Daruma with a Headband
hachimaki Daruma 鉢巻だるま
This type of Daruma with a bandana is typical of Western Japan.

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From Himeji 姫路鉢巻達磨

Nagoya Daruma 名古屋だるま

. Dolls from Nagoya /名古屋張子だるま
Hakata Daruma 博多だるま

. Hakata Daruma Dolls .
A hachimaki (鉢巻)
is a stylized headband (bandanna, bandana) in Japanese culture, usually made of red or white cloth, worn as a symbol of perseverance or effort by the wearer. These are worn on many occasions, for example, by sports spectators, by women giving birth, students in cram school, office workers, expert tradesmen taking pride in their work, bōsōzoku (teen biker gangs) and even rioters. Japanese competitive eater Takeru Kobayashi wore a hachimaki for the Nathan's hotdog eating competition.
They are generally decorated with inspirational slogans, like
日本一 (Nippon Ichi, "the best of Japan" or "Japan's best"), but most typically with the rising sun motif.
The historical origin of hachimaki is uncertain. One theory links the cloth to those worn by early religious ascetics. Another theory states that they originated in headbands worn by samurai that kept their helmets on, to absorb perspiration, and keep hair out of their eyes.
"Hachimaki" translates as "helmet-scarf."
Perhaps the most infamous usage of the hachimaki was by the kamikaze pilots toward the end of World War II. Kamikaze pilots would frequently don a hachimaki, usually with the kanji characters 神風 ("Kamikaze") before flying to their deaths. The hachimaki was also worn by Daniel, in the famous film "Karate Kid".
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hachimaki Daruma to win an election

Clay Bell Daruma with headband

Daruma on a piece of cloth

Photos from my friend Ishino

Sukeroku with purple hachimaki 助六の鉢巻
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Famous Kabuki Play "Sukeroku".
. Reference : Sukeroku
Bandana for your cat

The bandana range, called “Cute, Cute Cat Thief”,
by Kitan Club
- source : en.rocketnews24.com/2015/09/22 -
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Bandana omamori amulet バンダナお守り
Ichigaya Kamegaoka Hachimangu 市谷亀岡八幡宮 - Tokyo
Because this shrine lets you bring your pets along for hatsumode, you’ll not only see cats and dogs there, but also rabbits, turtles, ferrets, hamsters, and even iguanas. While you are there, you can pray for the health and long life of your pet, and pick up an omamori (charm) to protect them from injury and illness.
All sorts of charms are on offer. The ‘Bandana Omamori’ can be tied easily around the neck or leg of your pet, and it comes in red, blue and yellow, as well as a new version with an arabesque pattern.
The ‘Pet no Horifuda Omamori’ペットの彫り札お守り lets you have your name, your pet’s name, and your wish for your pet carved onto the charm itself.
- source : dharmawheel.net -
ーーーーー HP of the Shrine
amulets for pets - ペットお守り案内

bandana in two different sizes and four colors.
momorin 百守鈴(ももりん) little bell for your pet neckless
- and many more
- source : ichigayahachiman.or.jp-
. Ichigaya 市谷 / 市ヶ谷 / 市ケ谷 "Market Valley" .
the name relates maybe to the shrine
. Ichigaya Kamegaoka Hachimangu 市谷亀岡八幡宮 .
Kameoka Hachiman Gū
The Shrine had a market where the Edoites could buy things
ichi kai 市買 .. changed to Ichigai and a shop 市買屋 Ichigaiya .. Ichigaya
This Koenji 東円寺 Temple Koen-Ji is Nr. 33 of the following pilgrimage
. Yamanote Kannon Reijo 山の手三十三観音霊場 .
. Mikawa Hachimaki Daruma 三河張子
. Matsuyama Dolls
男達磨 Otoko Daruma
宇和島達磨 Uwajima Daruma
Read about Takamatsu Papermachee Dolls.
... Takamatsu Hariko
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