This custom is popular in most parts of Northern Kyushu, especially in Ashiya 芦屋町.
The horses here were used to transport salt and rice.

about 4.5 cm high.


Humming Kites from Chikuzen, Chikuzen Bunbun-Dako  


The first maker, Ishii Nihei 石井仁平 , improved the kites from the Suruga province (now Shizuoka prefecture), and the production is now in the hands of the third generation. When the kite rises in the sky, it makes a humming sound, called "Bunbun" in Japanese. The kites are made of fresh green bamboo and Japanese paper and come in many different sizes, from the size of a tobacco box to more than one meter. They can withstand very strong wind, making their special sounds as they dance in the storm. Some are painted with faces of famous Kabuki actors, others with traditional graphic motives.



External LINKS

Other Folk Art from Fukuoka Prefecture  福岡県の民芸作品

Kokura Clay Dolls 小倉の土人形

Mojigaseki Clay Dolls 文字ケ関の土人形


. Zodiac Animals and Toys .

. Regional Folk Toys from Japan .

- #Nogatadolls -