
Otafuku Okame Daruma


Otafuku, O-Tafuku, O-Fuku Daruma
お多福だるま、お福達磨, お福だるま

There are many examples at Kodomobeya.

Great Link for many Papermachee Dolls.



This O-Fuku Daruma comes in various shapes.

© paperboy&co / Snow Factory


柏お福だるま Kashiwa O-Fuku Daruma

Source : 工房夢舞 Kobo MuMu


. Saitama Folk Art - 埼玉県 .

Daruma seoi 達磨背負い carrying Daruma

matsutake seoi o-kame 松茸背負いおかめ
O-Kame carrying mushrooms on her back

- reference source : popeye.sakura.ne.jp/saitama... -


Onna Daruma

Oiran to Daruma 花魁と達磨 Daruma and the Courtesans (geisha)

Tatoo - O-Kame Daruma


Daruma Museum - Fukusuke 福助だるま
Husband of O-Fuku

. Tenugui 手ぬぐい Small Towels .


. . . CLICK here for O-Kame Photos !

Okame, Okamesan おかめ【お亀/阿亀】
is another name for O-Tafuku.

O-Kame san

She derived from Ame no Uzume アメノウズメ
天宇受賣命, 天鈿女命, 天宇受売神

CLICK for more photos
A goddess of mirth, mentioned already in the Kojiki. The first masks of O-Kame where used for Kyogen performances and have maybe shown the ultimate of female beauty.
She danced in front of the stone cave where the sun goddess had hidden. Her lascivious dance made the goddess laugh and come out to this world again.
. . . CLICK here for 天鈿女命 Photos !

Later she changed into a funny round face, sometimes identified with the cheap courtesans of the Edo period.

Ame-no-Uzume-no-mikoto (天宇受売命, 天鈿女命) Ama no Uzume
is the goddess of dawn and revelry in the Shinto religion of Japan. Her name can also be pronounced as Ama-no-Uzume.
The Great Persuader, The Heavenly Alarming Female.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

- - - - - and her partner,
. 猿田彦 Sarutahiko .

Otafuku: Joy of Japan
Amy Katoh

Anywhere you go in Japan you are likely to encounter the plump, smiling image of Otafuku. Author Amy Sylvester Katoh traces the roots and folk beginnings of this mythic figure, showing Otafuku's many delightful identities, and providing a magical glimpse into this charming character who has become a national icon.
With a mixture of poems, photographs, anecdotes, and stories, she presents a veritable treasure chest of surprises that is sure to enchant readers.
- amazon com -


. tsurushibina つるし雛 / 吊るし雛 small hanging hina dolls .

With the wish to bring a "lot of luck" (ta fuku) to the child.


Mask of O-Kame, click for more photos !

. tori no ichi 酉の市 (とりのいち)
market on the day of the rooster

okame-ichi おかめ市(おかめいち) maket for masks of "o-kame"
okame おかめ【阿亀】 is a woman with a flat, round face.
This is an auspicious item for happy couples, together with the kumade sold at the fair.

With this name, her husband is Hyottoko ひょっとこ.
This is short for Hi Otoko 《「ひおとこ(火男)」, a man in the fire. His face is distorted like a man who uses a bamboo stick to blow into a fire.
This mask is often used for comical rural Kaguya dance performances at the local Shinto Shrine.

In Iwate Prefecture, there is a myth about the origin of Hyottoko. In that story, there was a boy with a bizarre face who could create gold out of his belly button. When someone died in a house, you would put the mask of this boy at the top of the fireplace to bring good fortune to the house. The name of the boy was hyoutokusu (ヒョウトクス). This is considered as one of the possible name of the origin of Hyottoko.
Hyottoko appears in traditional dance Dengaku (田楽). He plays the role of a clown.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

Hyottoko Daruma as clay bell


Here O-Kame comes in an advertisement for Natto, fermented soy beans , with O-Kame san.
CLICK for more photos

. . . CLICK here for 達磨おかめ Photos !

. . . CLICK here for O-Kame Photos !

. Choosa tsuchi ningyoo 帖佐土人形 Chosa clay dolls .
Hyottoko figure

. Men, omote 面 masks of Japan .

火男 Hyottoko
- reference source : 伊豆面工房 Izu Men Kobo Shop for masks -
Izu, Shizuoka


Okame and Hyottoko as a chopstick rest
for a good couple

. Chopstick rest 箸置け hashioki .


source : solotama

tonbodama beads とんぼ玉 for good luck

. Tonbodama とんぼだま【蜻蛉玉】
Dragonfly Glass Beads .


Okame hyottoko odoru yubisaki kara karete

O-Kame and Hyottoko
dancing - from the fingertips

Takahashi Kyoko 髙橋京子


Usobuki, Usofuki 嘘吹き - (空吹き)
(not to mix with Hyottoko)

Usofuki (or sometimes, Usobuki), is the smallest of the characters, representing the meaninglessness of the human condition in its impotent apex. Its eyes look surprised, but it is unable to scream or roar; it can only whistle, discretely, cowardly, inconsequentially. Hence, Usofuki also being used as the representation of insects and small animals. Hence, again, the origins of its own name: "uso" meaning lie, and "fuki" meaning to blow, to whistle.
As a representation of the human condition, it is exaggerated and comedic. As an esoteric principle, it is precise in the form it depicts the action of man and the turns of Fortune: tragedy arising from the whisper of a lie.

- source : maskdictionary.blogspot.jp


source : blog.nihondorei.com
clay bells with Choroken and O-Tafuku

. choroken ちよろけん / ちょろけん  Choroken .
A street performance custom 長老舞 in Kyoto and Osaka.




Onna Daruma

[ . BACK to Daruma Museum TOP . ]

Onna Daruma, Daruma as a Woman
女達磨 女だるま 女ダルマ

Daruma News 2005, Nr. 7 had an interesting contribution about the female Daruma.

Murakami san listed 30 dolls from his collection.

1 China, Ban futoo from Rakuyoo 洛陽の搬不倒

2 China, Santooshoo Shangdongsheng, Hoimin no Ban futoo 山東省

3 Korea, Ottoki 韓国のオットキ
ottoki in Korean means okiagari, go fall down and get up again. The dolls come in male and female form.


30 Myanmar (Burma).
Little dolls are sold at the entrance to the many pagodas of Burma.



Female Daruma from Japan

5 Made by Bui Hachi'emon 武井八右衛門

6 Made by Kasama Banjiroo 笠間幡次郎、筑前山川村

7, 11 from Kagoshima 鹿児島

H12.7×W7.7×D8.6(cm) 88.6(g)
粘土、塗、紙、張り子、墨書 / 破損、剥離・接着不良、よごれ

特別展「大正昭和くらしの博物誌 ‐ 民族学の父・渋沢敬三とアチック・ミューゼアム ‐」

8 from Hiroshima 広島の女達磨

H13.2×W8.5×D8.9(cm) 57.0(g)
粘土、塗、紙、張り子、墨書、スタンプ / 亀裂、破損、剥離・接着不良、わん曲・変形、変色・退色、よごれ
「屋根裏の博物館 ‐ 実業家渋沢敬三が育てた民の学問 ‐」展

9, 21 from Kaga 加賀の女達磨
. Kanazawa hariko 金沢張子 papermachee dolls .
made by Nakajima Menya from Kanazawa 金沢の中島めんや

21: Hachiman okiagari 八幡起き上がり, 八幡起上り
(there are different Hachiman Okiagari from Shikoku).
Hachiman Oki-agari from Watanabe San . 泉王子だるま

10 from Fukuoka Pref. Yanagigawa 福岡県、柳川の女達磨
made by Yamashita Jinsaburoo 山下仁三郎


Meoto Daruma, Enmusubi and more Happy Couples 夫婦だるま

12, 13, 14 from Osaka 大阪の女達磨

15, 16 from Kyoto 京都の女達磨

17 from Takamatsu
with a green robe.
Takamatsu Daruma 高松張子、 

18 from Ashiya 芦屋の女達磨, Fukuoka pref.

19 from Kurayoshi, Tottori pref. 倉吉の女達磨

20 from Matsuyama 松山の女だるま(姫だるまとは違う)
Tenkin Daruma with a golden head, 天金
Princess Daruma from Matsuyama
Himeji no Daruma - Daruma from Himeji 姫路のだるま ...
Matsuyama no Kinten Daruma 松山の金天だるま with a golden head

22 from Okaya 岡谷の女達磨

. 23 from Tosa 土佐の女達磨 .
made by Yamamoto Koosenn 山本香泉
. . . . . Kochi Onna Daruma 高知女だるま

24 from Kooshuu 甲州の女達磨
Kooshuu Daruma, Takeda Shingen

25 from Toyokawa 豊川の女達磨
Mikawa Daruma, Daruma from Toyokawa and Toyohashi ... by Gabi Greve

26 from Moji 門司の女達磨

27 from Takeda 竹田の女達磨
Takeda no Hime Daruma - Princess Daruma from Takeda ...

28 from Ibaragi 茨城の女達磨

29 from Goboo, Wakayama Pref. 御坊の女達磨
a pair of male and female


姫だるま, Hime Daruma, Princess Daruma
is a different matter. I will take it up in more detail.

Hime Daruma Dolls 姫達磨 姫だるま Introduction

. Komatsu Nyoin Daruma 小松女院だるま .
from Bungo 豊後, Beppu, Kyushu





Sahara Dolls


Sawara Daruma 佐原だるま(Chiba 千葉)

From the town of Sawara in Chiba prefecture. (Sahara)

- source : darumanetjapan.com -


Fukuoka san 福岡 from Sawara makes these papermachee dolls.
Before him, they were made by Kamata san 鎌田.


【おかしみ】 Okashimi funny collection
by 鎌田芳朗 Kamata Yoshiro san.

ー CLICK for more photos !

source : tokyoartbeat.com/event...

. . . CLICK here for more Photos  !


. Chiba Folk Art - 千葉県 - Introduction .

- #sawara #sawarahariko #okashimi #kamatayoshiro -


Prison Daruma

nnnnnnnnnnnn TOP nnnnnnnnnnnnn

Daruma Dolls made in Prison 刑務所に福だるま

In the prison of Fukushima City prisoners make papermachee dolls, including Daruma dolls of about 20 cm hight. But lately many cheap papermachee dolls come from China and the local dolls do not sell well any more.

福島市の福島刑務所を見学して驚いた。受刑者が張り子の福ダルマ をつくっていたからだ。紙型を真っ赤に塗り、金色の模様をあしらう。最後に 鶴亀に見立てたひげを描いて出来上がり。全国の生産量の8割を占める とされる高崎ダルマ(群馬県)も、地元福島の白河ダルマもある。いずれも 高さ20センチ前後の小ぶりなもので、手間を嫌って製造業者が外注したらしい。  

「労賃の安い中国に仕事を奪われ、刑務所も大変。ダルマづくりは残された 貴重な仕事だ」と刑務所長は言う。私の群馬県の実家でも数年前まで高崎 ダルマをつくっていた。子供のころは毎日作業を手伝い、ダルマ市の売り子に も立った。高崎のダルマ市は毎年1月6~7日に開かれ、今年も24万人の 人出が見込まれている。名産品だから、客は地元産と信じてダルマを買う。 神棚に飾って手を合わせる人もいる。  

しかし、産地がどこでも御利益が変わるとは思えない。縁起物が受刑者更生 の助けにもなるなら、達磨大師も喜んでくれるだろう。

Please send your contributions to Gabi Greve

Alphabetical Index of the Daruma Museum



[ . BACK to TOP . ]

Lion ... raion daruma ... ライオンだるま

. (c) PHOTO : だるまさん色々

Yakkyuu 野球 Baseball goods with Daruma
Seibu Lions 西武ライオンズ


Mother and Child Lion
by Yamada 山田人魚

source : garitto


source : tomonori-taniguchi


Amuletts for lovers ...

Daruma Pair and Lion Pair

source : blog.concent.shop-pro.jp


Alphabetical Index of the Daruma Museum



Gangu Toys


Gangu 玩具 Toys with Daruma

A small celluloid Daruma, about 3 cm high. Not many of his brothers are well and alive these days, since they are easy to squeeze to death...

My Collection
Takamatsu 2005/11

. Celluloid Dolls


Tin plate Daruma Doll
buriki omocha ブリキのおもちゃ

made by Fuji Press 富士プレス
When you wind it up, the eyes start rolling from left to right.

Photos from my friend Ishino

buriki, from the Dutch blick, German is Blech.

. . . CLICK here for tin toy Photos !


Daruma bear brick train / be@rbrick train / bearbrick
by Medicom Toy


Toy Ladder

Makes little noises as Daruma falls down the steps.

Photos from my friend Ishino


Gangu 玩具 <> More about Toys with Daruma

..... My Toy Photo Gallery

..... A Whistle

..... Dice Holder, an antique
Bakuchi 博打道具入れ Daruma and Gambling

..... Daruma Otoshi  だるま落とし だるまおとし

..... . Koma 独楽(コマ) spinning top  

Look at more of my TOYS with Daruma here

Gangu 郷土玩具 Folk Toys - with FOOD !
manjuu kui ningyo 饅頭食い人形 doll eating a manju bun

. gangu 玩具, omochcha おもちゃ toy, toys - Legends .

. Old Toys, including Daruma .
Kawamura Jisuke / Midzuno Jujiro / Iwata Yoshizo / Murase Hichi-Saburo ...





Kenzo Daruma

[ . BACK to TOP . ]

Kenzo Daruma 謙三だるま, 謙三達磨

Daruma with a tea tree blossom on his belly

. (c) PHOTO : だるまさん色々

Takahashi Kenzoo 高橋謙三 Takahashi Kenzo
was born in the year Tenpo 3 in Koshigoe and studied western medicine.
He supported the idea to promote tea drinking in Japan for the health of the people.

In 1884, Kenzo Takahashi invented a steaming machine and heating machine as well as a friction machine.
15 years later he invented a rubbing machine and brought quasi machine production to Japanese green tea industry.

Green Tea from Shizuoka
Count Katsu Kaishū (勝海舟) and Tea in Shizuoka

One more doll

source :  www.ne.jp/asahi/hamamatu/koma


Details about
. Daruma and Tea  

Alphabetical Index of the Daruma Museum



Tora Tiger


Tiger Daruma Doll by Abo Muchihide
Tora Daruma 「トラだるま」

The Koksehi Maker Abo Muchihide made these TIGER DARUMA to encourage his favorite Baseball Team, Hanshin Tigers, for the season 2005. Abo san lives in Kuroishi Town.
These dolls are now a hit sell in Aomori prefecture in Northern Japan and of course all other parts in Japan with Hanshin Tigers fans..


Here is another of these dolls.


© 写真=阪神ファンの間で人気を呼んでいる青森県黒石市の「トラだるま」(共同)


Read my story about Kokeshi Wooden Dolls from Northern Japan and Abo Muchihide
Kokeshi (2) こけし

Read more about the Yellow Daruma
Yamabuki-Iro, Yellow Daruma 山吹色の黄色だるま

Click for more TIGER DARUMA !


Cup for the Year of the Tiger

CLICK for more tigers
CLICK for more Tiger Daruma

. . . CLICK here for 寅 だるま Photos !


by Utagawa Kunimaro 歌川国麿


ダルマート 干支達磨 寅 Darumato Tiger for 2022


. Tora トラ - 虎 - 寅 Tiger Toys .

- #tora #tiger -