
Fushimi Clay Dolls

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. Kyoto Clay Dolls 京都土人形  .

Clay Dolls from Fushimi - 伏見土人形

source : www.colle-vill.com
Naritaya Ningyoo 成田屋人形 Naritaya Kabuki Dolls

Fushimi is now a suburb of Kyoto.
The famous Fushimi Inari Shrine 伏見稲荷is located there.

This story takes us back to the Momoyama period to Southern Kyoto (Rakunan 落南), where the warlord Toyotomi Hideyoshi had build his famous Fushimi Castle to spend his old age there. The castle was later destroyed, but the Great Shrine of Fushimi retains its presence in the area. Let us look at the shrine first to get an impression.

The "Great Fox Shrine" at Fushimi (伏見稲荷大社) was founded in the 8th century. The Fox cult, with over 40,000 shrines across Japan, has become associated with financial success, and the hillside behind the shrine is lined with thousands of vermilion Torii gates and figures of foxes donated by business people and devotees. The shrine is famous for these myriad Torii, large vermilion lacquered post and lintel structures. They wind their way through the hills of Inari Mountain, forming a hallway through which the surrounding forests may be glimpsed.

CLICK for more photos The five shrine buildings in the precincts are actually devoted to five deities of the Shinto religion, including the Godess of Rice and Food and her messenger, the FOX, called Inari 稲荷. The central structure, beautifully roofed with cypress bark, dates from 1949, but its architectural style is characteristic of the late Muromachi period.

Official HP of the shrine

You can take a walk around the large precincts. The Inari Mountain is really huge and you can easily get lost in the woods, still wandering under red Torii all the while. Take some time for your hike in this area, it has a wonderful feeling to it and you would not be surprised if a little fox was coming out of the woods to give you some enchanted rice cake and a cup of tea.

. Inari Jinja 稲荷神社 Fox Shrines and their amulets .


Fushimi Clay Dolls, Fushimi Tsuchiningyoo  

Fushimi no ichimon ushi 伏見の一文牛 "one wish cow"

The origin of all clay dolls in Japan is believed to be the "Fushimi Clay Dolls", painted dolls made of unglazed pottery that were sold in front of the gate to Kyoto's Fushimi Inari Shrine around the 16th century, starting at the end of the Momoyama period. They are also called called Fukakusa Dolls or Inari Dolls.

There are some theories about who started to make them. Some say it was Sachiemon, the doll maker in Fukakusa, who started doll-making after the Sekigahara War. Others say it was Fusajiroo Tsujii or Gonbei, a salt maker. Or the producers of roof tiles for Fushimi Castle turned to doll making after the castle was finished.
There are still many roof tile makers in the area of Fukakusa.

CLICK for more photos There are various types of dolls: some are painted in brilliant colors, others are finished in lighter colors to allow the character of the clay to show through, and still others are finished by glost-firing or twice-firing. The many different varieties include traditional dolls that reflect the court customs of ancient Japan, new style dolls that capture the joyful expressions of small children, dolls that celebrate seasonal festivals, animals that represent the years of the Chinese calendar, and earthenware bells.

Today clay dolls are made in about 300 locations all over Japan, but all find their ancestors in Fushimi.

There used to be about 20 kilns around Fushimi to produce these dolls but nowadays there are only two shops that make and sell these dolls along with other dolls and Shrine paraphanalia along the access road to the great Fushimi Shrine, the Tanka and the Hishiya shop 丹嘉と菱家, but only the Tanka shop has its old roots in the Fushimi area.

Nowadays Mr. Onishi Shigetaro and his son Tokio
(Oonishi Shigetaroo,大西重太郎と時夫)
produce these famous dolls and they still have more than 2000 different forms.

The shop of the Hishiya family used to be right behind the Tanka shop,but they have moved on to a suburb of Uji City; the late Mr. Heijiroo Ueda and his daughter Masako(上田平次郎と昌子)produce the dolls. But Mrs. Masako Ueda is getting old and produces only a few nowadays, sold at some local stores at the entrance to the Fushimi Shrine.

丹嘉 京都市東山区本町22-504....TEL:075-561-1627
菱屋 宇治市五ケ庄西河原21-21....TEL:0774-33-2721

. Fushimi no dorei 伏見の土鈴 clay bell from Fushimi .
Also called 埴(はに)鈴 hakorei or 稲荷鈴 Inari-rei
伏見稲荷土鈴 Fushimi Fox Clay Bells


- quote -
The Fushimi Ningyo
is said to be the oldest clay figurines in Japan.

These clay dolls were taken home as souvenirs by people who came from all over Japan to visit the Fushimi Inari Grand Shrine. Each region in Japan has its own style and history when it comes to clay figurines.
At the end of the Edo Period there were over 60 kilns producing these figures in Fushimi, but now there is only one left – Tanka – which has been making Fushimi Ningyo for 260 years from its location right in front of the main gate of the Fushimi Inari Grand Shrine. There are said to be around 2,000 different designs of these ancient clay figurines.
They are also known as Inari or Fukakusa Ningyo.
- source : fushimi.or.jp/sake_guide -


choroken ちょろけん / ちよろけん Choroken
Choro ちょろ / ちよろ
choorooken, chooroo ken, chooroomai 長老舞 "dance of the old men"

A street performance in Kyoto and Osaka, where persons clad in special robes walked around the streets, singing and dancing at the gate (門付け芸) to wish luck for the New Year.

source : tohjurou.blog55.fc2.com 

They wore special papermachee masks on their head, like 福禄寿 Fukurokuju, one of the seven gods of good luck. Accompanied by Shamisen and drums they were a lively scene.

Some dolls now have the form of a monkey or horse or Tokusuke 徳助.
(Tokusuke lived around 1773. He made the story of 福助 Fukusuke and お多福 Otafuku (O-Kame san) famous through his papermachee dolls.)

source : blog.nihondorei.com
clay bells with Choroken and O-Tafuku

松瀬青々 Matsuse Seisei 1869 - 1937)

- source and more photos : suzumodern.exblog.jp -

ちよろけんと いへどあたまは 福禄寿 
ひく三味のねの つんとつまらぬ

. Otafuku, O-Tafuku, O-Fuku お多福、お福 O-Kame San .

. daidoogei 大道芸 Daidogei street performance .


- quote
Fushimi (伏見区, Fushimi-ku)
is one of the eleven wards in the city of Kyoto, in Kyoto Prefecture, Japan. Famous places in Fushimi include the Fushimi Inari Shrine, with thousands of torii lining the paths up and down a mountain; Fushimi Castle, originally built by Toyotomi Hideyoshi, with its rebuilt towers and gold-lined tea-room; and the Teradaya, an inn at which Sakamoto Ryōma was attacked and injured about a year before his assassination. Also of note is the Gokōgu shrine, which houses a stone used in the construction of Fushimi Castle. The water in the shrine is particularly famous and it is recorded as one of Japan's 100 best clear water spots.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

. hana no miyako 花の都  - Kyoto 京都  .


Seven Fushimi dolls in the form of Hotei 布袋

He is one of the Seven Gods of Good Luck and has the following story:

A man named Ikaruga Koo'emon resided in Fukakusa sometime after the Battle of Sekigahara, and it is said that he was the first to make these kinds of dolls. Therefore, dolls that have antique characteristics and the occasional doll with an inscription dating it to the Eiroku era (1558-1569) are often attributed to Koo'emon of Fushimi.

I once heard the following story from my elders.
When people who purchase a Fushimi doll on the First Day of the Horse meet with bad luck, they should break the doll at a riverbed. If they do not meet with bad luck, they begin to collect dolls one by one each year. Once they have collected seven figures, they dedicate them to an Inari Shrine in appreciation of the seven years of uneventful peace. Then, they start purchasing dolls all over again.

Hotei suzu 布袋鈴 clay bell with Hotei

. 長楽寺 Choraku-Ji in Kyoto .

Fushimi no Hotei 伏見の布袋 in Kyoto
If people built a new home, they buy a clay figure of 布袋 Hotei on the first day of the horse and venerate it on the Shelf of the Gods (kamidana 神棚). The following year they buy a statue just a little bit bigger and so on for 7 years or 12 years.

If something unpleasant or a disaster happens during this time, they throw all the statues in a river or bring them back to the Shrine and begin again with the smallest statue.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

. hatsu uma, hatsu-uma 初午 (はつうま) First Day of the Horse .


Once a child was asked whom it liked more, his father or his mother.
The clever child took a round rice cake, parted it in two and showed it to the person questioning him: "Which rice cake tasts better?" the child asked. So with respect to this story these Fushimi dolls are bought with the wish that one's own child would grow up as clever as the child in our story.

. manju kui ningyo 饅頭食い人形
Eating Manju Rice Cakes

. mushifuuji inu, mushi fuuji 虫封じ犬
dog warding off the three worms .


Daruma or Bukan? 達磨か豊干か

Now we come to an interesting clay figure of my collection.
Here is a priest in an orange robe on a tiger, which I bought as a Daruma, but as I learned from this HP, it may be not Daruma but Bukan. Another book about antiques shows this doll as a "Daruma riding a Tiger". So let us look at who was Bukan, before we decide.

Bukan's name in Chinese is Feng-Kan and this Zen eccentric is maybe best known from the picture of the "Four Sleepers", Feng-Kan leaning on his tiger together with Han-shan and Shih-Te (Kanzan, Jittoku in Japanese). This picture is generally interpreted as symbolizing the absolute tranquillity of the universe for those who have attained Enlightenment.
Bukan being in full controll of the tiger also signifies a human being in full control of its passions and emotions. Have a look at this famous Zen picture right here.

Since Bukan liked to ride his tiger around the monastery to shock other simpler folks, I guess the doll is indeed Bukan and not Daruma. But whoever he is, it's a beautifully made piece of folk art and a great item of my collection. The face of the tiger is just unique.

. Kanzan and Jittoku 寒山拾得  
and the FOUR SLEEPERS 四睡


Fushimi Papermachee Daruma,
Fushimi Hariko Daruma   伏見張子達磨

There was also a tradition of papermachee dolls in Fushimi, starting in the Meiji period and lasting for three generations. They were quite unique dolls and many different Daruma figures were produced, for example Daruma with a headband in many different sizes, Daruma streaching out his tounge, Daruma yawning, Daruma as a fox or a soldier and others.
Unfortunately I do not have any pictures of these Daruma but if YOU have any, please share them with us.


. Yosa Buson 与謝蕪村 in Edo .

dakikago ya hitoyo fushimi no sasame goto

Sleep with "daki kago"!
As with a one-night harlot at Fushimi
Exchanging lovers' talks.

- Comment by Shoji Kumano

. "hug basket" dakikago 抱籠 .
kigo for all summer

majikayo ya fushimi no toboso yodo no mado

The night is brief--
At Fushimi the doors are closed,
at Yodo windows opened.

Tr. Sawa/ Shiffert

lit. doors (or rather pivot door hinges) of Fushimi, windows of Yodo.
The original does not use and verbs, it is a good sample of haiku as the "poetry of nouns".

Buson had been taking the first boat down the river Yodogawa, starting in Fushimi. Here the doors are still closed, but as his trip proceeds, the windows begin to open and another busy day is about to start.
Fushimi was the starting point of sanjikkokubune 三十石船 "150-bushel rice boats", special boats to transport goods and people from Kyobashi in Fushimi down the river toward Hachikenya 八軒屋 in central Osaka, a trip of about 5.5 kilometers. On both banks of the river Yodogawa where the houses of merchants.

source : www.kyoto-wel.com/yomoyama

kurawankabune くらわんか舟 where small boats which sold food like mochi rice cakes, burdock soup and even sake rice wine to the travellers of the bigger boats.
kurawanka is a local dialect, meaning " Why don't you eat something ?"

- quote
The Yodo River is a major river running through the Kinki region, and since ancient times it has been the main artery connecting Kyoto and Osaka. A number of towns, such as Kawajiri, Kanzaki, Kanijima, and Eguchi, developed at the mouth of the river, with Eguchi in particular becoming quite prosperous. OE Masafusa described Eguchi as "the most pleasurable place in the world" in his book titled Yujoki. This well-known tale of Eguchi-no-kimi ("Princess from Eguchi") long passed down from generation to generation features a conversation made up of questions and answers between a priest named Saigyo and a harlot.

Similarly, Eguchi, the Noh drama written by Kan'ami, features a conversation of questions and answers conducted between an itinerant priest and Eguchi-no-kimi, a harlot.
The painter MARUYAMA Okyo often used the Yodo River as his subject, while the poet YOSA no Buson expressed his love of the river in richly evocative sung haiku.
source : www.kansai.gr.jp/en/alacarte

. Buson and 江口のはしもと Eguchi no Hashimoto .
HASHIMOTO . . . many boats passed the river Yodogawa, where famous courtesans waited for customers on the left bank . . .

. hara ashiki soo mo mochi ku e Joonanjin .
Buson visiting Joonanguu 城南宮 Jonan-Gu, Jonangu Shrine in Fushimi.


Fukakusa-yaki 深草焼 Clay Dolls from Fukakusa

Fushimi Doll is a clay doll whose originator is said to be Hajibe who settled in Fukakusa before the Nara era. 土師部 Hajibe is a tribe who was notable for their skills in making Haniwa (a clay image placed in ancient burial mounds) and earthenware.
The doll was made of clay from Mt. Inari, and was distributed widely, not only in old capital provinces but to Shikoku and Kyushu. The doll became the precursor of clay dolls that number approximately 90 types nationwide, such as Hakata Doll, Tsutsumi Doll of Sendai and Nakano Doll of Shinshu.
- source : ndl.go.jp/scenery/kansai -

. haniwa 埴輪 Haniwa clay figures - Introduction .
and Haji-Be

桃の日や 深草焼の かぐや姫
momo no hi ya Fukakusa yaki no kaguya-hime

Peach Festival--
And there, in Fukakusa, glows

trans. Lewis Mackenzie

Here is most of Mackenzie's comment:

Kaguya-hime was a fairy child, found in a shining banboo tree by a wood-cutter and she grew up to be a maiden of rare beauty. Her wooing, the tasks set the numerous suitors who sought her hand, and her eventual return unwed, to the Court of the Moon forms the subject of the earliest Japanese romance now extant, 'The Woodcutter's Tale'.
'Fukakusa', pronounced almost 'Fukak'sa' and meaning literally 'deep grass' is also a place-name and was used by a famous seventeenth-century doll-maker, Kamo Kouemon, to mark the figures he made from unglazed Fushimi-ware.

Doll Festival, Momo no Hi and Haiku

This is one of the oldest Fukakusa forms,
maybe our Shining Princess
© www.books-kaze.jp

Ikaruga Koo'emon 鵤幸右衛門(いかるがこうえもん) was a famous potter of these dolls in Fukakusa. He was also called "the Dollmaker Koemon", Ningyoya Koo'emon人形屋幸右衛門.
CLICK for original LINK

His family is still in the business, here is the 6th generation master Tanka 丹嘉 in 2001.

© Tanka Shop

DOLLS from the Tanka Shop
ikaruga koemon ko-emon koo-emon

There is even a Kabuki play where parts are performed
"At Kôemon's doll shop" 人形屋幸右衛門内

Katakiuchi Tengajaya 天下茶屋の敵討


CLICK for more photos

Kaguya Hime かぐや姫
By Yoshiko Fushimi

Once upon a time, there lived a kind old man and his wife in a village. One day, when the old man went to the bamboo forest, he found a shining bamboo. Upon cutting it, he found inside a baby girl. The old man and woman decided to bring her up because they had no children. They named the baby "Kaguyahime." Whenever he went to cut bamboo after that, the old man found money in the bamboo. They became rich.

Kaguyahime grew steadily and became a beautiful lady. She had a lot of young men who wanted to marry her. But she didn't show interest. She always looked up at the night sky.

Her father asked her, "What makes you so sad? What's the matter?"

She said, "I'm all right. But, to tell the truth, I was born on the moon. I must return to the moon on the night of the 15th of November when angels will come to meet me."

"That's nonsense," said the father, very embarrassed and angry.

The next day was the 15th. The father hoped she would never return to the moon. On that day, the moon was appearing over the mountain, when a gold light flashed. An angel came down. Kaguyahime couldn't help following the light. She slowly flew up into the sky hand in hand with the angel. Nothing could stop them.

The old man and his wife could do nothing but watch her departure.
© Yoshiko Fushimi

Peach Day Festival -
the Shining Princess
a Fukakusa clay doll

Tr. Gabi Greve

source : blog.nihondorei.com

. otogibanashi dorei おとぎ話の土鈴
clay bells with motives of legends .

Kaguyahime, the Tale of the Bamboo cutter

. The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter

Reference : Taketori Monogatari

source : facebook

Kaguya Hime (輝夜姫) by Ryouka Aoki

. Bamboo shoots - takenoko bamboo shoot legends - 筍 / 竹の子 伝説 .


The town of Fuji at the foot of Mount Fuji is using Kaguyahime as a tourist attraction.
The story goes that her prince came after her and they lived happily in a stone cave in the mountain, which is named FUJI 不死 Mountain where you do not die.

Kaguyahime chazuke 富士かぐや姫茶漬け bowl of rice with tea

CLICK for more photos

Many restaurants in Fuji town serve their own version.
One has a mountain of rice colored pink with some umeboshi pickled plums, to show the morning light of Mount Fuji, and some shirasu small white fish to show the snow on the top.
Behind the mountain are three pieces of bamboo shoots as tempura.
In some places the waitress wears a costume of Kaguyahime.

boiled rice with tea poured over it


Apart from Fushimi dolls, there are

Imado ningyoo 今戸人形 dolls from Imado (Edo)
Koga ningyoo 古賀人形 dolls from Koga (Nagasaki)
Yamagata 山形瓦人形 from Yamagata

. Kawara ningyo 瓦人形 tile dolls .


Daruma with Torii on this belly
source : www.mizuho-g.com

. Torii 鳥居 Gate of a Shinto Shrine

. Fox God Festival, Inari Matsuri 稲荷祭 
at the Great Fushimi Shrine 伏見稲荷大社


. Clay Dolls from Japan - Introduction .

. Regional Folk Toys from Japan - Kyoto .

- #fushimidolls #fushimiclaydolls -

WKD - Markets and Fuku Daruma


Daruma Markets / 達磨市

The New Year could not be without them.

kigo for the New Year

Daruma ichi 達磨市 (だるまいち) Daruma market
Daruma mise 達磨店(だるまみせ)
shop to sell Daruma dolls

. fuku Daruma 福達磨(ふくだるま)
Daruma for good luck

fuku Daruma 福だるま

. more KIGO with Daruma  

. Ichigami matsuri 市神祭 (いちがみまつり)
festival for the God of the Market .

and the Munakata Deities 宗像神


engimono ichi 縁起物市
- Click for more lucky deals!

New Year is the season for many Daruma Markets all over Japan, mostly around the Kanto area. It seems everybody wants to make sure the coming year brings him/her a little more good luck and it takes a Daruma doll without eyes to help with that big task.

This story will give you an overview of the many events taking place around the New Year Time in Japan. The different tpyes of Daruma dolls will be explained in their own stories. The material for this subject is just overwhelming. Checking in English you find more than 113 entires for Daruma Markets, 32 for Daruma Fairs.
Checking in Japanese for Daruma Ichi だるま市 you find 3050 (!) entries, for ダルマ市 there are 638 and for 達磨市 you find 182.
For Daruma Matsuri だるま祭りwe have more than 200 entries.
This only reflects the different ways of spelling DARUMA with the complicated Japanese writing system.

A Daruma Market is held at many Buddhst temples and Shinto shrines at their respecitve festival days (ennichi 縁日), but mostly during the New Year season. Most Daruma Markets are held in Northern and Central Japan with Tokyo at the center, but in Western Japan there are only a few. The markets are scheduled one after another to permit the vendors to move from one to the next. At most temples and shrines everywhere in Japan you can get a papermachee Daruma doll during the first three days of the New Year.

. . . CLICK here for ennichi Photos !


Daruma market in Sowa Town  総和町 Ibaraki


- quote -
- - - Chaos at the Daruma Doll Market

One day at the end of February,
Boss Panda suggested to the two friends that they purchase a daruma doll in order to ask for good fortune for the year ahead. He told them that there would soon be a large daruma doll fair as part of the Gansan-Daishi festival (元三大師大祭) held at Jindai-ji in Chofu. The pair found that the “Daruma-ichi” (だるま市), or daruma doll market would be held on 3rd and 4th March 2014.
On 3rd March, they set off for Chofu, taking the Keio Line Special Express train from Shinjuku station to Chofu (15 minutes, ¥230), and then a no.34 bus from the north side of Chofu Station (bus stop 14). The bus stopped directly outside Jindai-ji temple (深大寺).
- snipp snip -
What Miko had noticed though while she stood holding him in the queue before the explosion, was that her doll had a character on his belly that was different to all the other dolls at the market, and that the dolls now surrounding them all had a more complicated character on them than the one she had seen. She scanned the confusion, looking for her doll…
Can you find him in the picture above?

dokidoki Daruma どきどきだるま
His belly kanji is different to all the others! - source : tokyomonogatari.com/chaos-at-the-daruma-doll-market... -


List of Daruma Markets arranged by date:

1-3  Many Temples and Shrines throughout Japan
1-15  Toyokawa Inari Shrine Festival, Aichi Pref.
6   First New Year's Fair, Gyooda, Saitama Pref.
6-7  Shoorin-zan, Takasaki and Sawa, Gunma Pref.
7-8  Shinano Kokubun-ji Festival, Ueda, Nagano Pref.
7-9  Bishamonten Shrine Fuji, Shizuoka Pref.
8   Kiku Inari Shrine, Tano, Gunma Pref.
9   Mito, Ibaragi Pref.
9  Koyasu Shrine, Hachioji, Tokyo
八王子在達磨市之図 Hachioji Daruma Market Meiji 32

10 Maebashi, Gunma Pref.
11  Kotohira Shrine Festival, Takasaki, Gunma Pref.
11  Futaba, Fukushima Pref.
11  First New Year's Fair, Shibukawa, Gunma Pref.
11  First New Year's Fair, Utsunomiya, Tochigi Pref.
11  Tokorokoma Shrine, Makabe, Ibaragi Pref.
12  Miharu, Fukushima Pref.
12  Dairoku Ten-jinja , Chigasaki Town, Kanagawa Pref.
12  Sumiyoshi Jinja Daruma Market, Aome, Tokyo
12-13  Koku-Jizoo-Festival, Chichibu, Saitama Pref.
14  Mine Shrine Festival, Katta, Miyagi Pref.
14  Hachiman Shrine Festival, Sendai, Miyagi Pref.
14-15  Candy Fair, Matsumoto, Nagano Pref.
14-15  Haguro Shrine, Fukushima City
15-16  Shimodate, Ibaragi Pref.
18  Daruma Kuyoo (Burning), Dairyuu-ji, Gifu City
21  Nishi-Arai Daishi Temple Festival, Adachi Ward, Tokyo
25  Iyoku Shrine Festival, Sawa, Gunma Pref.
28  Tokusa Fudoo Festival, Kawasaki, Kanagawa Pref.
31  First New Year's Fair, Kanuma, Tochigi Pref.
- third sunday
. Fumonji 普門寺 Fumon-Ji Zen Temple, Gunma .

1  Goshiki Shrine, Kita-Saitama City
2  Hoorin-ji, Ukyoo, Kyoto
3-4  Setsubun Festival, Great Shrine in Koofu, Yamanashi Pref. First
Sunday Daruma Festival, Okaya, Nagano Pref.
10  Konpira Shrine Festival, Iwatsuki, Saitama Pref.
11  Daruma Market, Shirakawa, Fukushima Pref.
11  Daruma Festival, Koozen-ji, Suzuka, Mie Pref.
13-14  Jizoo Festival, Koofu, Yamanashi Pref.
Second Sunday : Shinmei Shrine, Mihara, Hiroshima Pref.
Third Sunday : Kiyomizu-dera Festival, Fujieda, Shizuoka Pref.
25  Monju Festival, Oosato, Saitama Pref.
28  Noda, Chiba Pref.
First Day of the Horse Takenoma Inari ShrineFestival, Iwanuma, Miyagi Pref.

3-4  Daruma Market, Jindai-ji, Choofu, Tokyo

1-2  Ryootan-ji, Hikone, Shiga Pref.
11  Daruma Festival (Daruma-e) Daruma-ji, Ooji, Nara
19-20  Enpuku-ji, Yahata, Kyoto Pref.
21  Daruma Festival, Koozen-ji, Kamitonda, Wakayama Pref.

5  Daruma Memorial Day (Daruma-ki), most Zen temples
20 Daruma Festival, Enpukuji, Yahata, Kyoto Pref.

17-18  Iizumi Kannon Festival, Odawara, Kanagawa Pref.
24, 30  Yearend Fair, Nakaminato, Ibaragi Pref.
25,31  Yearend Fair, Inari Shrine, Fukushima City
26  Yearend Fair, Haga, Tochigi Pref.


Nishitama 西多摩 Nishi Tama Daruma markets

羽村市 / 青梅市 / あきる野市 / 瑞穂町
- source : nishitama.keizai.biz -


Sekino Junichiro, Odawara Daruma Market

source : ukiyo-e.org


- - - - - Let us look at five of the biggest Daruma Markets.

Takasaki is the biggest one of the three great Daruma Markets, the second is Jindai-ji and the third in Shirawaka. Some people say the one at the Bishamon Festival in Fuji Town is the third biggest, but never mind that. And Mihara is certainly the biggest in Western Japan.

Takasaki Shorin-zan Daruma Market 
Maybe the oldest, biggest and most well-known Daruma Market is held at the famous Daruma Temple Shorin-zan in Takasaki (Shoorin-zan, Shoorinzan). The temple is located about a 15 minutes drive from Takasaki Station. (It takes about 3 hours from Tokyo by train to get
there.) The temple Shorin-zan belongs to the Obaku Sect of Zen and is known as the place of origin of the Good Luck Daruma (engi Daruma 縁起だるま).

The Daruma Market is held every year at the sixth and seventh of January, the seventh is the great festival of the special rice gruel with seven vegetables, eaten on this day only (nanakusa 七草粥). During the middle of the Edo period Mt. Asama erupted and the great famine of Tenmei followed soon. It was a hard period for the local farmers. To help eleviate their burden the head priest of the Temple Shorin-zan had the good idea to make a little papermachee doll of Daruma and sell it as a token for good luck. The first figures were representing the monk himself sitting in meditation in a realistic way, but soon they became simpler and took the round form of a silkworm cocoon. Now we know them as the "Daruma for Good Luck" (fuku daruma 福だるま) of Takasaki.
The yearly output of Daruma dolls in all of Japan is about 2 million dolls, with Takasaki as the biggest producer of about 80% of them.
More than 100 shops and families in this area are busy with the production. Other areas of Daruma production are in Shirakawa and Koshigaya, but their total output is only small.
Looking at the figure above we find that one in 20 housholds in Japan posesses a Daruma doll. That is quite hard to believe. Since Daruma dolls are usually not sold in department stores and supermarkets, they must all be going through the Daruma Markets. Usually Takasaki town is extremely crowded during the Daruma Market season and the place is most busy during the night from the 6th to the 7th of January.

高崎だるま市(群馬県高崎市)Takasaki Daruma Market

Climbing up the long stone stairs you come to the main hall with a statue of the Zen patriarch Daruma Daishi in his red robe, seated in meditation. All around the hall are stalls and half of them sell Daruma dolls, some sell also beckoning cats (maneki neko 招き猫) and the zodiac animal of the new year. Daruma comes in many sizes, from a tiny ball for about 3 dollars to a big one costing a fortune. But you can haggle about the prize, if you find a doll that suits you. The Daruma has no eyes painted, so you can paint one while making your wish for
the New Year.
(See story . Me-ire - Painting Eyes for Daruma .

FARMUS ファームス木島平 Kijimadaira Marche
- reference source : farmus.jp/index -


CLICK for more photos

Temple Jinda-ji in Tokyo 東京の深大寺

The Daruma Market is on the 3rd and 4th of May. In the temple ground,Darumas of many different colors are sold, not only red ones.

There are also Darumas with the eyes already painted in, but hidden (mekakushi Daruma 目隠しだるま). The reason for this is simpler than you think. These special Daruma come with golden eyes and to make sure the golden foil does not come off during transportation and packing, they are covered by a slip of white paper.
If you look closer, you can see that the face is painted in many different ways. For good luck the eyebrows should resemble a crane and the lip beard a tortoise. The chin beard resembles a pine tree while the belly pattern and nose come alive like bamboo and plum, to give us the three auspicious symbols (shoo-chiku-bai 松竹梅).

. Temple Jindai-ji and the Eyes of Daruma


Shirakawa Daruma Market 白川だるま市
Shirakawa town has been a market place since the Kamakura period and the present-day Daruma market developed from an old "Flower Market" in January; it is now held on February 11th, on the National Holiday for the Founding of the Constitution. There are more than 800 stalls, about 150.000 Daruma dolls are produced locally and about 150.000 people visit the market. Daruma dolls come in 18 different sizes, mostly with all the auspicious symbols we have just seen above at Jindai-ji. The biggest is 75 cm and the smallest 8 cm.

. Shirakawa Daruma 白川だるま


Bishamonten Festival in Fuji

This festival occures according to the old lunar calendar, so the date is shifting from December to February at the Temple Myoohoo-ji (妙法寺 Myoho-ji). Daruma dolls with a big beard are the speciality of this Daruma Market. This beard is one of the characteristics of the main deity, Bishamonten, of this temple. The road from the Yoshihara station to the temple is lined with stalls and maybe more than 500.000 people are on their feet during the three days of this festival and more than 150.000 dolls are sold.

. Bishamonten and Daruma


Daruma Market in Mihara 三原のだるま市

This is the great Daruma Market in Western Japan, in Hiroshima prefecture. The second Sunday (and Saturday) are the great days of the Shinmei Festival (神明市) at the famous Zen temple Buttsuu-ji (佛通寺) within the parc precincts of the Yahata Shrine. From Mihara Station it takes about 40 minutes to reach the temple by bus. One of the big Daruma figures is about 3.5 meters high, made from a bamboo scaffold
and covered with old newspaper before coloring it all red. Mihara boasts the biggest papermachee Daruma statue of all Japan (Nippon Ichi 日本一).

. Mihara Daruma 三原だるま
Temple Gokuraku-Ji  極楽寺 and the Daruma Collection


Konpira Shrine Festival, Iwaki City  
This shrine is known as the home of the guardian deity for seafarers and fishermen. Its Daruma Fair attracts many visitors.

Maebashi Daruma Market 前橋の初市
The First Market of the New Year with a history stretching back 360 years. The Daruma Market is held each year on January 9th. Thousands of people flock to the downtown area of Maebashi to purchase a daruma doll in hopes that it will bring prosperity.

Miharu Daruma Fair 三春だるま市
Held on the 15th of January in Miharu-machi(三春町) near Koriyama this event dates back over 300 years. It features a Daruma, numerous roadside stands, and a drum meet (taiko taikai 太鼓大会). It will be held on the street in front of the Omachi Public Hall, 10 minutes by bus or a 20 minute walk from Miharu Station.

. English Reference about Daruma Markets


Kume Suitengu Daisai Festival
January 5.

CLICK for more photos !


埼玉県所沢市 Saitama Pref. Tokorozawa Town


Daruma Market in Fuji Town

 © manpokei.exblog.jp


From the Daruma Museum Archives

Asao Tokusa Fudo Temple and Daruma Fair
木賊不動 . 麻生不動だるま市

Haijima Daruma Market and Daishi Sama 拝島大師だるま市

Hamamatsu Daruma Market 浜松市の虚空蔵尊とだるま市

Kawagoe Daruma Market 川越だるま

. . .

Ebisu Daruma Market / Photo


Doro Ichi, Mud Market 泥市
Doro Ichi is the name given to a special outdoor market specializing in Daruma New Year's dolls and other New Year's decorations. This special one-day market will be held in front of the Yatabe 谷田部 branch office of city hall on Tuesday, Dec. 28th, and should be an interesting sight even if you are not interested in actually buying any decorations for your home or apartment. If, however, you would like to pick up some unusual souvenirs to take back with you, this should be a good opportunity.

The term Doro Ichi literally means mud market and has two possible linguistic origins. One is that traditionally December was the month when dorobo (thieves, literally mud sticks) were most active. The other theory is that it had to do with the muddy roads of December and that when people went shopping on such roads, they tended to get muddy.


observance kigo for mid-winter

Setagaya boroichi 世田谷ぼろ市 (せたがやぼろいち)
Setagaya Flea Market

Setagaya Antique Flea Market
..... boro-ichi ぼろ市(ぼろいち) flea market

Held twice a year, December 15, 16 and January 15, 16, at Setagaya ward, Tokyo.

A lot or art and antiques are sold.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

This market dates back to 1574, when this was a market town connecting Edo with Odawara, and an offroad, the Inuyama Kaido. The lord of Odawara allowed trading without collecting taxes on these days.
Nowadays a lot of potted plants and antiques are traded.

boroichi no garan to nani o tataki uru

at the flea market
what do they sell so cheaply
shouting out loud

Matsuzawa Akira 松澤昭

Flea Market

. by Patrick Fetu .


Hagoita ichi 羽子板市 (はごいたいち) battledore market


CLICK for more photos
Fuku Daruma 福ダルマ

. Goldfish named Fuku Daruma  


CLICK for more photos

FukuDaruma bisquits 福だるま
made from soy bean flower


kigo for mid-winter

Toshi no ichi 年の市 Last Market of the Year
..... kure no ichi 暮の市(くれのいち) Year-end market
..... kure ichi 暮市(くれいち)
shiwasu no ichi 師走の市(しわすのいち) December market
saimatsu oo-uridash 歳末大売出し(さいまつおおうりだし)
Year-end sale
sekki ichi 節季市(せっきいち)seasonal market

kurisumasu oo-uridashi クリスマス大売出し
(くりすますおおうりだし) Christmas sale

Selling goods cheaply for the New Year Celebrations

. . . CLICK here for Photos !

toshi no ichi nani shi ni deta to hito no iu

year's end fair
"What's he doing here?"
they ask

by Issa, 1804

Jean Cholley describes the scene:
Issa is alone in the city, ignorant of where his next bowl of rice will come from, walking through the crowd at the year's end fair just for the pleasure of seeing the world. His ragged appearance attracts attention and people's looks that seem to say: "What could he possibly want here, having no money?" En village de miséreux: Choix de poèmes de Kobayashi Issa (Paris: Gallimard, 1996) 236, n. 30.

Tr. and Text: David Lanoue

kawa-baori mise ni yuku nari toshi no ichi
. kawabaori 皮羽織 leather haori coat .


. Morning Market 朝市 asa ichi, asaichi

. Bargain Sales

. . .

. Markets in Kenya

. Kisongo Market, Tanzania

. . . . .

Higginson in Haiku World notes:

kigo for all summer

flea market
outdoor market
sidewalk sale


source : Akita 草市
Katsuhira Tokushi, Akita (1904 - 1971) - Bon Market

observance kigo for mid-autumn

kusa no ichi 草の市 (くさのいち) Bon-market
lit. "plant market"

..... kusaichi, kusa ichi 草市(くさいち)
bonichi, bon ichi 盆市(ぼんいち)Bon-market
..... bon no ichi 盆の市(ぼんのいち)
..... tamuke no ichi 手向の市(たむけのいち)

makomo uri 真菰売(まこもうり)vendor of makomo
(straw to make horse decorations for O-Bon)
tooroo uri 燈籠売(とうろううり) vendor for Bon-lanterns

A market that sells all the things necessary for the Bon celebrations, especially lotos flowers and leaves, makomo wild rice straw and woven mats, even eggplants and cucumbers for decorations.
It used to start on the evening of the 12th of August until early morning of the 13th. By morning, many things were full of dew, especially in smaller towns in the mountains.

urinokoru mono tsuyukeshi ya kusa no ichi

the left-over things
are full of dew -


Masaoka Shiki


kusa koote hito chirijiri ya tsuyu no naka

people who by plants
are drenched all over -
all is in dew

Matsuse Seisei 松瀬青々
(1869 - 1937 ?1939)


. more KIGO with Daruma  


source : www.e-obuse.com
だるま販売 Daruma will be sold
安市 Cheap Market in Obuse, Shinano


fuku 幸(ふく)守り amulet to become happy and lucky

. Toys and Talismans from Japan . 


. Join the friends on facebook ! .


Kashiwa Daruma


Kashiwa Daruma / Ayame Daruma

Ayame Daruma 菖蒲だるま Iris Daruma

The most famous Iris Daruma are from Kashiwa Town in Chiba prefecture, where we have some of the famous iris gardens. They are papermachee figures with a painting of iris on the stomach,sometimes beautiful lady Daruma in a violett dress. The shape is almost like a flat square.

Kashiwa Daruma 柏だるま

The famous Kashiwa Daruma 柏だるまfrom Chiba are from papermachee. Some are decorated with iris, some with other patterns. Most of them are quite funny and sort of simple in style.

External LINKS


Click for more about :

Collection of Matsumoto Setsutaro 松本節太郎 


Kashiwa Town in Chiba
... The area around Kashiwa was the site of the Battle of Sakainehara during the Sengoku period. During the Edo period, the area was controlled directly by the Tokugawa shogunate, and contained a number of horse ranches providing war horses for the Shogun’s armies. It also developed as a post station on the road to Mito, Mito Kaido, connecting Edo with Mito.
After the Meiji Restoration, Kashiwa Village was created in Chiba Prefecture on October 1, 1889, and connected to Tokyo by train in 1896.

Kashiwa is a regional commercial center and a bedroom community for nearby Chiba and Tokyo. The city has a mixed industrial base, with food processing industries forming an important portion of the economy. Nikka Whisky Distilling, Asahi Soft Drinks, and Ito Ham all have production facilities in Kashiwa. There is some residual agriculture of turnips, onions and spinach.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !


There are many words in Japanese to differentiate between the many kinds of iris that flower mostly during the rainy season, giving a special elegance to an otherwise dreary place. For example Shoobu, Kakitsubata, Airisu and others.

Famous Iris Fields in Itako
Itako Town in Ibaraki Prefecture lies beside the river Tonegawa. During the Edo period (1603-1868) it flourished as a relay port for the shipment of cargo from the north of Japan by water to the nation's capital, Edo. The beautiful scenery on the waterfront was much admired by writers and artists, many of whom visited the town.
Today, the Ayame (iris) Festival in June is the biggest tourist attraction. Along the sides of the river iris flower park has been set up, and as the season approaches, as many as one million individual plants of around 500 colorful varieties come into bloom in purple, white and yellow. During the festival season every year the town attracts about half a million visitors. Boatmen ply the waters in rowboats, taking sightseers on trips redolent of the past. If you are lucky, you might be able to see a beautiful bride going out to meet her bridegroom on one of these boats.
Have a look at some pictures of the area too.

Meiji Shrine Iris Garden
Meiji Shrine in Tokyo is famous for its splendid Iris Garden, which was designed by the Emperor Meiji himself.

. . . CLICK here for Photos about iris festivals !


asatsuyu no hajike furueru ayame kana

morning dew -
shaking it off trembling
the iris

Gabi Greve

all dressed up
and whispering by the roadside -
Ladies in Waiting

kigo for haiku
Iris (ayame, Japan) shoobu, hanashoobu, airisu,




Mihara Daruma

. Hiroshima Folk Toys .

Mihara Daruma - 三原だるま 

The speciality of this doll is the headband of three dots in a cluster. The eyebrows are like tsuru herons.

Daruma is the new symbol of Mihara Town, Hiroshima prefecture, which hosts a Daruma Museum at the Temple GokuRakuJi.


CLICK for original link
© Mihara Daruma Kobo 三原だるま工房

〒723-0017 / 三原市港町1-7-26 /TEL 0848-63-5400FAX 0848-63-5400


photo: GetHiroshima

Mihara Daruma Festival 2015


Shinmei-ichi Festival 2004 - by Amy Chavez


Soft Cream Daruma sold at the Shinmei Market

Waste Basket ゴミ箱 gomibako with Daruma for the Shinmei Market


CLICK for more photos of Mihara daruma

hashioki 箸置き Chopstick Rest in from of Mihara Daruma


Mihara Daruma Parade 小だるま行列


Mihara Shinkansen Station, May 31, 2007

Children unveil a large statue of Daruma san. The statue is 2,15 meters high and 4,3 meters around the belly. It took 10 people to make this one !

CLICK for original LINK




© www.city.mihara.hiroshima.jp


My visit to
Temple Gokuraku-Ji  極楽寺
and Temple Buttsuu-ji 佛通寺  

On November 2/3 in 2004, we finally visited the picturesque town of Mihara at the Seto Inlandsea of Japan. It is only about 15 km away from the more famous Oonomichi, which I described here:

My PHOTO ALBUM ... Mihara

My aim was the temple Gokuraku-ji, 極楽寺、the Paradise Temple, which now houses the famous Daruma collection of Mr. Aoyama, the former chairman of the Japanese Daruma Research Association.

Climbing up the many steps toward the temple, first a three-storied pagoda comes in sight.
Please open the corresponding photo album for this story in a different window and see Pictures 01 and 02.

My PHOTO ALBUM ... Mihara

Then the Daruma Museum comes in sight. Pictures 03 and 04.

The head priest, Mr. Ishii, showed us around in the precincts and the museum. He is a very kind and knowledgable man and we shared our love for Daruma san.
Pictures 05 and 06.

Mihara papermachee Daruma dolls are now made by Mr. Kubo and he has some helpers with him.
Pictures 07 and 08.

The typical Miharu Daruma are about the size to hold in one hand. They wear a headband with blue dots and have a weight at the bottom. Inside are some stones or a little bell, so they tinkle while trying to stand up. The eyebrows are in the form of a crane and the beard like a turtoise.
Pictures 09, 10.



Mihara Papermachee Dolls

In former times, all families in Mihara had a set of Daruma dolls in the Family shrine, with just the number of members of the family to protect them all during one year. Every year at the Festival of the Shinmei shrine, they would buy new ones.
There is also a funny version of a papermachee doll of an octopus, a speciality of this fishing town. For dinner, of course you can now guess our food.
Picture 11.

Kubo san also makes dolls with the animals of the Asiatic zodiac for every year of the 12 year cycle. Look at the Daruma on a horse, a sheep and with a snake.
Pictures 12, 13 and 14.

There is even a female Daruma with GOOD LUCK on her belly.
Picture 15.

Three weeks before we visited, the Japanese Daruma Study Association had a meeting at Mihara, where Kubo san had made a special Daruma of Three Generations, Sandai Banzai Daruma. Ishii san had some left and gave me one as a present for my own museum. This one has a little bell and tinkles.
Picture 16.

Now let us take a look at the Memorial Museum with the Collection of Aoyama san. He had about 6000 pieces, which added up with the 1000 of the collection of Ishii san himself. Now they are stored in a two-story concrete building, sandwiched into the small temple compounds on the slope of East Village, Higashi-machi.
Take a look at the shelves filled with papermachee, wooden and other Daruma dolls.
Pictures 17, 18 and. 19.

The new Memorial Museum is now a new tourist spot of Mihara, featured in all newspapers and publications and Ishii san is busy taking care of the many visitors.
Picture Nr. 20.

For the opening of the new museum, there is also a ricewine, usually drunk during the Shinmei festival and some fans were produced. Ishii san kindly provided me with some samples.
Pictures 21, 22 and 23.

You could also purchase a votiv tablet for making a wish. Of course, Daruma would grant it.
Picture 24.


Daruma Market in Mihara 三原のだるま市
This is the great Daruma Market in Western Japan, in Hiroshima prefecture. The second Sunday (and Saturday) are the great days of the Shinmei Festival (神明市) at the famous Zen temple Buttsuu-ji (佛通寺) within the parc precincts of the Yahata Shrine. From Mihara Station it takes about 40 minutes to reach the temple by bus. One of the big Daruma figures is about 3.5 meters high, made from a bamboo scaffold and covered with old newspaper before coloring it all red. Mihara boasts the biggest papermachee Daruma statue of all Japan (Nippon Ichi 日本一).
See Pictures 25 to 28.

Matsuri 神明祭り The Shinmei Festival
More photos !


Temple Buttsuu-ji 佛通寺

This Zen Temple is famous for the red leaves in Autumn and we were just in time to catch some of them.

This temple was founded in 1397 by Kobayagawa Haruhira, who had the priest Guuchuu open a temple of the Rinzai Zen sect. Now it is one of the biggest Zen Mountain Temples in Japan. It features retreats every month and also welcomes foreigners, as the priest told me. It must be pretty cold and humid to stay here during the winter months. During our stay, we could see some damage from the many typhoons this year too. Still, the remoteness and natural setting of this temple, rather a Valley Temple than a mountain one, strikes the seeker in so many ways.

At the entrance is a huge cliff on the other side of the river, with the Chinese characters for Buddha and Veneration engraved high up there. Now with the red leaves it is quite spectacular.
Pictures 29, 30.

A seated Jizoo Bosatsu keeps watch over the way toward the temple.
Picture 31.

A row of impressive stone lanterns sheltered by red leaves. Picture 32, 33.

Inside the temple in the garden corne are the shelves with figures of 500 Arhats, Gohyaku Rakan, pupils of the Buddha, are most striking in the autumn setting.
Pictures 34 to 37.

Next we see a huge pine tree, almost in round shape, with splendid forest and a smaller pagoda in the background. Pictures 38, 39.

More pictures of the temple garden, with stonegravel and foilage all around. Pictures 40 to 42.

An especially bright red tree in the garden. Picture 43 to 45.

At the entrance to the main hall is a huge painting of Daruma, painted by the 5th head priest of Buttsuu-Ji. Picture 46.

And from inside, through the latticed window, you have a mysterious view of the garden.
Picture 47.

On the way home, we passed some rigid landscape with cliffs above the temple, where the majestic

Shoun-Waterfall 昇雲の滝 (Shoo-un no taki, Ascending Clouds Waterfall)
parts the cliffs and falls down, before gourging through the valley of the temple.

And my own pictures of the cliffs and boulders by the roadside, 48 and 49.

We did not venture further down to see the waterfall completely, since these moutains are full of hungry bears these days and you need more equipment to walk safely in the woods.

The Waterfall again, with a fall of 50 meters it is the fourth longest in Hiroshima Prefecture.


Click for more PHOTOS !


Mihara Yassa Daruma cheering for baseball

. Hiroshima Carps 広島カープ Baseball Daruma .

. Chindonya ちんどん屋 street musician .
with MIHARA Daruma !

. Mihara Yassa Daruman やっさだるマン  .
Mihara Yassa Matsuri 三原やっさ祭り Yassa Festival

- #mihara #miharadaruma #darumamihara #miharahiroshima-

Chichibu Daruma

[ . BACK to Worldkigo TOP . ]

Daruma from the Chichibu area, 秩父だるま
with a Gingko Leaf

Sugar dispenser in Daruma shape

CLICK for original LINK . gingko dreams

- reference source : sbs.sakura.ne.jp/youkoutei/top/007syuuhen -
Chichibu Hariko Papermache Dolls - Shop


Daruma Temples in Kyoto, with Autumn leaves
especially Gingko Trees

A wonderful LINK.

There are more autumn leaves and temples in Kyoto, click any.


Now let us look at more links

************ about the Gingko biloba tree

The complete Gingko Biloba Page

(Most of my following quotes are from this quote by Cor Kwant.)

I created this site because of my fascination and respect for this unique tree, a living fossil, unchanged since the time of the dinosaurs. It is the sole living link between the lower and higher plants, a symbol of longevity and is seen as one of the wonders of this world.
Cor Kwant

Gingko, the Chinese Name
Ginkgo : from the Chinese (later also Japanese) word Ginkyo meaning "silver apricot" (gin=silver, kyo=apricot). This term is thought to come from a romanized version for the Chinese ideograph Yin Hsing (Xing).

The Gingko Tree has many different names in different countries,
as you can see on the link below. Here is the Gingko World Leaf Design.

Mandarin ducks
are regarded as love symbols in China and Japan (duck foot). (The orange brown feather -right- is called Itchoo-ba in Japan.)
Look at the ducks and read more about the name here:

......................... Does it represent One living creature
......................... which has divided itself?
........................ Or are these Two, which have decided,
........................ that they should be as One?

Scientists thought that it had become extinct, but in 1691 the German Engelbert Kaempfer* discovered the Ginkgo in Japan. The Ginkgos had survived in China and there they were mainly found in monestaries in the mountains and in palace and temple gardens, where Buddhist monks cultivated the tree from about 1100 AD for its many good qualities. From there it spread (by seed) to Japan (around 1192 AD with some relation to Buddhism) and Korea.
Read more about the history of this tree.

*********** Medical Use

The seeds (baigo) are most used in Traditional Chinese Medicine, the leaves in western medicine. In Japan the seeds are called ginnan. The Japanese way of using Ginkgo as a medicine originates from the Chinese tradition.
Read a lot more about it.

Dr. Siebold and the Gingko Tree

The A-Bomb and the Gingko Tree,

a Bearer of Hope in Hiroshima
At the end of World War II on August 6th 1945 an atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima by the Americans. The plants and trees in the area around the epicentre were examined in September 1945. The Ginkgo situated near a temple about 1.1 km away from the blast center appeared to bud after the blast without any major deformations (the temple itself was destroyed).



The Gingko Picture Gallery

Leaves in the Rain

Gingko Trees from all over the world, an amazing collection

Here is her Japanese selection.



Famous Gingko Trees in my former hometown, Kamakura.

...................................... Shrine Tsurugaoka Hachimangu 鶴岡八幡宮
..................................... Temple Sugimoto Dera 杉本寺
..................................... Temple Hookoku-ji 報国寺
.................................... Temple Myoohon-ji 妙本寺
There are more on this link, click the right-side bottons.

More famous BIG Gingko in Japan
Temple Koosen-ji
In Downtown Utsunomiya
Mountains of Iseyama
Click on the other bottons on the right for more.
Also above the picture, click on the little box on the left [次へ] to see more.

List of big Gingko Trees in Japan

Click on anything clickable for potluck.
菩提寺大イチョウ The one at Nagi, Temple Bodai-ji in my neighbourhood.


.............................. 富安風生 Tomiyasu Fuusei Sensei

gingko chiru tooku ni kaze no oto sureba

gingko leaves fall -
far away there is
the sound of wind
Tr. Gabi Greve

08 it rains gingko leaves

 © Photo Gabi Greve
Gingko at Tempel Tanjo-Ji, 2007


. Chichibu no Tengu 秩父の天狗さま
The Tengu from Chichibu .


