Daruma Markets / 達磨市
The New Year could not be without them.
kigo for the New Year
Daruma ichi 達磨市 (だるまいち) Daruma market
Daruma mise 達磨店(だるまみせ)
shop to sell Daruma dolls
. fuku Daruma 福達磨(ふくだるま)
Daruma for good luck

fuku Daruma 福だるま
. more KIGO with Daruma
. Ichigami matsuri 市神祭 (いちがみまつり)
festival for the God of the Market .
and the Munakata Deities 宗像神

engimono ichi 縁起物市
- Click for more lucky deals!
New Year is the season for many Daruma Markets all over Japan, mostly around the Kanto area. It seems everybody wants to make sure the coming year brings him/her a little more good luck and it takes a Daruma doll without eyes to help with that big task.
This story will give you an overview of the many events taking place around the New Year Time in Japan. The different tpyes of Daruma dolls will be explained in their own stories. The material for this subject is just overwhelming. Checking in English you find more than 113 entires for Daruma Markets, 32 for Daruma Fairs.
Checking in Japanese for Daruma Ichi だるま市 you find 3050 (!) entries, for ダルマ市 there are 638 and for 達磨市 you find 182.
For Daruma Matsuri だるま祭りwe have more than 200 entries.
This only reflects the different ways of spelling DARUMA with the complicated Japanese writing system.
A Daruma Market is held at many Buddhst temples and Shinto shrines at their respecitve festival days (ennichi 縁日), but mostly during the New Year season. Most Daruma Markets are held in Northern and Central Japan with Tokyo at the center, but in Western Japan there are only a few. The markets are scheduled one after another to permit the vendors to move from one to the next. At most temples and shrines everywhere in Japan you can get a papermachee Daruma doll during the first three days of the New Year.
. . . CLICK here for ennichi Photos !

Daruma market in Sowa Town 総和町 Ibaraki
- quote -
- - - Chaos at the Daruma Doll Market

One day at the end of February,
Boss Panda suggested to the two friends that they purchase a daruma doll in order to ask for good fortune for the year ahead. He told them that there would soon be a large daruma doll fair as part of the Gansan-Daishi festival (元三大師大祭) held at Jindai-ji in Chofu. The pair found that the “Daruma-ichi” (だるま市), or daruma doll market would be held on 3rd and 4th March 2014.
On 3rd March, they set off for Chofu, taking the Keio Line Special Express train from Shinjuku station to Chofu (15 minutes, ¥230), and then a no.34 bus from the north side of Chofu Station (bus stop 14). The bus stopped directly outside Jindai-ji temple (深大寺).
- snipp snip -
What Miko had noticed though while she stood holding him in the queue before the explosion, was that her doll had a character on his belly that was different to all the other dolls at the market, and that the dolls now surrounding them all had a more complicated character on them than the one she had seen. She scanned the confusion, looking for her doll…
Can you find him in the picture above?

dokidoki Daruma どきどきだるま
His belly kanji is different to all the others! - source : tokyomonogatari.com/chaos-at-the-daruma-doll-market... -
List of Daruma Markets arranged by date:
1-3 Many Temples and Shrines throughout Japan
1-15 Toyokawa Inari Shrine Festival, Aichi Pref.
6 First New Year's Fair, Gyooda, Saitama Pref.
6-7 Shoorin-zan, Takasaki and Sawa, Gunma Pref.
7-8 Shinano Kokubun-ji Festival, Ueda, Nagano Pref.
7-9 Bishamonten Shrine Fuji, Shizuoka Pref.
8 Kiku Inari Shrine, Tano, Gunma Pref.
9 Mito, Ibaragi Pref.
9 Koyasu Shrine, Hachioji, Tokyo
八王子在達磨市之図 Hachioji Daruma Market Meiji 32
10 Maebashi, Gunma Pref.
11 Kotohira Shrine Festival, Takasaki, Gunma Pref.
11 Futaba, Fukushima Pref.
11 First New Year's Fair, Shibukawa, Gunma Pref.
11 First New Year's Fair, Utsunomiya, Tochigi Pref.
11 Tokorokoma Shrine, Makabe, Ibaragi Pref.
12 Miharu, Fukushima Pref.
12 Dairoku Ten-jinja , Chigasaki Town, Kanagawa Pref.
12 Sumiyoshi Jinja Daruma Market, Aome, Tokyo
12-13 Koku-Jizoo-Festival, Chichibu, Saitama Pref.
14 Mine Shrine Festival, Katta, Miyagi Pref.
14 Hachiman Shrine Festival, Sendai, Miyagi Pref.
14-15 Candy Fair, Matsumoto, Nagano Pref.
14-15 Haguro Shrine, Fukushima City
15-16 Shimodate, Ibaragi Pref.
18 Daruma Kuyoo (Burning), Dairyuu-ji, Gifu City
21 Nishi-Arai Daishi Temple Festival, Adachi Ward, Tokyo
25 Iyoku Shrine Festival, Sawa, Gunma Pref.
28 Tokusa Fudoo Festival, Kawasaki, Kanagawa Pref.
31 First New Year's Fair, Kanuma, Tochigi Pref.
- third sunday
. Fumonji 普門寺 Fumon-Ji Zen Temple, Gunma .
1 Goshiki Shrine, Kita-Saitama City
2 Hoorin-ji, Ukyoo, Kyoto
3-4 Setsubun Festival, Great Shrine in Koofu, Yamanashi Pref. First
Sunday Daruma Festival, Okaya, Nagano Pref.
10 Konpira Shrine Festival, Iwatsuki, Saitama Pref.
11 Daruma Market, Shirakawa, Fukushima Pref.
11 Daruma Festival, Koozen-ji, Suzuka, Mie Pref.
13-14 Jizoo Festival, Koofu, Yamanashi Pref.
Second Sunday : Shinmei Shrine, Mihara, Hiroshima Pref.
Third Sunday : Kiyomizu-dera Festival, Fujieda, Shizuoka Pref.
25 Monju Festival, Oosato, Saitama Pref.
28 Noda, Chiba Pref.
First Day of the Horse Takenoma Inari ShrineFestival, Iwanuma, Miyagi Pref.
3-4 Daruma Market, Jindai-ji, Choofu, Tokyo
1-2 Ryootan-ji, Hikone, Shiga Pref.
11 Daruma Festival (Daruma-e) Daruma-ji, Ooji, Nara
19-20 Enpuku-ji, Yahata, Kyoto Pref.
21 Daruma Festival, Koozen-ji, Kamitonda, Wakayama Pref.
5 Daruma Memorial Day (Daruma-ki), most Zen temples
20 Daruma Festival, Enpukuji, Yahata, Kyoto Pref.
17-18 Iizumi Kannon Festival, Odawara, Kanagawa Pref.
24, 30 Yearend Fair, Nakaminato, Ibaragi Pref.
25,31 Yearend Fair, Inari Shrine, Fukushima City
26 Yearend Fair, Haga, Tochigi Pref.
Nishitama 西多摩 Nishi Tama Daruma markets
羽村市 / 青梅市 / あきる野市 / 瑞穂町
- source : nishitama.keizai.biz -

Sekino Junichiro, Odawara Daruma Market
source : ukiyo-e.org
- - - - - Let us look at five of the biggest Daruma Markets.
Takasaki is the biggest one of the three great Daruma Markets, the second is Jindai-ji and the third in Shirawaka. Some people say the one at the Bishamon Festival in Fuji Town is the third biggest, but never mind that. And Mihara is certainly the biggest in Western Japan.
Takasaki Shorin-zan Daruma Market
Maybe the oldest, biggest and most well-known Daruma Market is held at the famous Daruma Temple Shorin-zan in Takasaki (Shoorin-zan, Shoorinzan). The temple is located about a 15 minutes drive from Takasaki Station. (It takes about 3 hours from Tokyo by train to get
there.) The temple Shorin-zan belongs to the Obaku Sect of Zen and is known as the place of origin of the Good Luck Daruma (engi Daruma 縁起だるま).
The Daruma Market is held every year at the sixth and seventh of January, the seventh is the great festival of the special rice gruel with seven vegetables, eaten on this day only (nanakusa 七草粥). During the middle of the Edo period Mt. Asama erupted and the great famine of Tenmei followed soon. It was a hard period for the local farmers. To help eleviate their burden the head priest of the Temple Shorin-zan had the good idea to make a little papermachee doll of Daruma and sell it as a token for good luck. The first figures were representing the monk himself sitting in meditation in a realistic way, but soon they became simpler and took the round form of a silkworm cocoon. Now we know them as the "Daruma for Good Luck" (fuku daruma 福だるま) of Takasaki.
The yearly output of Daruma dolls in all of Japan is about 2 million dolls, with Takasaki as the biggest producer of about 80% of them.
More than 100 shops and families in this area are busy with the production. Other areas of Daruma production are in Shirakawa and Koshigaya, but their total output is only small.
Looking at the figure above we find that one in 20 housholds in Japan posesses a Daruma doll. That is quite hard to believe. Since Daruma dolls are usually not sold in department stores and supermarkets, they must all be going through the Daruma Markets. Usually Takasaki town is extremely crowded during the Daruma Market season and the place is most busy during the night from the 6th to the 7th of January.

高崎だるま市(群馬県高崎市)Takasaki Daruma Market
Climbing up the long stone stairs you come to the main hall with a statue of the Zen patriarch Daruma Daishi in his red robe, seated in meditation. All around the hall are stalls and half of them sell Daruma dolls, some sell also beckoning cats (maneki neko 招き猫) and the zodiac animal of the new year. Daruma comes in many sizes, from a tiny ball for about 3 dollars to a big one costing a fortune. But you can haggle about the prize, if you find a doll that suits you. The Daruma has no eyes painted, so you can paint one while making your wish for
the New Year.
(See story . Me-ire - Painting Eyes for Daruma .
FARMUS ファームス木島平 Kijimadaira Marche
- reference source : farmus.jp/index -

Temple Jinda-ji in Tokyo 東京の深大寺
The Daruma Market is on the 3rd and 4th of May. In the temple ground,Darumas of many different colors are sold, not only red ones.
There are also Darumas with the eyes already painted in, but hidden (mekakushi Daruma 目隠しだるま). The reason for this is simpler than you think. These special Daruma come with golden eyes and to make sure the golden foil does not come off during transportation and packing, they are covered by a slip of white paper.
If you look closer, you can see that the face is painted in many different ways. For good luck the eyebrows should resemble a crane and the lip beard a tortoise. The chin beard resembles a pine tree while the belly pattern and nose come alive like bamboo and plum, to give us the three auspicious symbols (shoo-chiku-bai 松竹梅).
. Temple Jindai-ji and the Eyes of Daruma
Shirakawa Daruma Market 白川だるま市
Shirakawa town has been a market place since the Kamakura period and the present-day Daruma market developed from an old "Flower Market" in January; it is now held on February 11th, on the National Holiday for the Founding of the Constitution. There are more than 800 stalls, about 150.000 Daruma dolls are produced locally and about 150.000 people visit the market. Daruma dolls come in 18 different sizes, mostly with all the auspicious symbols we have just seen above at Jindai-ji. The biggest is 75 cm and the smallest 8 cm.
. Shirakawa Daruma 白川だるま
Bishamonten Festival in Fuji
This festival occures according to the old lunar calendar, so the date is shifting from December to February at the Temple Myoohoo-ji (妙法寺 Myoho-ji). Daruma dolls with a big beard are the speciality of this Daruma Market. This beard is one of the characteristics of the main deity, Bishamonten, of this temple. The road from the Yoshihara station to the temple is lined with stalls and maybe more than 500.000 people are on their feet during the three days of this festival and more than 150.000 dolls are sold.
. Bishamonten and Daruma
Daruma Market in Mihara 三原のだるま市
This is the great Daruma Market in Western Japan, in Hiroshima prefecture. The second Sunday (and Saturday) are the great days of the Shinmei Festival (神明市) at the famous Zen temple Buttsuu-ji (佛通寺) within the parc precincts of the Yahata Shrine. From Mihara Station it takes about 40 minutes to reach the temple by bus. One of the big Daruma figures is about 3.5 meters high, made from a bamboo scaffold
and covered with old newspaper before coloring it all red. Mihara boasts the biggest papermachee Daruma statue of all Japan (Nippon Ichi 日本一).
. Mihara Daruma 三原だるま
Temple Gokuraku-Ji 極楽寺 and the Daruma Collection
Konpira Shrine Festival, Iwaki City
This shrine is known as the home of the guardian deity for seafarers and fishermen. Its Daruma Fair attracts many visitors.
Maebashi Daruma Market 前橋の初市
The First Market of the New Year with a history stretching back 360 years. The Daruma Market is held each year on January 9th. Thousands of people flock to the downtown area of Maebashi to purchase a daruma doll in hopes that it will bring prosperity.
Miharu Daruma Fair 三春だるま市
Held on the 15th of January in Miharu-machi(三春町) near Koriyama this event dates back over 300 years. It features a Daruma, numerous roadside stands, and a drum meet (taiko taikai 太鼓大会). It will be held on the street in front of the Omachi Public Hall, 10 minutes by bus or a 20 minute walk from Miharu Station.
. English Reference about Daruma Markets
Kume Suitengu Daisai Festival
January 5.

埼玉県所沢市 Saitama Pref. Tokorozawa Town
Daruma Market in Fuji Town

© manpokei.exblog.jp
From the Daruma Museum Archives
Asao Tokusa Fudo Temple and Daruma Fair
木賊不動 . 麻生不動だるま市
Haijima Daruma Market and Daishi Sama 拝島大師だるま市
Hamamatsu Daruma Market 浜松市の虚空蔵尊とだるま市
Kawagoe Daruma Market 川越だるま
. . .
Ebisu Daruma Market / Photo
Doro Ichi, Mud Market 泥市
Doro Ichi is the name given to a special outdoor market specializing in Daruma New Year's dolls and other New Year's decorations. This special one-day market will be held in front of the Yatabe 谷田部 branch office of city hall on Tuesday, Dec. 28th, and should be an interesting sight even if you are not interested in actually buying any decorations for your home or apartment. If, however, you would like to pick up some unusual souvenirs to take back with you, this should be a good opportunity.
The term Doro Ichi literally means mud market and has two possible linguistic origins. One is that traditionally December was the month when dorobo (thieves, literally mud sticks) were most active. The other theory is that it had to do with the muddy roads of December and that when people went shopping on such roads, they tended to get muddy.
observance kigo for mid-winter
Setagaya boroichi 世田谷ぼろ市 (せたがやぼろいち)
Setagaya Flea Market
Setagaya Antique Flea Market
..... boro-ichi ぼろ市(ぼろいち) flea market
Held twice a year, December 15, 16 and January 15, 16, at Setagaya ward, Tokyo.
A lot or art and antiques are sold.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
This market dates back to 1574, when this was a market town connecting Edo with Odawara, and an offroad, the Inuyama Kaido. The lord of Odawara allowed trading without collecting taxes on these days.
Nowadays a lot of potted plants and antiques are traded.
boroichi no garan to nani o tataki uru
at the flea market
what do they sell so cheaply
shouting out loud
Matsuzawa Akira 松澤昭
Flea Market
. by Patrick Fetu .
Hagoita ichi 羽子板市 (はごいたいち) battledore market

Fuku Daruma 福ダルマ
. Goldfish named Fuku Daruma

FukuDaruma bisquits 福だるま
made from soy bean flower
kigo for mid-winter
Toshi no ichi 年の市 Last Market of the Year
..... kure no ichi 暮の市(くれのいち) Year-end market
..... kure ichi 暮市(くれいち)
shiwasu no ichi 師走の市(しわすのいち) December market
saimatsu oo-uridash 歳末大売出し(さいまつおおうりだし)
Year-end sale
sekki ichi 節季市(せっきいち)seasonal market
kurisumasu oo-uridashi クリスマス大売出し
(くりすますおおうりだし) Christmas sale
Selling goods cheaply for the New Year Celebrations
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
toshi no ichi nani shi ni deta to hito no iu
year's end fair
"What's he doing here?"
they ask
by Issa, 1804
Jean Cholley describes the scene:
Issa is alone in the city, ignorant of where his next bowl of rice will come from, walking through the crowd at the year's end fair just for the pleasure of seeing the world. His ragged appearance attracts attention and people's looks that seem to say: "What could he possibly want here, having no money?" En village de miséreux: Choix de poèmes de Kobayashi Issa (Paris: Gallimard, 1996) 236, n. 30.
Tr. and Text: David Lanoue
kawa-baori mise ni yuku nari toshi no ichi
. kawabaori 皮羽織 leather haori coat .
. Morning Market 朝市 asa ichi, asaichi
. Bargain Sales
. . .
. Markets in Kenya
. Kisongo Market, Tanzania
. . . . .
Higginson in Haiku World notes:
kigo for all summer
flea market
outdoor market
sidewalk sale

source : Akita 草市
Katsuhira Tokushi, Akita (1904 - 1971) - Bon Market
observance kigo for mid-autumn
kusa no ichi 草の市 (くさのいち) Bon-market
lit. "plant market"
..... kusaichi, kusa ichi 草市(くさいち)
bonichi, bon ichi 盆市(ぼんいち)Bon-market
..... bon no ichi 盆の市(ぼんのいち)
..... tamuke no ichi 手向の市(たむけのいち)
makomo uri 真菰売(まこもうり)vendor of makomo
(straw to make horse decorations for O-Bon)
tooroo uri 燈籠売(とうろううり) vendor for Bon-lanterns
A market that sells all the things necessary for the Bon celebrations, especially lotos flowers and leaves, makomo wild rice straw and woven mats, even eggplants and cucumbers for decorations.
It used to start on the evening of the 12th of August until early morning of the 13th. By morning, many things were full of dew, especially in smaller towns in the mountains.
urinokoru mono tsuyukeshi ya kusa no ichi
the left-over things
are full of dew -
Masaoka Shiki
kusa koote hito chirijiri ya tsuyu no naka
people who by plants
are drenched all over -
all is in dew
Matsuse Seisei 松瀬青々
(1869 - 1937 ?1939)
. more KIGO with Daruma

source : www.e-obuse.com
だるま販売 Daruma will be sold
安市 Cheap Market in Obuse, Shinano

fuku 幸(ふく)守り amulet to become happy and lucky
. Toys and Talismans from Japan .

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Matsuo Basho
nani ni kono shiwasu no ichi ni yuku karasu
Basho at Zeze
Matsuo Basho
Ikkyuu ga kawarake kawan toshi no ichi
toshi no ichi senkoo kai ni idebayana
Yosa Buson
fuji o mite tooru hito ari toshi no ichi
looking at Mount Fuji
some people just pass on -
year-end market
about Mount Fuji
Tokyo Setagaya ku 世田谷区 Setagaya ward
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