
Kokeshi (3)


Kokeshi with Daruma だるまこけし

Start reading about Kokeshi with the first two parts.
Kokeshi (1) こけし
.. .. .. Kokeshi (2) こけし

. Kokeshi, こけし / 小芥子 / 子消し wooden doll .
Legends, Folktales, more


Kokeshi from Yamagata 山形のけこし

We have already seen the Sakunami types in part 1.


Kokeshi from the town of Sakata 酒田こけし have a chrysanthemum design in red on a bright yellow body.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Kokeshi from Yonezawa Town 米沢こけし
There are about 14 craftsmen in the area, the most famous is probably Shinkichi Takeda. Ohters work in the tradition of Yajiro, Sakunami and Tsuchiyu.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

From Tsuchiyu Hot Spring 土湯温泉
Located in a picturesque valley just outside of Fukushima City, the little town of Tsuchiyu is well known for two things. Abundant with hot springs, the town is a mecca for onsen lovers from around the country who delight in taking a dip in the tranquil surroundings. However, not just famous for its natural resources, Tsuchiyu is also synonymous with kokeshi, traditional wooden painted dolls peculiar to the Tohoku region. The centre of kokeshi making in the prefecture, Tsuchiyu is home to a wealth of traditional craftspeople who are carrying on the traditions of generations of artisans.
What makes Tsuchiyu Kokeshi unique are their slender trunks with simple lines circumscribing them.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

About the Hot Spring Tsuchiyu

From Takeda san 武田信吉
-reference - 

. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Yamagata Prefecture is famous for the kokeshi dolls. There are many artisans who can make a living in this traditional craft.
Copyright © 1998 by Edward Kaspar. Look at his photo.

阿部進矢 Abe Shinya

Pierrot on a wagon, with a Daruma in the front
sosaku clown kokeshi

- quote -
Abe Shin'ya Kokeshi 阿部進矢こけし
Atsumi Onsen 温海温泉 in southwestern Yamagata

..... Mr. Abe is currently so swamped with demand for his kokeshis that he can only take orders. Also, one must keep in mind that he is 77 years old and probably could have retired years ago, but I think he feels obligated to his many fans that ceaselessly buy his kokeshis. Because of his popularity I would guess that with the ongoing kokeshi boom there's no end in sight for him. Fortunately Mr. Abe had a lot of kokeshis on display, many of which were recently made orders, and he said it was ok to photograph and show them on this blog. .....
- source : kokeshi-adventures.blogspot -

. Yamagata Mingei 山形市民芸 Folk art from Yamagata city .


Kokeshi from other parts of Japan

.. .. .. .. Matsushima Daruma Kokeshi

Click for more information !

History of the Daruma Kokeshi from Matsushima

... ... ...

江月だるまこけし Kogetsu Daruma Kokeshi

There is also a unique little wooden statue of the nun from a local nunnery.


Daruma after finishing the pilgrimage of 88 Temples in Shikoku
Ketsugan Daruma 結願だるま

Read more about this special Daruma in my Story here:
. Konpira san in Shikoku


Mountain Lilly and Daruma Kokeshi 山百合だるまこけし
They come from Higashi Naruse Village in Akita prefecture.
- source : www.higashinaruse.com


More Links with Kokeshi

Nanbu Kokeshi

Kijiyama Kokeshi

Zao Takayuu

Here is another list with beautifull kokeshi from the collection of a Kokeshi Group.

http://www.tokyo-kokeshi.jp/tomonokai/tecyo/back_number.htm (日本語)


A special painting of a kokeshi as grip of an earcleaner, mimikaki 耳掻き with kokeshi

This leads to a collection of earcleaners from all over Japan. One of them, our Daruma san.


- quote -
YAMAGATA STRAIN KOKESHI – Jennifer E. McDowell –– Kokeshi
The Yamagata strain was founded by Kuraji Kobayashi who traveled to Sakunami around 1860, to study wood working with Iwamatsu Naosuke, later returning to Yamagata in the early Meiji period (around 1868) to produce his own kokeshi (Shibata 1999: 30). Mr. Kobayashi had many apprentices, and his teaching influences are still reflected in current Yamagata kokeshi. While the Yamagata kokeshi is based on the style of the Sakunami kokeshi, utilizing similar cherry blossom motifs, floral patterns of the Yamagata plum are also painted on the bodies of the dolls, reflecting a deeper Yamagata connection and evoking the atmosphere of Yamagata City (Takahashi 2003: 15-16). The head is sashikomi and on the top of the head is painted the single black hair and ring-shaped decorations (tegara) surrounding it like Sakunami strain, but there are a greater number of rings, more similar to the radiating lines of the Tōgatta strain. Originally the characteristic of this line was a doll with comparatively narrow body compared to the head, but lately the body is wider and lathe lines may be drawn on the top and bottom of the body. Some artisans still do not use the lathe lines as the old styles do not have them, and instead create incised lathe lines (kannamizo -鉋溝).

. Kokeshi, Wooden Dolls こけし .

. Yamagata Mingei 山形市民芸 Folk art from Yamagata city .


Three wooden dolls from my friend Ishino

They have the inscription


. Join the Kokeshi Gallery of facebook .


. Folk Toys from Akita .

. Koma 駒 horse folk toys from Fukushima

Start reading about Kokeshi with the first two parts.
Kokeshi (1) こけし
.. .. .. Kokeshi (2) こけし




Kokeshi (2)


. Kokeshi, こけし / 小芥子 / 子消し wooden doll .
Legends, Folktales, more

Kokeshi (1) こけし
Miyagi prefecture 宮城県のこけし
Hijiori 肘折(ひじおり)こけし
Naruko Hot Spring なるこ温泉のこけし, Narugo
Sakunami 作並のこけし
Togatta (Toogatta) 遠苅田のこけし(とうがった)
Yajiro 弥次郎こけし
- and further links


Kokeshi Wooden Dolls こけし (Part 2)

In part 2 we will look at the kokeshi from Aomori prefecture, especially the Tsugaru area, where many dolls with a Daruma face on the body are made.

Sato San

First I want to introduce you to an All Japanese Kokeshi Event held in October 2002 in Kuroishi, Aomori prefecture, at the Museum mentioned next. There is a wonderful slide show of 46 pictures, many of them with Daruma kokeshi, so take your time while the dolls are passing along. Nrs. 5, 10, 31, 34, 37, 40, 42 and 45 feature Daruma san.


Tsugaru Kokeshi Museum 津軽こけし館

. . . CLICK here for Photos !

More than 4000 kokeshi from all over Japan are exhibited in this museum in Kuroishi. You can also make your own dolls with intstuctions form a master craftsman. The big kokeshi outside is almost 4 meters high and has a Daruma on the body, as you can see on the picture.
There are also some kokeshi painted by the famous woodblock artist Shiko Munakata exhibited.

〒036-0412 黒石市大字袋字富山72番地1号 TEL:0172-54-8181

http://www.jomon.ne.jp/~kkk/k_kokesi.htm (with an explanation of different types in Japanese 日本語のこけしマメ知識もあります)
http://www.tsugarushu.com/sightseeing/midokoro/kokeshi/ (many pictures of the area)http://www.infoaomori.ne.jp/kuroishi_city/Sight_Seeing/Sig_Kokesi_Koujin.html

Shiko Munakata has his own memorial museum in Aomori. This HP has a part in English, so please visit it.


Kokeshi from Nuruyu 温湯温泉のこけし

These kokeshi dolls originate in the hot spring area of Kuroishi City and are the most famous of Aomori prefecture. At the beginning of the Taisho Era (1911-1925), Hidetaroo Mori 盛秀太郎began making these dolls in the "Nuruyu Onsen" area, which enjoy a deep-rooted popularity even now.
There are many types of kokeshi dolls in the Tohoku region, and the Nuruyu stand out from amongst the rest with their "Ainu" patterns, including the upturned eyebrows and menacing "Daruma" faces, painted on the body, as well as the wide chest and rounded waists. The designs on the body of the dolls are also said to be of the Tsugaru clan’s family crest, featuring the peony.
Currently, kokeshi doll artisans have gathered together to form the "Tsugaru Kokeshi Artisans Group," which focuses on continuing to create traditional, and new types, of dolls.

English and Japanese, 日本語はこちら。

Famous Artist from Nuruyu
Hidetaroo Mori (1895 – 1986) 盛秀太郎
He was born and lived all his life in Nuruyu as son of a family of wood craftsmen. He lost both parents at an early age and endured many hardships with his relatives. He started making kokshi with a Daruma on the body, mabye because his family was hit by many misfortunes, his eldest son lost an arm at work, his younger son lost his eyesight and more.


Look at one of his Daruma Kokeshi


Left from Mori Hidetaroo, right from his pupil Okuse


© Collection Saito 佐藤 研 (仙台市)


You can order kokeshi and many other specialities of Aomori on this HP. The small Daruma on the left picture above is available for 2000 Yen, the standing kokeshi with Daruma painted on the body is 4000 Yen.


. Folk Toys from Aomori .


Let me introduce two famous kokeshi makers from the area,
Yoshiki Satoo and Muchihide Abo.

Yoshiki Satoo 佐藤佳樹

He learned the craft from his father Zenji, a rather stern teacher, who told him “Do not think about becoming a famous artist fast, but try to become a master craftsman in due course of time.” Some of his Daruma kokeshi come with feet painted on the bottom but in the beginning his father told him: “It is still too early for such an adventure.”


Triangular Kiji Daruma

師・善二型の 『 じょっぱりだるま(横にらみ) 』 です。物事を色々な角度から見据える心のゆとりを持つという気持ちも込められています.
From his father Zenji's repertoir: Two oogeling Daruma.

There are many more of his kokeshi on this great page.


Muchihide Abo 阿保六知秀
Mr. Abo lives in Kuroishi, close to Hanamaki Town in Aomori prefecture.
When asked about the model for his dolls, he answered: “In the beginning, it was my own face, later that of my wife and right now that of my daughter. But I have the feeling in the end I will be back to my own face”. His teacher was the father of Mr. Satoo.
The colors of his dolls are quite vivid and unusual and the Daruma on the skirt looks quite fierce.
His Daruma in an apple is a typical product of Aomori, which is famous for its large apple plantations. There will be more about Apple-Darumas in a different story.

こけしの顔のモデルはと尋ねたら 「最初は自分の顔で、次に妻の顔、今は娘の顔かな?、最後は自分の顔に戻るかも・・・・・」
〒036-0413 青森県黒石市大字花巻字花巻34-3   TEL: 0172-54-8865

Yellow Daruma

Look at some great collections of his work. There are plenty more Daruma dolls to see, so take your time.


The Hot Spring

His brother is Kanemitsu Abo、another kokeshi craftsman.

The two craftsmen together with others try to make the biggest kokeshi with a Daruma in front of the Tsugaru Kokeshi Museum in Kuroishi, made from a huge Hiba tree. They started in December 2002 and want to finish in April 2003. I hope to follow up on this story.


On the following very interesting HP in Japanese you find a range of Tsugaru kokeshi, mostly with a Daruma painted on the body. I will show you just two of them, but look at the others too.

Three dolls from the late Mr. Mori, with a typical body shape.

A little disheveled lady was made by Mr. Kitayama. 北山盛治作


.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Tsugaru Kokeshiki



Kokeshi from Hirosaki 弘前こけし

The name “Tsugaru Kokeshi” refers to all dolls produced in Kuroishi City, Owani Town, and Hirosaki City. During the Meiji Era (1867-1911), wood carvers from the Tsugaru area met with those from outside of the prefecture, and from those meetings, the kokeshi doll has become what it is today. The Hirosaki kokeshi doll is grouped in with the Tsugaru kokeshi, which stemmed originally from the Owani kokeshi, which is still produced today.
Along with Kokeshi dolls, top making and Daruma figurine production are among the popular woodcrafts, loved by people of the Tsugaru region.
http://www.pref.aomori.jp/dentokougei/h-kokeshi.htm (日本語)



Kokeshi from Owani 大鰐温泉こけし

. . . CLICK here for Photos !

At the beginning of the Meiji Era (1867-1911), artisans living in the Nuruyu Onsen area, where the origin of the Tsugaru kokeshi doll lies, moved to the Owani Onsen area, where they began sawing lumber, which they eventually made into kokeshi dolls during the Taisho Era (1911-1925).
Owani Kokeshi dolls are broad-shouldered, with a straight and slender body, on which an iris pattern is painted. The dolls have an innocent expression, evoking a feeling of warmth. The "zuguri" (tops) were first produced at the same time as the kokeshi dolls, and these colourful toys were much-loved by the children of the northern country.

My Short Story about one Owani Daruma Kokeshi


UTOU Carved Daruma Figures 善知鳥彫ダルマ

. . . CLICK here for Photos !

The "Utou" (Uto) carved Daruma figurines were first created by Katsumi Kon, a strong promoter of the arts in Aomori Prefecture. Inspired by Rodin’s works, he began creating the Darumas in 1921 in order further the production of crafts in the prefecture. The artist named his work after the "uto" bird, which lived in Aomori at that time. These figurines became well known from mid-1945s. They vary from 10 to 50 cm in hight.

They are made from light and flexible poplar and Aomori cypress. A rough piece of wood is cut into a triangular shape, then the face is slightly carved and painted. These Daruma figurines, which seem to stare ahead, are characterized by their lean bodies and red clothing, setting them apart from most Darumas that have chubby faces and round bodies. Their appearance suggests that of Buddhist enlightenment, in which they have emerged from meditation and are about to step on to a higher path.
Pieces of wood that have naturally broken off from trees are used to produce these sculptures to create a unique work of art.


. Folk Toys from Aomori .

Aomori Dentoo Koogei
The above information comes from a HP about Traditional Crafts in Aomori. You might like to explore this a little more, since the site has English and Japanese explanations.


. Join the Kokeshi Gallery of facebook .


Go on now to read
Kokeshi (3) こけし

Yamagata prefecture 山形のけこし
Sakunami 作並のこけし
Tsuchiyu Hot Spring 土湯温泉
Yonezawa 米沢こけし
Akita prefecture
Kijiyama 木地山

. Folk Toys from Aomori .


Kokeshi (1)

. Kokeshi, こけし / 小芥子 / 子消し wooden doll .

Kokeshi, Wooden Dolls こけし,

new ambassadors
for Tohoku Japan -
Kokeshi Dolls 

. Japan after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011


CLICK for more photos

Kokeshi dolls are quite famous and so we find many homepages concerning this item. This is an ongoing story and here is part 1 of it, concerned with a Daruma painted on a wooden doll with girl’s features. Wooden dolls of a similar type with only a Daruma face are called “Kiji Daruma” and will be introduced in their own story.

There are so many HP about kokeshi, more than 5000 in English and 35000 in Japanese, so this is just a small selection.

In part 1 (this one) you find general information about kokeshi and how to make them. Then the types of Miyagi prefecture are introduced.
Part 2 deals with Tsugaru kokeshi, which feature many Daruma kokeshi too.
Part 3 looks at Yamagata, Fukushima and some other famous kokeshi areas.


. Kokeshi こけし / 小芥子 / 子消し wooden dolls .
kibokko 木ぼっこ / 木ぼこ kiboko
- - - and folktales - Introduction -

. Kokeshi with Daruma san だるまこけし / ダルマこけし .


Kokeshi, From Tohoku with Love Paperback
by Manami Okazaki

Kokeshi from Tohoku with Love
is a book that looks at the craft and culture of kokeshi dolls. Kokeshi are the traditional dolls that are made of wood and are characterized by their lack of arms or legs. They are produced in the Tohoku region of Japan and were originally a children's toy, although it is more often used as a form of decoration nowadays and displayed in the home. Abroad, they are considered to be an icon of Japan, and reflect Japanese aesthetic sensibilities with their simple, elegant and minimalist designs.

Kokeshi have the appeal of imperfection and hand made exclusivity as no two dolls are the same, each kokeshi embodies the qualities of wood, something that is often referred to as "warmth.” In fact, for collectors, more than the freshly made kokeshi, many covet the atmosphere of the vintage kokeshi-- rather than degrading, as with plastic or artificial materials, the wood picks up a dewy, subdued colour and the delicately painted features fade gracefully with time. This book is the only English language book that looks at this culture in depth and is the only book with English language interviews with the masters of the craft.

The author, Manami Okazaki, visits all 6 prefectures of Tohoku to profile 20 artisans in the remote hot spring villages where they are made. Included are the work and interviews with the masters to the up and coming artists, and highlights many aesthetic theories and sensibilities that are prevalent in contemporary design, even today. The book also looks at Japanese hotspring culture, and Tohoku culture to paint a holistic picture of kokeshi culture. This book will delight fans of wooden crafts, Japanese culture and travellers to Japan. The book gives an insight into the psychology of the craftsman, the process of production, the motifs and the various types, which will inform the collector. This book will also suit travelers to Japan who wish to explore the Northern region of Japan, and their charming hot spring villages. Included are hundreds of photographs.

This book is intended for charity and all proceeds will go to schooling in Tohoku post March 11 tsunami.
- source : www.amazon.com


こけし - 日本の郷玩事情
- source : mingei jetlink


. Kendama Kokeshi Daruma こけしけん玉・福だるま

Kokeshi Adventures こけしの冒険
a blog by John
source : kokeshi-adventures.blogspot.com

Kokeshi Wiki - 現代に生きる「こけし辞典」への挑戦です。
source : kokeshiwiki.com

source : www.wakomono.jp
(卯三郎こけし)- Hina Doll Kokeshi


Almost everyone familiar with Japanese dolls knows about kokeshi. The cylindrical wooden dolls without limbs are created on lathes and are brightly painted with floral designs and a girl's face. Most people look at kokeshi and wonder how what is basically a cylinder of wood with a ball stuck on could be a play doll. Kokeshi dolls originated in the northern region (Tohoku, Toohoku東北) of Honshu (the main island).

Many people believe that early kokeshi were representations of girl children that were aborted or put to death after childbirth due to the inability to support a poor family of greater size.
Even the word, ko-keshi (ko o kesu 子を消す), can be loosely translated as "extinguished child" or “a child wiped out”.

- - - - - see also

The medochi use human females to have them bear their children. When the child is born, the Medochi comes to claim his child. If the woman throws the baby into the water to kill it, Medochi takes the bones with him.
. Medochi メドチ, めどち Kappa, water goblin .

It may be that kokeshi were kept as reminders of a dead child's plaything. Kokeshi are also given as charms to childless women in an effort to get pregnant. Kokeshi were kept in the family and passed down from generation to generation. Some believe that kokeshi date back three hundred years and were the north's equivalent of the standing hina dolls.

Some kokeshi dolls have their heads made from the same piece of wood as the body, however most heads are separate. They are attached by heat friction with the body rotating on the lathe while the head is fitted on the spindle that holds the head. The wood surrounding the hole at the base on the head eventually cools and contracts to a snug fit. Supposedly the sign of a good kokeshi is a head that squeaks when rotated, but some are just made to do that. Their nickname is “Kina-Kina-Ningyoo”, roughly translates as “Squeeking, Squeeking Doll”.

The sizes of old kokeshi range from 5 to 18 inches, but there are newer ones that are as tall as 30 inches. Kokeshi were once made in about sixty different regions, but now ten basic classifications exist:
Hijiori, Kijiyama, Tsuchiyu, Togatta, Naruko, Yajiro, Sakunami, Nambu, Tsugaru and Zao Takayu.

Each area has its own manufacturing technique, decoration, and head and body shape. The Meiji period saw increased affluence of the middle class which increased travel and sight seeing into the Tohoku area for its other abundant resource, hot springs. Some hot spring areas sell souvenir kokeshi, each with their own characteristics.

Keep reading about Kokeshi and many other Japanese dolls on this very informative homepage.

Tsugaru Kokeshi by Mori Hidetaro 盛秀太郎
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Judy Shoaf from JADE also writes about Japanese dolls, Kokeshi and Daruma.
See her LINKS for more.

On this HP you find more about the local kokeshi of northern Japan. Some will be discussed in part 2 in more detail.
Tsugaru .. .. Nanbu .. .. Kijiyama .. .. Narugo .. .. Togatta .. .. Yajiro .. .. Hijiori .. .. Yamagata .. .. Zao .. .. Tsuchiyu

- - - - -



source : facebook

Nakanozawa Daruma Kokeshi 中ノ沢 斉藤徳寿


source : blog.livedoor.jp/pp_kokeshi/archives

nengajo New Year greeting card

with Daruma and kokeshi
Yajiro Kokeshi 弥治郎


Traditional Crafts of Japan 日本の伝統工芸
This page is about Traditional Crafts of Japan, with a lot of useful stories and a search button.
http://www.kougei.or.jp/ (日本語)

On the following HP you get to the different dolls of Naruko, Yajiro, Togatta and Sakunami. Click the buttons MAIN TEXT to get to the details of the dolls and their makers. This little tour is well worth your while.


- - - - - more on ebay
- source : www.ebay.com


Making Kokeshi こけし造り
The woodcutters who worked the remote mountains didn't have money for luxuries like fine dolls, but whenever there was an extra scrap of wood, they would turn it on a lathe and create a doll complete with eyes, nose, and mouth, much to the delight of their children. The best wood for the kokeshi is the dogwood, maple and poplar. The trees are 15 to 20 years old and are cut in late September to mid October. The trees are dried for 15 days to a month and then the branches are removed to ease transportation. When moved, the bark is removed to prevent black stains in the wood. The wood is then stored for approximately half a year.

Once the drying process is complete, the wood is cut into sections, the lengths of the kokeshi. A circular saw is used to remove the facets so that each piece can be worked on the lathe. The head and torso are made separately, but the steps are the same. The head (or torso) go through a rough lathe shaping, then a fine shaping. Lathe lines are incorporated at this point, then the facial features and decorative patterns are painted, a wax polish applied, and the head and torso are fitted together.

There are about thirty-nine steps in the manufacturing process to turn a tree into a kokeshi. Of the approximately 220 kokeshi makers very few are young men and the craftsmen worry about the lack of successors. In an effort to stir up interest in the younger generation, an “All Japan Kokeshi Contest” is held every year.


Kokeshi dolls from Miyagi prefecture 宮城県のこけし
In Miyagi there are 5 varieties of kokeshi, made in Naruko, Togatta, Yajiro, Sakunami and Hijiori. The production is the highest in Japan.

The Kokeshi Dolls - originated with a warm heart, abundant climate, and dexterous skill in Michinoku.With a gentle beam,they are inviting us to the five Kokeshi towns.
Naruko Togatta Yajiro Sakunami Hijiori


Let us look at them in detail.

Kokeshi from Naruko Hot Spring なるこ温泉のこけし
The pronunciation can also be “Narugo”.
The central street of Naruko Hot Spring resort is called "Kokeshi Street". Along this narrow hot spring street, inns and souvenir shops stand in a row. In the stores, displayed in a crowded fashion are, of course, kokeshi dolls. Some stores are operated directly by the wood artisans, and you can actually see them skillfully working.
Japan Kokeshi Museum
Shitomae 74-2, Naruko-cho, Tamatsukuri-gun, Miyagi, Japan
Tel: +81-229-83-3600

Naruko Kokeshi

The unique feature of the Naruko-onsen-kyo Hot Spring Village is that visitors can enjoy hot springs with varying characteristics, and which have a reputation for the health benefits to be gained from them.The hot spring village consists of five hot spring areas: “Naruko Hot Spring," “Higashi-Naruko Hot Spring," “Kawatabi Hot Spring," “Nakayamadaira Hot Spring," and “Onikobe Hot Spring," and each of them provides baths of great individuality.
- source : en.naruko.gr.jp

Naruko is one of the
. Eight old Hot Springs 八古湯 .


Kokeshi from Togatta (Toogatta)   遠苅田のこけし(とうがった)
Togatta is maybe the most ancient birthplace of Kokeshi.
The Nihon Kokeshi-Kan (Japanese Kokeshi Museum) in Naruko, the Kokeshi-no-Sato (Home of Kokeshi) and the Miyagi Zao Kokeshi-Kan (Miyagi Zao Kokeshi Museum) in Togatta displays the dolls. Kokeshi artisans perform workshops at Kokeshi-no-Sato, allowing you to watch the kokeshi making process.


Kokeshi from Yajiro 弥次郎こけし
Yajiro Kokeshi are produced mainly in the village of Yajiro located about 1 km west of the Kamasaki Hot Spring of Shiroishi Town. They have their origin with Togatta Kokeshi. Today in Yajiro, the people live as half farmer and half artisan, farming the land from early spring to autumn and striving to produce Kokeshi from late autumn to spring when the icy chill moves off the river.

"Creative Kokeshi" is a handicraft that exercises the free and unrestrained imagination of an individual artist. After World War II these dolls are crafted using the original techniques of engraving and baking, and are appreciated as a unique work of art.
Look at these Modern Kokeshi:

Kokeshi from Sakunami 作並のこけし
Sakunami Kokeshi have a relatively short history, and is considered that they were first produced in the early Meiji era. They are quite slender, so that children can hold them easily.

http://www.chuokai-miyagi.or.jp/~kokeshi/furusato/sa_toku.html (日本語)


Kokeshi from Hijiori 肘折(ひじおり)こけし
The Hijiori design was developed in the Hijiori Hot Spring resort in Okura Village. The main colors for decoration are yellow, red and green and the eyes are carefully modelled.
The Togatta design was combined with the Naruko design to produce the distinctive Hijiori Kokeshi. This design presently has the least number of the artisans. However, Shoichi, a third generation artisan, is creating ambitious pieces in Sendai. His inspiration comes from the master craftsman, Shusuke Sato, who was from Togatta and said to be the originator of Hijiori Kokeshi, and the second generation Minosuke.

If you speak Japanese, you can try your hand at making a kokeshi yourself, choosing one of the two masters who offer their instructions.



- - - - - Kokeshi from three artists :
関口三作 - Sekiguchi Sansaku
沖泰宣 - Oki Yasunobu
沖いづみ - Oki Izumi
- source : www.zenworld.jp/craftman
and their work
- source : www.zenworld.jp/standardj


Ami Kokeshi Doll - knitted kokeshi

source : www.astitchahalf.com


ami kokeshi あみこけし from Ami town, Japan

Dolls made from all kinds of natural material and seeds.

kusa ningyoo 草人形 "plant dolls"
source : ocn.ne.jp/~amisho/town

. kusa ningyoo 草人形 "plant dolls" from lotus seeds .

. oiran kokeshi 花魁こけし kokeshi geisha wooden doll .

. tsubaki no hana 椿の花 camellia blossom art motives .


Next read part 2 and 3 of the Kokeshi story.

Kokeshi (2) こけし ..... Kokeshi (3) こけし

. Sai no Kawara 賽の河原 Limbo for dead children  



mansaku ga sakeba kokeshi no me o omou

when the witch hazel blooms
I think about the pupils
of kokeshi dolls . . .

Aoyagi Shigeki 青柳志解樹


tachinarabu kokeshi no gotoki negi boozu

standing in a row
like kokeshi dolls -
welsh onion heads

source : santoukahuu

. WKD : Welsh Onion Head (negi boozu)  


kokeshi doll...
she monologues on the girl
she never bore

Chen-ou Liu



Kokeshi with a tatami robe . . .

- yahoo auctions 2014 -


Kokeshi on sandals . . .

source : chroniclebooks.com


Usaburo 卯三郎こけし 幸福だるま 

source : rakuten.co.jp/corazon


- - - - - from my collection

four friends

- - - - - - - - -

two plain kokeshi, husband and wife


. Kokeshi with Daruma san だるまこけし/ダルマこけし .

. Kokeshi, こけし / 小芥子 / 子消し wooden doll .
- Introduction -


. Hi no yoojin 火の用心 fire prevention kokeshi .


. Join the Kokeshi Gallery of facebook .

- ##kokeshi -