

[ . BACK to TOP . ]

Lion ... raion daruma ... ライオンだるま

. (c) PHOTO : だるまさん色々

Yakkyuu 野球 Baseball goods with Daruma
Seibu Lions 西武ライオンズ


Mother and Child Lion
by Yamada 山田人魚

source : garitto


source : tomonori-taniguchi


Amuletts for lovers ...

Daruma Pair and Lion Pair

source : blog.concent.shop-pro.jp


Alphabetical Index of the Daruma Museum



Gangu Toys


Gangu 玩具 Toys with Daruma

A small celluloid Daruma, about 3 cm high. Not many of his brothers are well and alive these days, since they are easy to squeeze to death...

My Collection
Takamatsu 2005/11

. Celluloid Dolls


Tin plate Daruma Doll
buriki omocha ブリキのおもちゃ

made by Fuji Press 富士プレス
When you wind it up, the eyes start rolling from left to right.

Photos from my friend Ishino

buriki, from the Dutch blick, German is Blech.

. . . CLICK here for tin toy Photos !


Daruma bear brick train / be@rbrick train / bearbrick
by Medicom Toy


Toy Ladder

Makes little noises as Daruma falls down the steps.

Photos from my friend Ishino


Gangu 玩具 <> More about Toys with Daruma

..... My Toy Photo Gallery

..... A Whistle

..... Dice Holder, an antique
Bakuchi 博打道具入れ Daruma and Gambling

..... Daruma Otoshi  だるま落とし だるまおとし

..... . Koma 独楽(コマ) spinning top  

Look at more of my TOYS with Daruma here

Gangu 郷土玩具 Folk Toys - with FOOD !
manjuu kui ningyo 饅頭食い人形 doll eating a manju bun

. gangu 玩具, omochcha おもちゃ toy, toys - Legends .

. Old Toys, including Daruma .
Kawamura Jisuke / Midzuno Jujiro / Iwata Yoshizo / Murase Hichi-Saburo ...





Kenzo Daruma

[ . BACK to TOP . ]

Kenzo Daruma 謙三だるま, 謙三達磨

Daruma with a tea tree blossom on his belly

. (c) PHOTO : だるまさん色々

Takahashi Kenzoo 高橋謙三 Takahashi Kenzo
was born in the year Tenpo 3 in Koshigoe and studied western medicine.
He supported the idea to promote tea drinking in Japan for the health of the people.

In 1884, Kenzo Takahashi invented a steaming machine and heating machine as well as a friction machine.
15 years later he invented a rubbing machine and brought quasi machine production to Japanese green tea industry.

Green Tea from Shizuoka
Count Katsu Kaishū (勝海舟) and Tea in Shizuoka

One more doll

source :  www.ne.jp/asahi/hamamatu/koma


Details about
. Daruma and Tea  

Alphabetical Index of the Daruma Museum



Tora Tiger


Tiger Daruma Doll by Abo Muchihide
Tora Daruma 「トラだるま」

The Koksehi Maker Abo Muchihide made these TIGER DARUMA to encourage his favorite Baseball Team, Hanshin Tigers, for the season 2005. Abo san lives in Kuroishi Town.
These dolls are now a hit sell in Aomori prefecture in Northern Japan and of course all other parts in Japan with Hanshin Tigers fans..


Here is another of these dolls.


© 写真=阪神ファンの間で人気を呼んでいる青森県黒石市の「トラだるま」(共同)


Read my story about Kokeshi Wooden Dolls from Northern Japan and Abo Muchihide
Kokeshi (2) こけし

Read more about the Yellow Daruma
Yamabuki-Iro, Yellow Daruma 山吹色の黄色だるま

Click for more TIGER DARUMA !


Cup for the Year of the Tiger

CLICK for more tigers
CLICK for more Tiger Daruma

. . . CLICK here for 寅 だるま Photos !


by Utagawa Kunimaro 歌川国麿


ダルマート 干支達磨 寅 Darumato Tiger for 2022


. Tora トラ - 虎 - 寅 Tiger Toys .

- #tora #tiger -


Ringo Apple


Ringo Daruma as an apple 林檎達磨 りんごだるま
ringo Daruma

By Abo Muchihide


Papermachee Apple Daruma from Hirosaki Town

His eyebrows and beard are quite distinct!


A snowman Daruma with an apple head.
Painted by an 11 year old.

source :


© PHOTO : paopao88888

Snacking , a snack (oyatsu お八つ)


Daruma-chan to Ringo-Chan

source : かこさとし=作
by Kako Satoshi


CLICK for more
. . . CLICK here for more Photos !


Two from my collection.


. ringo 林檎 / りんご apple art motives .

. Apple (ringo) ... KIGO  



Bushuu Daruma


Bushuu Daruma from Edo 武州だるま Bushu Daruma
Koshigaya Daruma 越谷だるま

This is a special papermachee Daruma from a store near the temple of Kawasaki Daishi. This Daruma was also called "Daishi Daruma".

伝統工芸師  島田 和明さん

On the following link you can see most of the process of making this Daruma. The present maker, Shimada san, is in the 14th generation of making this doll.

The form has to dry.

Now the face is painted.

It takes about one week to finish one doll.

Look at it here with more details:

General index of the shop of Shimada san


- quote -
Doll Making in Saitama
Japanese dolls, traditional crafts well known for their delicate and graceful beauty, are popular souvenirs for overseas travelers. Did you know that nearly half the number of Japanese dolls sold in Japan are manufactured in Saitama?

The production of dolls has been going on since long ago in Saitama, which has been blessed with plentiful paulownia wood as material for dolls and water of good quality to dissolve the white pigment used to paint dolls.
Dolls are produced in Iwatsuki, Kounosu, Tokorozawa, and Koshigawa in Saitama, among which Iwatsuki and Kounosu are the largest production areas; dolls produced in these areas are famous nationwide. The main streets in town are lined with doll manufacturers, which look as if they were doll-dedicated streets. People visiting these places will find that each store is crammed with dolls manufactured by artisans who put their hearts and souls into their creation.
Iwatsuki and Kounosu are famous for their dolls' festivals as well including the Bikkuri Hina Matsuri (lit. Surprise Japanese Doll Festival), which features Japan's highest tiered doll stand, and the Iwatsuki Festival, which features pleasant Manto Mikoshi (a lighted portable shrine) and doll costume parades.
The two areas of production hold these doll-related festivals to boost the production of traditional dolls in Saitama.
- source : sainokuni-kanko.jp -


Bushuu Daruma is also a type that comes from Koshigaya in Saitama prefecture.
越谷だるま(武州だるま)Koshigaya Daruma.
The one on the left in the picture below.

Koshigaya goshiki Daruma 越谷五色だるま
in five colors (the small ones)

The belly had no inscription in the older days, but now the character for good luck, FUKU, 福, is inscribed.

... Fuji Musume 藤娘
... Benkei 釣鐘弁慶

Osato daruma 大里だるま

Ukiya no goshiki Daruma 浮谷 五色だるま
(from Saitama town)


Koshigaya Daruma 越谷だるま

In the last few years, the production has risen to more than 50000 pieces a year, mostly sold at the great Daruma fairs in Kawasaki, Shibamata Taishaku and other markets around Tokyo. But this Daruma is loved from Hokkaido to Kyushu by all Japanese.



White Daruma from Koshigaya

. Koshigaya Daruma as a flower vase
kabin Daruma 花瓶ダルマ .

DARMA Formless FormlessDesign
- - - - - and
hi no yoojin 火の用心 take care of fire
Big Daruma in front of Koshigaya Fire Department


Sunahara hariko 砂原張子 papermachee dolls from Sunahara

CLICK for more photos !

Apart from Daruma dolls there are foxes, Tengu masks, and many others.
Many are sold at the local shrine festival of
Musashi DairokuTen Jinja  武蔵第六天神社 in Iwatsuki.

. Dairoku TenJin Sha 第六天神社 Hanno town .

Sunahara Kitsune Hariko 砂原狐張子 Fox papermachee doll


neri ningyoo form Koonosu Town 練り人形

source : narumi/clinic/gangu

tsukune ningyoo 捏(つく)ね人形
made from forming clay into doll forms.

Reference : 練り人形 photos


Hagino San, another Daruma Maker in Koshigaya

His Daruma are more white and the nose is more protruding. He makes Daruma together with his mother and his wife.





Japanese Link about the Daruma from Saitama Prefecture,
including the ones mentioned above.


越谷だるまは他の産地のだるま等に比較して、色が白く、鼻がやや高く、上品で優しい顔立ちが特色です。だるま作りには、型取りから下張り、ひげ描きまでいくつかの手作業での工程があります。 なかでもだるまの生命ともいえるひげ描きには穂先の長い面相筆を使い、大小にかかわらず同じ筆で描きます。そのせいか、だるま一つ一つみな表情が異なり、個性的です。


Funado Daruma 船渡だるま from Funado town
. . . also read as
Funawatashi 船渡の張り子 Funawatashi papermachee dolls

Funado Hariko dolls 船渡張り子, made in Koshigaya town since the Meiji time. They also made foxes, Tengu and tigers.

source : asahi-net.or.jp

tako sanbasoo 蛸三番叟 tako sanba 蛸三番
octopus dancing the Sanbaso

. Sanbasoo 三番叟 Sanbaso Dancer .
- Introduction -
Sanbaso is an auspicious dance, often performed during the New Year season.


A link with pictues from Shimodate, where the Bushuu Daruma are burned in an official ceremony on the 15th of January, dondo-yaki ドンと焼き





Read my story about
Kukai, Kobo Daishi 弘法大師 空海 (Kuukai, Kooboo Daishi)


. Regional Folk Toys from Japan .




Education with Daruma

nnnnnnnnnnnnnnn TOP nnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

Education with Daruma 教育にだるま

Part 01 of this subject is HERE

How to make a papier-mache Daruma

Oval balloons, newspaper, paper mache' paste( or use flour & water paste), paint and brushes

A daruma (a variation of the American punching bag).
In Japan, the daruma is thought to bring good health. The daruma is probably Japan's best-known folk toy. You can see it frequently in Japan, including on key rings. His name is short for Bodhidharma, a Buddhist priest from India who lived in the sixth century. Legends say that Bodhidharma sat absolutely still and meditated for nine years. He didn't move at all, and after nine years he found he had lost the use of his arms and legs. In fact, they had withered away.

So darumas are made with no arms or legs. They have weighted bottoms so that no matter how you roll them, they will always return right side up. Some say this symbolizes the spirit of patience, perseverance, and determination shown by the priest.

Blow up oval balloons. Tear up lots of strips of paper and soak them in paper mache' paste. Cover the balloon completely with the strips. Let dry.

Add extra layers of strips to the bottom, rounded end. This will give the bottom the extra weight it needs so that the daruma will end up in an upright position. The daruma is traditionally painted red, the color of the robes worn by the priests. Paint the body and the features on the face.

Japan for Kids


My name is Edoreki Gakushimaru, and I live in the city of Edo (you probably call my city "Tokyo" -- that's the modern name for Edo).
I'd like to take you on a trip through my city, to see what it was like when it was still ruled by the Shogun, when samurai walked the streets ...
Take a walk in Edo





Books about Toys

nnnnnnnnnnnnnnn TOP nnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

Books about Toys

Local Folk Toys
Come to know the Heart of Japan and its Living

Five volumes
By Hatano Eizaburo


Arranged in topics about the practical use of the toys, like for your rich daily life (here is our Daruma), for your health, for the safety of family and home, for festivals and celebrations, and finally things to play with.

Illustrated Volume about the Japanese Things Bringing Good Luck






Ooasahiko Shrine Naruto


Oasahiko and Hakuchoo Daruma Doll

This is a very special Daruma with the letter ASA on the belly, refering to a Shinto Deity. So our Daruma san can reincarnate in many forms !

I asked the young priest, why they had choosen a Daruma doll to represent Oasahiko. "Well, Daruma is a symbol of good luck and perseverance. Seven times down, you know.... , people like Daruma for a New Year token, so we choose to make one with the ASA mark on it. And it sells well, you know". Indeed, the Daruma dolls on the shelf came in six different sizes!

This Daruma Doll belongs to the Papermachee Dolls of Hakuchoo、Ehime Prefecture.
白鳥張子 (金谷達磨) 愛媛県。


Hakuchoo Papermachee Dolls were produced in Hakuchoo Village by Kanaya Kenjiroo 金谷健次郎. He also made lion's heads (shishigashira). After the World War, he also produced Daruma dolls which were sold at the Konpira Shrine. These Daruma had the Chinese character GOLD 金 on the belly, whereas the ones he produced for the Asahiko Shrine had the character HEMP 麻 or a circle with Gook Luck 福。 

In some years they produced many ten thousands of these Daruma which were sold all over Western Japan. But when Master Kanaya became to old, the production became smaller and then was shut down.
This simple Daruma has now been revived and is sold in many sizes and with or without a headband.

But now let us go back to the Oasahiko Shrine.


The deity Oasahiko no Okami 大麻比古の大神、is enshrined in the Oasahiko Shrine in Naruto Town, Tokushima Prefecture, Shikoku. He protects the people from traffic accidents and evil and is affectionately called "Owasa-Han".

This shrine is the Number One Shrine of Awa, (Awa no Kuni Ichi no Miya) dedicated to the mythological first settler of this province, Oasahiko, who started growing asa (flax) and cotton. Its annual festival is held on November 1. The shrine was founded before 800 and got a high ranking of 5th grade in 866. It was awarded fields and a mountain with dense forest. Oasayama mountain is more than 530 m high.
Nowadays the shrine is supportetd by the Jinja Honchoo Headquarters of Shrines.

In the precincts, the huge camphor tree, kusu no ki, is most impressive.

(My Album Nr. 21 - 24).

The hemp leaf in Japanese family crests 麻の葉紋

The pilgrims stamp of this shrine

The Lion-Dogs Koma-inu of this shrine


Other links and shrines dedicated to Ooasahiko





Look at . my album . with more photos from the shrine and its marvellous old trees.
Starting from Nr. 19 to Nr. 35.

Oasahiko Shrine PHOTOS


Doitsu - kan - German House and Museum
Deutsches Haus Naruto

During WW1 about 1000 German prisoners of war spent from 1917 on, three years in the prison camp of Bando. Due to the camp's commanding officer's humanitarian administration they came into contact with the region's people, teaching aspects of German culture and skills like baking bread, growing vegetables, raising cattle etc. Along the more than 100 concerts performed by the prisoners' orchestras was also the very first performance of Ludwig van Beethoven's“Symphony No.9”in Japan.
In order to memorize the German prisoners' activities the first“German House”opened in 1972. The new German House opened in October 1993.

It is located next to Osashiko - jinja and houses the photographs, newspapers, magazines, tools and other mementoes of the 953 German prisoners of the First World War, who stayed here for 3 years from 1917. "The German Bridge" built by them is still there behind Oasahiko - jinja.
They also showed local people how to make cheese and butter from milk, while introducing cabbage, tomatoes and onions.


Von Toshiaki Kamei, Oberbürgermeister der Stadt Naruto

Das Deutsche Haus unserer Stadt wurde auf dem Hintergrund eines freundschaftlichen Kulturaustausches der hiesigen Bevölkerung mit deutschen Kriegsgefangenen, der sich um das Kriegsgefangenenlager Bando während des Ersten Weltkrieges rankt, der darauffolgenden, geerbten Hinterlassenschaften jener deutschen Soldaten als auch zur Förderung der Erziehung erbaut.

Auf dieser Grundlage aufbauend, setzen wir uns für den internationalen Kulturaustausch ein. Dieser Kulturaustausch beinhaltet den Austausch mit der Partnerstadt Lüneburg, das Auffinden von Unterlagen der ehemaligen deutschen Kriegsgefangenen über deren Nachkommen, sowie die Herausgabe der Lagerzeitung " Die Baracke " der damaligen Kriegsgefangenen in deutscher und japanischer Version.

Wenn man sagt "Japan und Deutschland haben gegeneinander gekämpft", so werden wohl viele darüber überrascht sein. Was die Beziehungen Japans zu Deutschland betrifft, so erhielt Japan doch schließlich Hilfe bei der Erschaffung einer Verfassung und blickte zu den Anleitungen im Heereswesen auf. Zudem waren während des Zweiten Weltkrieges beide Länder zusammen mit Italien Verbündete.

Aber es gab auch eine Zeit, in der beide Länder sich bekämpften. Es war im Jahre 1914 (3. Jahr der Taisho-Ära) mit dem Ausbruch des Ersten Weltkrieges, der Schauplatz war die Stadt Tsingtao auf der chinesischen Halbinsel Shangtung.Zu jener Zeit war Japan mit England verbündet, und England bat um Beistand zum Schutz seiner Schiffe. Bei dieser Gelegenheit schickte Japan 30.000 Soldaten nach Tsingtao, wo sich der deutsche Stützpunkt befand.

Auf Seiten der sich verteidigenden Deutschen waren es insgesamt nur 5.000 Soldaten, und nach ungefähr drei Monaten standen Sieger und Besiegte fest.Nach dem Ende der Kampfhandlungen kamen ca. 4.700 deutsche Soldaten als Kriegsgefangene nach Japan und wurden an zwölf verschiedenen Orten untergebracht. Aber da es sich hauptsächlich dabei um Tempel und öffentliche Gebäuden handelte, war es um die Unterbringungsbedingungen nicht gut bestellt.

Daher brachte man die Kriegsgefangenen später in sechs neu gebauten bzw. renovierten Lagern unter, wozu auch amerikanische Diplomaten rieten. So wurden auch die drei Lager Matsuyama, Marugame und Tokushima auf Shikoku zu dem Lager Bando im heutigen Stadtteil Oaza-cho von Naruto zusammengelegt. Dies war im April 1917 (6. Jahr der Taisho-Ära).

Dort verbrachten rund Tausend deutsche Soldaten zwei Jahre und zehn Monate. Während dieser Zeit brachte man ihnen sowohl von Seiten der Lagerverwaltung, wie z.B. von dem Lagerkommandaten Oberst Toyohisa Matsue, als auch von Seiten der dortigen Bevölkerung, die sich mit den deutschen Soldaten anfreundete und diese mit "Herr Deutscher" anrief, Fürsorge entgegen.
So galt das Lager Bando als ein Musterlager, und die Kriegsgefangenen führten dort ein vergleichsweise angenehmes Leben.


Link with some photos of the exhibits:




Shikoku Pilgrims 2005


Shinto and Hemp -  麻 asa  大麻 taima, oasa
Ame no Hiwashi no Mikoto 天日鷲命 アメノヒワシノミコト

ogara 苧殻 hemp reed, hemp string
麻幹/麻殻/あさぎ asagi
ogara 苧殻 (おがら) string made from hemp (to light the mukaebi)
..... asagara 麻殻(あさがら)、asagi あさぎ
ogarabi 苧殻火(おがらび)fire lit with hemp string and reeds

ogarabashi 苧殻箸 chopsticks from ogara hemp reeds

. 麻 asa  大麻 taima, oasa - Japanese hemp culture .

. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .


. WKD : Ludwig van Beethoven  

. Folk Toys from Tokushima .

