
Hanamaki clay doll

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Clay dolls from Hanamaki
花巻人形 Hanamaki tsuchi ningyoo

Photos from my friend Ishino

Most of these dolls have beautiful flower designs.
These charming dolls are characterized by the bright colors and soft expression. The art of these clay dolls began in the 18th century after studying Kyoto's Fushimi Dolls and Sendai's Tsutsumi Dolls.
Each doll is adorned with a spring flower pattern of plum and peony blossoms.

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Hanamaki (花巻市, Hanamaki-shi)
is a city located in Iwate Prefecture, Japan. As of 2005, the city has an estimated total population of 106,414. Hanamaki is most famous as the birthplace of Kenji Miyazawa and for its onsen.
Kenji Miyazawa was born in Hanamaki in 1896, where he spent most of his life. Miyazawa’s invented Esperanto word Ihatov refers to Iwate prefecture in general, and is agreed to refer more specifically to Hanamaki itself.

One of Hanamaki's most notable events is the Hanamaki Matsuri, an annual festival which takes place the second weekend of September and dates back to 1593.
The three-day festivities include a dance of over one thousand synchronized traditional dancers; the carrying of over one hundred small shrines; and the parading of a dozen or so large, hand-constructed floats depicting historical, fictional, or mythical scenes and accompanied by drummers, flautists, and lantern-carriers. Of these dances, the most famous is Shishi Odori (dance of the deer). This dance involves men dressing as deer and banging drums.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !


Hanamaki ningyoo 花巻人形 dolls from Hanamaki
Hanamaki花巻市 (with Daruma) Hanamaki Market
Hanamaki Dolls, along with Sendai’s Tsutsumi and Yonezawa’s Sagara, are counted as one of the three major doll-types of Tohoku. Although production ceased for a time because of a lack of craftsmen, a local toy producer and the city cooperated to revive the traditional doll-making techniques.

source : folkcraft.samurai47.com

Gongen Mai Statue 権現舞 
This statue, known as “Gongen San”, is displayed in homes in the hope that wishes will be granted. They are carved from Ohasama-grown wood using only one chisel. The chisel is called “Tsuki Nomi”.

Hanamaki no kinbekko 花巻の金ペコ golden cow from Hanamaki
. ushi 丑 ox, oxen (cow, bull, calf) .

Hanamaki no uma 花巻の馬 horse from Hanamaki

kubi ningyoo 首人形 head dolls from Hanamaki

On the right is a set of five heads 五人かしら gonin kashira
Children coul dress the dolls with paper or old pieces of cloth.

. Kubi ningyoo 首人形 head dolls INFO .

. Sumo wrestler Tanikaze Kajinosuke 谷風梶之助 from Mutsu 陸奥 .

花巻人形 Hanamaki Ningyo Dolls

source : ihatov/hanamaki


. Matsuyo tora まつよ虎 Tiger from Matsuyo san .

. Shinobigoma 偲び駒 secret votive straw horse .

. oshirasama おしらさま人形 amulet for silk production .


 WASHOKU わんこそば
Wankosoba noodles from Hanamaki


. Folk Toys from Iwate .


- #hanamakidolls #hanamakiiwate #hanamakiningyo -


Jirochoo Ishimatsu

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Jirochoo and Ishimatsu

次郎長だるま . 石松だるま

. Shimizu Daruma 清水だるま .

© PHOTO : www.daitoin.com

At the temple Daitooin (Daito-In 大洞院) in Shizuoka there is the grave of Ishimatsu.

Jirochoo was a yakuza, but later helped greatly to build the harbor of Shimizu.
One of his kobun was Mori no Ishimatsu, a straighforward guy, who lost one eye in a fight.

Jirochoo asked Ishimatsu to go to Kompira in Shikoku and repost a sword that he wanted to offer to the gods.
So off he went and his adventures are here

WASHOKU : Ishimatsu manjuu 石松まんじゅう
Manju in memory of Ishimatsu
at the shrine Kompirasan, Kotohira shrine, Konpira 金毘羅, Kagawa, Shikoku

Konpira san, Kompira san ... 金毘羅大権現 ...
Kotohira Shrine 琴平宮
and more DARUMA DOLLS !

Mori no Ishimatsu 森の石松 - (? - 1860)

Photos of Jirocho and Mori no Ishimatsu
They are the heroes of many stories, theater plays and movies.

. Ichimatsu Ningyoo 市松人形 Ichimatsu dolls .
周智郡森町 Suchi ward, Shizuoka
創作陶芸工房アートファーム - 主宰者 :仲田康生


Shimizu no Jirocho 清水次郎長


Japanese-style gangster (Yakuza). Born in Shizuoka, the adopted son of his uncle Jirohachi Yamamoto, who was a komedonya (middleman-merchant dealing in rice). Although his real name was Chogoro Yamamoto, he was called "Jirocho," which was short for "Jirohachi's Chogoro". He took over the komedonya after his uncle's death but soon turned into a gambler.

He built up his following and extended his influence, fighting over territories relating to the Fuji River and maritime transport. In the first year of the Meiji Era (1868), he was appointed Dochu tansakugata by the Government-General of the Eastern Expedition. In the same year, the warship Kanrin-maru of the old Edo Shogunate was attacked by new government troops while lying at anchor in the Shimizu harbor. Jirocho treated and buried the dead with sincere condolence and became acquainted with Tetsutaro Yamaoka, Takeaki Enomoto, and others.

After the Meiji Restoration, he engaged in development around the foot of Mt. Fuji and marine transportation business.
source : Copyright 2004 National Diet Library, Japan

. kyookaku 侠客 Kyokaku, "chivalrous Yakuza" .


The storytelling of "Mori no Ishimatsu"
Enmado no damashi-uchi, the surprize attack at Enma Temple Hall

Kodan is also known as Koshaku こうしゃく(講釈), which means the reading and explanation of religious texts. It began with readings and lectures of a teacher, reading from a text on a stand. These texts would include Buddhist, Confucian and Shinto classics, or edifying stories from Japanese or Chinese history. By the 18th and 19th centuries, Kodan became a type of entertainment performed in Yose variety theaters.

A storyteller sat at a desk (a reminder of the days when Kodan performers were supposed to be reading from precious texts) and would alternate between explaining the story as an omniscient narrator and taking different roles as a dramatic play. The climax of a story would often be a fight scene in a shotgun style punctuated by beats of a fan or wooden blocks. This speaking technique is the most distinctive feature of Kodan. An adaptation of this speaking technique in Kabuki can be heard in the spoken sections of Kanjincho.
source : jtrad.columbia.jp



. Folk Toys from Shizuoka .

. Japanese Persons - ABC list .

. Ichimatsu Ningyoo 市松人形 Ichimatsu dolls .





Designers Dolls

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Designer Dolls from Imai Store

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Source : www.imai-daruma.com

デザイナーズねこ Designer Neko
source : Designer Cats by Imai


デザイナーズだるま Designers Daruma Shop




- quote
From ancient times, Japanese common people have delighted in the culture of engimono (good luck charms). Decorations, foods, talismans, festivals, and even performance artists at festivities can be engimono.

Traditional limbless dolls called Daruma are very popular Japanese engimono. Daruma imitates the zazen (seated) posture of Bodhidharma, the founder of a Zen Buddhist sect, who sacrificed his mobility over nearly a decade of meditation. A Japanese proverb Nana-korobi ya-oki can be literally translated “If you tumble down seven times, stand up eight times.” (Life is full of ups and downs.) Attributed to Bodhidharma, this proverb has come to symbolize the perseverance of Japanese people. Since Daruma dolls are designed to return to upright position if tipped over, they personify the spirit of Nana-korobi ya-oki.

The heart of this culture is in Takasaki-shi, Gumma Prefecture, where about 80% of Daruma dolls are produced. Hiroyuki Imai, a third-generation representative of Imai Daruma Shop founded 80 years ago says, “I’m hoping that people can accept hardship and sadness with gratitude by greeting Daruma (meaning Bodhidharma) every day. I want people to remember that every day is uniquely precious.”

Daruma-ichi (Daruma market) is held in Takasaki on January 6 and 7, drawing over 200,000 visitors each year. People visit this place and purchase Daruma to express gratitude for safety in the past year and hopes for good fortune in the coming year. Daruma dolls accept people’s wishes and watch over their daily lives with affection.

- source : www.ana-cooljapan.com





Plastic Dolls

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Plastic Daruma Dolls

DCTO Jibun Project

(Dreams Come True Object: My Project)
is a modern interpretation of an ancient Japanese Zen doll known as a Daruma doll. This curiously limbless, traditionally red-cloaked figure with unpainted eyes is used for personal dedication to a new venture such as starting a business, beginning a new path in life, or given as a gift for celebrations like New Years, weddings and birthdays. Painting in DCTO’s left eye shows commitment to a goal; once the goal is achieved, you then paint in DCTO’s right eye.

DCTO (‘dik-toe’) is designed to right itself when it is knocked over, reflecting the Japanese saying, ‘Nanakorobi yaoki’, ""Fall 7 times, rise 8 times”. This reminds us that no matter the number of times we may stumble, those with a persistent heart will rise again to achieve their goals, symbolizing relentless dedication and an undaunted spirit.

© PHOTO : www.myplasticheart.com

Dacosta Bayley: The Art of the Daruma
“People tell me that the eyes of my characters seem to draw them in,” artist Dacosta Bayley says. “The expressions on their faces communicate an honest and welcoming soul.”
“Ancient wisdom is finding relevance in contemporary times, and people are becoming more aware of themselves and of new possibilities for improving themselves,” Dacosta says. “It’s exciting for me to be a part of that as the DCTO: Jibun Project brings Zen to new eyes.”
May 2008
CLICK for orinigial LINK Jibun Project

source :  DCTO Jibun Project

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Dreams to Dreams
Custom Vinyl Toy Show

December 2, 2008 – to January 25, 2009

The Japanese American National Museum in association with Dacosta of Chocolate Soop bring you the first custom vinyl toy show in a museum. Just in time for the holidays, 40-50 artists will customize Chocolate Soop DCTO (Dream Come True Object), a futuristic vinyl version of a traditional Japanese New Years folk toy.

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View all the Daruma Dolls HERE !
source : janmstore.com


Alphabetical Index of the Daruma Museum


Shingen Koshu

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. Folk Toys from Yamanashi .

Shingen Daruma 信玄だるま
Koshu Daruma (Kooshuu) 甲州だるま 
Takeda Shingen 武田信玄  


Kooshuu is the old name of Yamanashi Province.
Takeda Shingen was a warlord there during turbulent times before the Edo Bakufu government was formed. Up to our times he is honored with this Daruma Doll.

He has the eyes painted in a special way below the eyebrows so when you put him high up on the Gods Shelf in the home (kamidana) he will look down on you and grant your wishes (Shitami Daruma).

The dolls are also called “Shitami Daruma” or “Yokozawa Daruma” corresponding to the villages where they are made.

CLICK for more SHINGEN dolls
CLICK for more Shingen Dolls.

Takeda Shingen was the eldest son of the aggressive warlord Takeda Nobutora (1493-1573).
He was Lord of Shinano and Kai Provinces. He was a preeminent daimyo or feudal lord with military prestige who sought for the control of Japan in the late stage of Sengoku or "warring states" period.
He was born Takeda Tarō (Katsuchiyo), but was later given the formal name of Takeda Harunobu.
Shingen is sometimes referred to as "The Tiger of Kai" for his martial prowess on the battlefield. His primary rival, Uesugi Kenshin, was often called "The Dragon of Echigo" or also "The Tiger of Echigo Province". In Chinese mythology, the dragon and the tiger have always been bitter rivals who try to defeat one another, but they always fight to a draw.
Read : Samurai Archives

Takeda Shingen 武田信玄


Clay bell of Takeda Shingen 信玄土鈴

- - - - -

Clay Doll of Takeda Shingen Daruma

. Daruma Clay Bells どれい【土鈴】 dorei .

. Shingen-bukuro 信玄袋 Shingen drawstring-pouch .
made of leather


Daruma from the Koshu Province
Kooshuu Daruma 甲州だるま

CLICK for original link ... www.asahi-net

CLICK for more KOSHU Daruma
CLICK for more photos !


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Daruma from Yamanashi ... 親子だるま  山梨県甲府

Yamanashi Prefecture, Yamanashi Daruma 山梨だるま
and Yamanashi Food


Piggy Bank with Shingen Daruma

A few more of my LINKS are here:
Koshu Daruma


. Fudo Myo-O 不動明王 Acala  .

Takeda Fudo 武田不動

Legend tells us that Takeda Shingen had a few of his own hair cut and mixed to the black laquer for painting the breast of the statue.

- quote
Erin-ji 恵林寺 is a quiet Zen temple surrounded by the Yamanashi mountains. It was built in 1330, when Nikaidō Sadafuji the military governor of the Kai-no-kuni administration asked the Zen priest and garden designer Musō Soseki (夢窓 疎石), also known as Musō Kokushi, to found the temple.

At that time, it was a Rinzai Zen temple of the Engaku-ji branch. It was destroyed in the Ōnin war (1467-77), but rebuilt when the Takeda samurai clan appointed it to be their family temple. In 1541, it changed to be a temple of the Myōshin-ji branch of the Rinzai school. The famous daimyo Takeda Shingen (武田 信玄) is buried here.
- source : www.japanesegardens.jp

© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

yoroi Fudo 鎧不動 "Fudo in armour"
like Takeda Shingen

source :shingen.iooo.jp/special

木造武田不動尊 Shingen Fudo Statue
Legend tells us that Takeda Shingen had a few of his own hair cut and mixed to the black laquer for painting the breast of the statue.

勘助不動尊 Kansuke Fudo
. Yamamoto Kansuke 山本勘助 .
one of Takeda Shingen's most trusted Twenty-Four Generals


There are old connections between Fudo Myo-O and
the regents of Kai province 甲斐

Fudo statue offered by Kagami Tomitsu (1143 - 1230)
at temple 大聖寺 Daisho-Ji
山梨県南巨摩郡身延町 Minobu town, Yamanashi

and a statue before the temple

source and more details : butszo.jp/2013


Fudo Statue offered by Yasuda Yoshisada (1134 - 1194) at temple 放光寺
Hookooji 放光寺 Hoko-Ji
甲州市塩山藤木2438 Enzan town

source and more photos : www.zephyr.dti.ne.jp/bushi


External Japanese LINK
Making a Yamanashi Daruma 斉藤 岳南


. Folk Toys from Yamanashi .

. . Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Introduction .   .


- #shingen #takedashingen #yamanashi #koshu -



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Sunglasses Daruma

Happy Birthday, Xiao Hai Laoshi!
小海老師 生日快樂!

and one more from this page

Yi Lai Daruma

© PHOTOs : www.wakin-web.com

Daruma in Taiwan !



Alphabetical Index of the Daruma Museum



Sooshuu Daruma Sagami

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相州だるま  Sooshuu Daruma, Soshu Daruma
相模だるま  Sagami Daruma

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Daruma dolls of the old Soshu Province, now made in Hiratsuka, Odawara, Atsugi and Kamimizo since the Showa period.

The origin is in Hiratsuka, with the
Family Nagashima 長嶋家.
Satchitaro 幸太郎 was the first to make them. Now the family is in the fourth generation.
Since every family had their own wooden forms, all Daruma looked a little different.

Nagashima and his Daruma

© www.daruma1.com

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TAKUMI, skilled workers from Sagami


Kamimizo Daruma 上溝だるま

Sold at the annual Daruma Market in Kamimizo

© www.e-sagamihara.com

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Poster from Kamimizo


. Hiratsuka Hige Daruma ひげ達磨 Daruma with a beard .

Arai San, Hiratsuka Daruma 平塚だるま
source : www.darumayahonpo.com

. Shrine Hibita Jinja 比々多神社 Daruma .


相州だるま Daruma from Sagami
Exhibition Hiratsuka December 2010

CLICK on poster for more info !


Alphabetical Index of the Daruma Museum
