
Kabocha Daruma Pumpkin

nnnnnnnnnnnn TOP nnnnnnnnnnnnn

Pumpkin Daruma from Koriyama

Kooriyama no Kabocha Daruma かぼちゃ達磨

© http://www.naf.co.jp/mingei/folk.stm

Another LINK with this Daruma and many other Daruma Dolls:


Fujieda Papermachee Daruma


Daruma with ears (mimitsuki Daruma)
Daruma like a pumpkin (kabocha Daruma) and our
Yakumo Daruma

Daruma Museum:
Fujieda Daruma Dolls


Clay Doll like Daruma

© http://s-kyobai.hp.infoseek.co.jp/0020-tutisuzu.htm
Click on this LINK for a great collection of clay dolls.

Daruma Museum
More about Clay Dolls


© http://hono.eternal.chu.jp/?day=20051030


Daruma Museum:
Gourds and Daruma Dolls

Please send your contributions to Gabi Greve

Alphabetical Index of the Daruma Museum


Expo Osaka 1970

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Expo Osaka 1970

Silver and Gold Daruma Memorial Dolls

Photos from my friend Ishino

Box and Bottom

Photos from my friend Ishino

Expo '70 (日本万国博覧会, Nihon bankoku hakuran-kai) was a World's Fair held in Suita, Osaka, Japan between March 15 and September 13, 1970. The theme of the Expo was "Progress and Harmony for Mankind." This was the first World's Fair held in Japan. Seventy seven countries attended the event, and within six months, the number of visitors reached 64,210,000 people. In Japanese Expo '70 is often referred to as Ōsaka Banpaku (大阪万博). This fair was one of the largest and best attended expositions in history.

Like the 1964 Summer Olympics, Expo '70 was a success and served as a symbol of the extremely rapid development of Japan in the 1960s. It was held in Suita, a suburb of Osaka. When it was chosen as the site for the event, it was a rural district covered with bamboo forest. For Expo '70 infrastructure was created and the surrounding area was developed. The site for the world fair was planned by the Japanese architect Kenzo Tange.

© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

CLICK for more EXPO photos

Please send your contributions to Gabi Greve

Alphabetical Index of the Daruma Museum

Kiyomizu Clay Dolls Kyoto

[ . BACK to Worldkigo TOP . ]
. Kyoto Folk Art .

Kyoto Clay Dolls 京都土人形 

. Fushimi tsuchi ningyoo 伏見土人形 clay dolls from Fushimi .

. Kyoto no dorei 京都の土鈴 clay bells from Kyoto .


Yamazaki no inoshishi 山崎の猪 wild boar from Yamazaki

Related to a story of the Chushingura Samurai Vendetta, near the Hachiman Shrine at 大山崎町の離宮八幡宮 Oyamazaki.
山崎街道の場 Yamazaki Kaido no Ba

- quote -
Chūshingura (忠臣蔵 The Treasury of Loyal Retainers)
Act V, scene 1, Yamazaki kaidō teppō watashi no ba
“The Musket Shots on the Yamazaki Highway”

While only a peripheral part of the story, these two scenes are very popular because of their fine staging and dramatic action. Kanpei is now living with Okaru’s parents and is desperate to join the vendetta. On a dark, rainy night we see him out hunting wild boar. Meanwhile, Okaru has agreed that her father, Yoichibei, sell her into prostitution in Kyoto to raise money for the vendetta. On his way home from the Gion pleasure quarter with half the cash as a down payment, Yoichibei is, however, murdered and robbed by Sadakurô, the wicked son of Kudayū, one of Hangan’s retainers. Sadakurō is dressed in a stark black kimono and, though brief, this role is famous for its sinister and blood curdling appeal. Kanpei shoots at a wild boar but misses.
Instead, the shot hits Sadakurō and, as he dies, the blood drips from Sadakurō’s mouth onto his exposed white thigh. Kanpei finds the body but cannot see who it is in the darkness. Hardly believing his luck, he discovers the money on the body, and decides to take it to give to the vendetta.
- source : wikipedia -



Kyoto Kiyomizu Clay Dolls 清水土人形 

Photo from my friend Ishino

One plays the shamisen, look on the left.
One in the back sits in Zazen meditation with folded hands.

There are eight little dolls.
Usually you find one or two at an antiques fair, here they are all together.


Small Clay Dolls from Kiyomizu
Kiyomizu mame ningyoo 清水豆人形

Most are just 1 to 4 cm high. They started to be made in the early Meiji period. THey come in a little bag with a bamboo bottom or paper bottom.

 CLICK for more Kyoto Clay Dolls
CLICK for more dolls !

Popular motives are 七福神 the Seven Gods of Good Luck, 雛人形 Hina Dolls, 金太郎 Kintaro and other well-known heroes. There is also a set of 郷土玩具のセット "Local Folk Toys".
Another set comes in a special pouch called Shingen-bukuro 信玄袋 with a bottom of strong paper and a draw-string to close it.
This bag contains 12 pieces, 犬・虎・だるま・天狗面・狐面・ねずみ・独楽・鳩笛・でんでん太鼓・獅子頭・こけし・風車.
- reference : popeye.sakura.ne.jp -

. Shingen-bukuro 信玄袋 Shingen drawstring-pouch .


Kiyomizuyaki 清水焼 pottery from Kiyomizu
Kiyomizu-ware from Kyoto

One of the terms commonly given to similar wares produced by several local kilns and associated with the old pottery market which still exists on the hill leading to Kyoto's Kiyomizudera 清水寺.

What is now called Old Kiyomizu ko-kiyomizu 古清水 is actually the pottery that emerged during the Kan'ei 寛永 era (1624-44) from kilns in Yasaka 八坂, Otowa 音羽, Kiyomizu, and Mizorogaike 御菩薩池, all in Kyoto.
It was not until the potter Nonomura Ninsei 野々村仁清 became active after 1647 that the overglaze enamel techniques and decoration associated with Kiyomizu ware were clearly established.
source : Jaanus

MORE : Robert Yellin - e-yakimono

.Tea cup with Daruma Hina Dolls .
by the famous Kyoto potter Nonomura Ninsei


Temple Kiyomizu-dera 清水寺
in Kyoto was founded in the early Heian period.
The temple dates back to 778.

The main hall has a large veranda, supported by tall pillars, that juts out over the hillside and offers impressive views of the city. Large verandas and main halls were constructed at many popular sites during the Edo period to accommodate large numbers of pilgrims.

The popular expression "to jump off the stage at Kiyomizu" is the Japanese equivalent of the English expression "to take the plunge". This refers to an Edo period tradition that held that, if one were to survive a 13m jump from the stage, one's wish would be granted. Two hundred thirty-four jumps were recorded in the Edo period and, of those, 85.4% survived.
The practice is now prohibited.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

Tokuriki Tomikichiro 徳力富吉郎 (1902-1999)


kigo for the Kiyomizu Temple

. Kiyomizu no Go Ou 清水の牛王 (きよみずのごおう)
Go-Oo Ox Deity at temple Kiyomizu .

Kiyomizudera go Oo清水寺牛王(きよみずでらごおう)、
..... 清水寺牛王杖(きよみずでらごおうづえ)
Go-Oo stick at Kiyomizu Temple

observance kigo for the New Year

source : mfa.org/collections/object

Young Woman Jumping from the Kiyomizu Temple Balcony
with an Umbrella as a Parachute

by Suzuki Harunobu


Jishu Jinja 地主神社 Jishu Shrine for the local deity

The shrine is famous for its "love divination".
There are two large stones, koi uranai no ishi 恋占いの石, about as high as the knee. They are about 6 meters apart from each other and if the love seeker manages to walk between them with closed eyes, reaching the other stone straight, he can be assured his love wish will be fulfilled.

- Reference : Amulets from the Shrine -

koi no o-mamori 恋 お守り amulets for LOVE !
. . . CLICK here for Photos !


jishu matsuri 地主祭 (じしゅまつり)
festival of the local deity of Kiyomizu

Kiyomizu jishu matsuri 清水地主祭(きよみずじしゅまつり)

observance kigo for early summer

on March 5
Festival for Jishu Gongen 地主権現.
This festival was initiated by Enyuu Tennoo 円融天皇.
Now parades of ladies clad in white and warriors in armor walk through down the Sannenzaka slope and the Chawanzaka slope in Kyoto.

source and more photos : kotohurari.web

The Kiyomizu temple complex includes several other shrines, among them the Jishu Shrine, dedicated to Ōkuninushi, a god of love and "good matches".
Jishu Shrine possesses a pair of "love stones" placed 6 meters/20 feet apart, which lonely visitors can try to walk between with their eyes closed. Success in reaching the other stone with their eyes closed implies that the pilgrim will find love, or true love. One can be assisted in the crossing, but this is taken to mean that a go-between will be needed. The person's romantic interest can assist them as well.

Shoozan 嘯山 (1718 - 1801)

Tan Taigi 炭太祇 (1709 - 1771)



observance kigo for early autumn

Kiyomizu sennichi moode 清水千日詣
Visiting Kiyomizu temple for 1000 days
yokubi 欲日(よくび), yokunichi mairi 欲日参
"day with great hopes"
shiman rokusennichi 四万六千日(しまんろくせんにち)
"46000 days"

Why 46000 days, you might ask?
This is supposed to be the number of rice grains in one Japanese measure of rice, Japan being an old rice-growing nation and wasting even one grain of it was a big sin.

People visited the Kiyomizu temple on one of the days from August 9 to 16. This would bring the merit of 1000 temple visits, so it was a day of great hopes for a better after-life.

. shiman rokusen nichi 四万六千日(しまんろくせんにち)
46000 days - Market at Asakusa Temple, Tokyo .


Temple Nakayama-Ji in Osaka 大阪 - 中山寺

Kiyomizu hoshi kudari 清水星下り (きよみずほしくだり)
"a star comes to Kiyomizu"

On the 24th day of the seventh lunar month
(now celebrated on August 9)
the statue of Kannon from temple Nakayama-Ji in Osaka changed into a star and came over to Kiyomizu temple in Kyoto.
The monks celebrate the whole night with lights and prayers.



. Kyoto Folk Art .

- #kiyomizu #kyotoclaydolls #tsuchiningyokyoto -

Nakano Clay Dolls

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Nakano Clay Dolls 中野土人形
Some are really small.

Photos from my friend Ishino san.


Kobayashi Issa

WDK : Kobayashi Issa, Haiku Poet from Nagano

rainy winter day
clay dolls from Nakano
Daruma and Issa

Gabi, December 2007


Nakano City, famous as the "country of clay dolls".
In the museum, standing on the hill with a picturesque view, clay dolls made in Nakano and 1500 other dolls made all over Japan, are displayed.
Nakano Clay Doll Museum


CLILCK for more Clay Dolls from Nakano
Click for more photos.

The two families, Nara (from Kyoto, Fushimi) and Nishihara (from Aichi, Tategahana), make these dolls in Nakano.

北信州に伝わる中野の土人形には、奈良家が制作する「中野人形」と、西原家が制作する「立ヶ花人形」があり、この両者を合わせて、「郷土玩具 中野土人形」と呼んでいます。

Their repertoir comprizes an Ebisu carrying Daruma doll.

... Daruma doll museum : Ebisu Doll


Tategahana ningyoo 立ケ花人形
dolls from Tategahana

These dolls are now revived, even with a new Daruma in the collection, by
Nishihara san.

The dolls have been made since about 100 years ago.

西原邦男 Nishihara Kunio was a tile maker and used the clay to make some dolls.

source : www.shinshu.co.jp



Daikoku on a fugu puffer fish ふぐ乗り大黒
If you eat a puffer fish, the poison might kill you. (fugu ni ataru.)
This is a pun with fuku ni ataru 福に当たる大黒, to be lucky when you meet Daikoku
This doll brings luck to the merchants.
This is the only clay doll with this combination.

Ebisu with a shop register 帳面持ちえびす

Sanaso Dancer  / Kanu with a helbard 関羽 (Kabuki)

Child on a toy horse / Kintoki on a wild boar

source : agal-916.html


tsuchibina 土雛(つちびな)clay dolls

CLICK for more samples !


. Nagano Folk Art - 長野県 .





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Parent and Child Daruma from Yamanashi
oyako Daruma 親子だるま

. . . CLICK here for more Photos !


... source was : popyah/yamanashi/oyakodaruma ...

This Daruma is all white. If you look closely, the child Daruma already has a large beard! Maybe because they are made in memory of Takeda Shingen, the great warlord of the area during the Edo period. And the side is decorated with the auspicious pattern of "Pine, Bamboo and Plum" (shoo chiku bai).


親子だるま  山梨県甲府 From Kofu in Yamanashi

© Mingei 2


Parent and Child Daruma, oyako Daruma

GOOGLE for more parent and child Daruma dolls !

出口すみこさん 「親子だるま」


Black Daruma Oyako 親子

Sitting in my garden.
Made from wood.


Koshu Daruma ... (Kooshuu Daruma) 甲州だるま ...
Shingen Daruma 信玄だるま (Takeda Shingen) from Yamanashi

. Folk Toys from Yamanashi .

- #oyakodaruma #yamanashioyako -


Shirakawa Daruma

[ . BACK to Daruma Museum TOP . ]

Shirakawa Daruma 白河のだるま - 白川だるま
Iwaki Daruma 岩木、いわきだるま

These dolls have a history of more than 160 years. They are sold at the annual Daruma Market on February 11. Daruma made north of Shirakawa all have the black eyes painted. White ones are for bringing good luck, red oned are for avoiding evil influences.

They have a tradition of more than 160 years. You can paint the eyes for good luck. They come in different sizes and red or white. The Daruma in the picture next to it is from Iwaki.

Look at some nice pictures here:

いわき市は大平洋に面した広域都市です。その中心となるのが城下町から発展した「平」の町で、いわき張り子はこの町で作られています。 張り子の製作には多量の和紙が必要となるため、江戸時代に反古紙が多く出る城下町で始められたといわれています。張子人形師が六と記された江戸中期の記録が残っています。 その主なものは「だるま」と「天狗面」ですが、虎、おかめの面なども作られてきたようです。
---制作者記録---村山しずえ:いわき市平作町(たいらさくまち)高橋晃平:いわき市平正月町  TEL: 0246-23-4077

. Tsurukame ― Crane, Tortoise 鶴亀 and Shirakawa Daruma  

Tani Bunchoo 谷文晁 Tani Buncho (1763 - 1841)
It is said his painting of Daruma became the model for the dolls of Shirakawa.


会津だるまの高さ20cm。(H16. 11.26)

The brow is in the form of the crane,
the beard in the form of the turtoise.

From Ku no Hama

久之浜 Ku no Hama など浜通りのだるまでは三春の影響は限られたものとなる。顔は青く縁取られているが彫りは浅く、目は開いているが睨み顔ではない。鼻つきなどは隣の茨城県産だるま(那珂湊、大洗)に、眉や髯の描き方などは関東だるまに類似している。
高さ33cm。(H16. 11.26)

© 佐藤 研 (仙台市)


. Shirakawa Genki Daruma 白川元気だるま
For your Wellbeing  

Exhibition of Shirakawa and all Japan Daruma

With a wonderful catalogue of all the exhibits !
source : shirakawa315.com


Shirakawa Daruma Natto

Fermented beans from Shirakawa, Daruma brand


Shirakawa Daruma Market 白川だるま市

Shirakawa town has been a market place since the Kamakura period and the present-day Daruma market developed from an old "Flower Market" in January; it is now held on February 11th, on the National Holiday for the Founding of the Constitution. There are more than 800 stalls, about 150.000 Daruma dolls are produced locally and about 150.000 people visit the market. Daruma dolls come in 18 different sizes, mostly with all the auspicious symbols we have just seen above at Jindai-ji. The biggest is 75 cm and the smallest 8 cm.

Daruma Ichi 達磨市 Markets to Sell Daruma

Tickets for the train to the Daruma Market
with a red and white Daruma doll
白河だるま市 / 国鉄バス

Shirakawa Daruma bus ticket


At the shrine Shirakwaw Kashima Jinja 白河 鹿嶋神社
they sell ema votive tablets with the red and white Daruma.

Deity in residence
Take Mikazluchi no Mikoto 武甕槌命
The shrine was founded around 775. The deity was a protector of the Samurai from Hitachi.
source : www.kashimajinja.jp


Children making their own Shirakawa Daruma



Watanabe Daruma Store 渡辺だるま店
Shirakawa Town

You can also make your own Daruma ther, Mr. Watanabe will help!
The tradition goes back to Lord Matsudaira Sadanobu 松平定信 and the first doll maker, Watanabe Hanjiro 渡辺半次郎.

source : 渡辺だるま店


The village of Shirakawa 白河郷
is famous for the roofs of the old farmhouses, strong to bear a lot of snow. This sight is a World Heritage.


The houses in the villages in the valley are unique to Japan. They are very big, and have thick thatched roofs that come down steeply. This way the snow can slide off the roofs. There is also enough space under the roofs to store supplies for long winters. The inhabitants of these villages used to earn their money in the silk-industry. They lived a very secluded life. In Japanese, the houses are called Gassho-zukuri. Gassho means praying hands, suggesting the form of hands raised in prayer to the buddha. Here it refers to the triangular shape of the roof.

CLICK for more photos

The Old Farmhouses
Once the center of the silk trade in Japan, these houses are now kept as examples of the gassho-zukuri (prayer-shape) style of architecture used in some mountainous parts of rural Japan. Extended families lived on the first two floors, while the upper story sheltered the silkworms brought over from China. (Silk traveled east from China, too, along the Silk Road.) Cooking and heating fires permeating the upper story kept it at an ideal temperature for sericulture even in the coldest winters. The smoke protected the cocoons while discouraging wood-boring insects. The silk was sold to expert kimono-weavers in Kyoto and Edo (the old name for Tokyo), and became a key item of Japan's exports. So important was the silk trade to Japan that Dupont's invention of Nylon in the 1940s was deemed to have strategic value by the US Government. Nylon stockings foreshadowed the end of the silk trade as an international business.

Every ten years or so, the thatch roof of a gassho-zukuri house must be replaced, and this work requires the help of neighbors. Even as the economic mainstay of Shirakawa has shifted from silk to tourism, the community work system remains intact today. Shirakawa is actually only one of several villages, and others such as Gokayama and Ainokura have their own uniquely recognizeable styles of construction. Located in valleys where the wind direction is predictible, the houses are generally oriented with their narrow sides facing the wind, giving the villages the look of a schoolroom of alert students when viewed from above. Summer brings a plague of bus tours; winter is much less crowded and is the best time to wander around freely. Several of the gassho-zukuri houses serve as country inns, minshuku where one can stay overnight at reasonable cost. These offer a great chance to experience both the cold of winter and the warmth of an old country inn.

. Fukiyachoo 葺屋町 Fukiyacho District of roof thatchers .


Daruma protecting the bridge


Daruma Cafe - collaboration 2018

だる抹茶パンケーキ Darumacha pancake

- source : haveagood.holiday/events... -


. 「きらり!えん旅」 NHK Kirari Entabi .

Support for Shirakawa after the great earthquake.

Part of the castle walls were destroyed and many people from Fukushima radiation evacuees now live in temporary housings in the town.

. Japan after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011 .


Gokayama 五箇山
is also a world heritage site close to Shirakawa. In winter folks had no way of getting over the steep snowed passes and could not do much.

Gokayama Daruma 五箇山の達磨

He is almost square and has a rather unhappy expression !

source : kyoudogangu.xii.jp/daruma.html


. Daruma Dolls from Fukushima 福島だるま .  

. Folk Toys from Gifu .

- #shirakawadaruma -