
Cats and Daruma

[ . BACK to Daruma Museum TOP . ]
. neko Daruma 猫だるま Daruma as a cat .

Cats and Daruma 招き猫とだるま Manekineko


midday heat ...
my cat sleeps
with her paper doll

LOOK : August 2008

Sleeping Cat with Daruma

and with Princess Daruma

September 29 is the Day of the Manekineko !


- source : monmon cats : daruma cat print -


The Maneki Neko (招き猫, literally "Beckoning Cat"; also known as Welcoming Cat, Lucky Cat, Money cat or Fortune Cat) is a common Japanese sculpture, often made of porcelain or ceramic, which is believed to bring good luck to the owner. The sculpture depicts a cat (traditionally a Japanese Bobtail) beckoning with an upright paw, and is usually displayed—many times at the entrance—in shops, restaurants, pachinko parlors, and other businesses.
Some of the sculptures are electric or battery-powered and have a slow-moving paw beckoning. In the design of the sculptures, a raised right paw supposedly attracts money, while a raised left paw attracts customers.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

Together with Daruma, it is even more auspicious !

CLICK for more photos
CLICK thumbnail for more photos !


Tama Papermachee Doll 多摩張子 だるま抱き猫

Maneki-neko .. ..

This cat belongs to the Tama Papermachee Dolls. It was bought at the home of Aida san.
Look at more pictures on the link above.

. Tokyo and Edo Folk Art .


Legends around the Beckoning Cat

- quote -
Tokyo temple’s beckoning cats keep visitors purring in
by Yoshiaki Miura
A five-minute walk from Miyanosaka Station on the Tokyu Setagaya Line, Gotokuji Temple in Tokyo’s Setagaya Ward offers a fun sight for visitors.
By a path leading to the main temple sit a huge number of bright white cat figures placed around a statue of Kannon, the goddess of mercy. Many tourists visit just to take photos.
These are maneki neko, beckoning cats, figures that are believed to bring good luck and are said to have originated at the temple.

Legend has it that during the Edo Period, a chief priest at the temple, had a cat he cared for very much. One day, feudal lord Ii Naotaka passed by with his servants and saw the cat, which appeared to be waving at him to come inside.
Curious, they entered and were greeted by the priest. As the priest served them tea and offered a sermon, a thunderstorm broke outside.
Grateful to the cat and the priest, Ii later donated rice crops and land to the then-poor temple, elevating it to prosperity. The temple became a designated cemetery for the Ii family, whose members served in central roles in the Tokugawa shogunate.

Today, the cats are a symbol of the area. Many maneki neko goods are available in local shops, and feline figures dotted around the neighborhood make it a lovely place to walk.
- Look at many more photos :
- source : japantimes.co.jp/news/2016 -

.. .. .. .. .. Legend of the Old Woman in "Imado"
In the last part of Edo period (19th century), there was a old woman who lived in Imado, eastern part of Tokyo. Though she had kept a pet cat, her extreme poverty did not allow her to keep it any more. So she told her cat, "I'm sorry I have to abandon you under this poor situation".

On that night, the cat appeared in her dream and told her,
"Please make my image in clay.
It will surely bring a good luck to you".
When the old woman made the cat's image in clay following to her dream, guest visited her wishing to buy it. The more the old woman made the cat's images, the more guests visited her to buy them, and she could save money.
The cat's image in clay which relieved her from poverty was the origin of Manekineko.

Manekineko from Imadoyaki 招き猫 今戸焼


CLICK for more cats !

Tokyo 平河天満宮 Hirakawa Tenman-Gu


Maneki Neko, the lucky God born in Japan
About Maneki Neko Museum

It is the greatest beckoning cat museum in Japan which exhibits several thousands private collection by a couple Mr.Kanji Bando and Mrs.Chihiro Arakawa who act as the sponsor of a Japan Beckoning cat club. Former Japan Beckoning cat club and Beckoning Museum were at Tsumagoi mura Azuma gun,Gunma ken.(2000 ~2004)
The town of Seto is the Native land for Maneki Neko

The MANEKI NEKO Museum in Seto is one of the largest exclusive Museum in Japan where exhibiting private collection of thousands of items even a local toy to a curio thing and the miscellaneous goods for daily..
The museum shop and the gallery have also annexed.
- source : www.luckycat.ne.jp

Made by by 樋口節子さん Higuchi san

- - - with Daruma


Cat embracing Daruma だるま抱き猫 

瑞穂町 Mizuho Town


Here is a cute cat holding her Dear Daruma



Cat with Daruma made from Japanese Rice Paper, Washi 和紙のだるま猫
. . . CLICK here for more Photos !


Piggy Bank with Cat and Daruma 猫舎だるまバンク


© PHOTOS : だるまさん色々


Here is my Photo Album with more beckoning cats and other lucky items (engimono).
Manekineko .. ..

Read my story about
ENGI-MONO - Things for Good Luck    
...   縁起物とだるま


Present from Ishino san


shookon neko 招婚猫 cat calling for a wedding

- Hayashi-An is a maker of papermachee dolls. Look at their collection:
- reference source : Hayashi-An 林庵 -


"I hear heaven is so wonderful that nobody returned from it!
Can I go there, too, niya, ニャ . . .?"


.. .. .. Antique Cats of Asia and Japan
. Trocadero Antiques


Manekineko enjoying a beer
source : facebook lucky cat


Small cat with long ears and FUKU on the belly

Photo from my friend Ishino san !


Fudo Myo-O as a cat 不動明王 !

CLICK for original LINK runtatta
painting by runtatta ルンタッタ / ふどうみょうおうにゃんこ

source : runtatta0429.blog8

. Fudo Myo-O 不動明王 Acala Vidyârâja  
and his manekineko versions !!


source : kinnyanko.blog.fc2.com

. Neko Yakushi 猫薬師 Yakushi Nyorai and the Cat .
- Introduction -


ryooen manekineko 良縁招き猫
beckoning cat for a good match

ketchien manekineko 結縁招き猫
"to bind things together in luck"

Two cats together, for even more good luck. The one on the right is the female.
From shrine Imado Jinja in Tokyo.

Imado Shrine 今戸神社, Imado jinja
is a Japanese shrine located in Imado where north part of Tokyo Asakusa. It is one of the Shichifukujin (七福神) Shines of Asakusa, and enshrined Fukurokuju (福禄寿). The history of the shrine begins at 1063 by Yoshitomo Minamoto and Yoshiie Minamoto. It is very famous for the birth place of fortune cat (招き猫, manekineko), and last place of Soji Okita(沖田総司), the greatest samurai warrior of Shinsengumi(新撰組). Now, it is well known as good luck shrine for love and marriage.
There are many good luck items for love and marriage with fortune cat.
source : mustlovejapan.com

. Amulets and Talismans from Japan - Edo . 


maneki neko bringing fruit

source : 門司ヶ関人形工房 - Fukuoka

WASHOKU - - Folk Toys and Food  



yoroi kabuto 鎧兜猫 cat in full armour

source : neuneu.jp/manekineko
made by Sakurai Makiko 櫻井魔己子

. kabuto ningyoo かぶと人形 dolls with helmets .
Musha ningyoo 武者人形 Samurai Dolls



hatsuharu ni maneki neko itte furu honya

The first day of spring
there is a welcoming cat
at the old bookshop.

. by Mr. Oyadomari


東北復興 祈願招き猫だるま

Beckoning good luck for Tohoku !

Thoughts on Fukushima:

maneki neko
can't lift her paw

- Shared by Elaine Andre -
Joys of Japan, 2012

There are many maneki neko made and sold to help the reconstruction of Tohoku and Fukushima these days

maneki neko -
she lifts her paws
higher than ever

source : waraku


Don't give up, Tohoku!


source : きよおと-KiYOTO


All kinds of wooden Easter eggs to help Tohoku !


Click for more photos !

. Japan - After the BIG earthquake .


source : item.rakuten.co.jp/zakkayafree


. Lucky Mouse, Cat and Daruma
招き猫とだるまと福ねずみ .


. komainu 狛犬 / 高麗犬 / 胡麻犬 "Korean Dog" .

Welcoming visitors at the Gate !

source : www.b-gunma.com/kaiunzi
狛犬ポジションに2匹の招き猫。 Two Manekineko like Komainu !

海雲寺 Kaiun-Ji The temple of beckoning cats 招き猫の寺

- Komainu Cats - facebook -


. Join the Maneki Cat Friends of Facebook ! .


- #neko #cat #daruma #katze -



Popoi Doll Museum

nnnnnnnnnnnnnnn TOP nnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

Doll Museum of Popeye San

He has a lot of local dolls in his collection, so take your time visiting here:

東京都の郷土玩具 .. from Tokyo
京都府の郷土玩具 .. from Kyoto
山梨県の郷土玩具 .. from Yamanashi
埼玉県の郷土玩具 .. from Saitama
岡山県の郷土玩具 .. from Okayama
香川県の郷土玩具 .. from Kagawa

Again, check this link
- popeye.sakura.ne.jp/index -





Matsukawa Daruma

[ . BACK to TOP . ]

Matsukawa Daruma from Sendai

Matsukawa is named after the person who created this daruma, and it's popular among people as a religious item rather than a folk toy. Its colors and facial expressions are exquisitely matched, and it's a gorgeous example of folk art. Ultramarine blue is the main color.

Yanagiu washi is a hand-made paper that was developed in Sendai City. It is produced around Yanagiu, Taihaku-ku, Sendai City and is said to have been started by paper craftsmen from Date (Fukushima Prefecture) who had been brought to the area by Date Masamune in the early middle ages.

The robust paper, which is produced adding the tororoaoi root juice to the fiber of the kozo bark (broussonetia kajinoki), has been used for various daily objects, including paper lanterns, sliding paper screens, and wrapping paper, and it is also used for the Matsukawa daruma dolls which are famous for their colorfulness and intricate decoration. The sale of these daruma dolls, which takes their name from that of the original craftsman (Matsukawa), is an essential feature of Sendais New Year.
© Japan Foundation / bunka shisan

© dobashi.jp



New Year Greetings for 2007

© blog.kahoku


from my friend Ishino

about 12 cm high
made by Hongo Tokuji 本郷徳治, active since 1921.
Now Takahashui Hashime Hariko たかはし はしめ工房の張子


This Matsukawa Daruma was already mentioned in a famous book about Japanese Toys.

Unai no tomo うないの友
A Child's Friends; Japanese folk toys
by Shimizu Seifu [1851-1913]

. Shimizu Seifu (Seifuu) 清水清風 .


Date Masamune 伊達政宗 (1567 - 1636)

. Akakeshi 赤芥子 Red Poppies Dolls
from Miyagi

. Folk Toys from Miyagi .


Koshigaya Daruma


Koshigaya Papermachee Doll 越谷張子

越谷だるま Koshigaya Daruma

. Bushuu Daruma from Kanto 武州だるま .


First made by a person called "Daru Kichi". Made from Paper wrapped around a wooden form. Very light and easy to roll back to its feet.


越谷市だるま組合 Koshigaya Daruma Kumiai
〒343-0045 埼玉県越谷市大字下間久里1312


hi no yoojin 火の用心 take care of fire
This one stands at the entrance of the fire department

more amulets
. Hi no yoojin, kaji 火の用心 "beware of fire" .

. Amulets and Talismans from Japan . 

. Hi no yoojin 火の用心 fire prevention DARUMA .


source : ameblo.jp/daito55

Koshigaya Daruma as a flower vase
kabin Daruma 花瓶ダルマ

source : store.novelax.jp

They are papermachee dolls, with a glass tube to be inserted for the water.

DARMA Formless FormlessDesign

. . . CLICK here for Photos - kabin Daruma !



White Daruma from Koshigaya


Koshiden ~ 越伝 -
Guidebook to the traditional crafts made in Koshigaya

Each item is introduced on two pages with many photos!
There are seven shops which still make papermachee Daruma dolls!

Introducing Daruma, senbei, hina dolls and many more !

環境経済部 産業支援課
- reference source : city.koshigaya.saitama.jp/citypromotion -





Yakko Daruma


Yakko Daruma / 奴だるま

First let me explain what YAKKO 奴 means.

. Clay Yakko Dolls From Tsuyama /津山の奴土鈴  
Introducing the Yakko halberd-bearers and servants of a Daimyo.


yakko shoogatsu 奴正月(やっこしょうがつ)
New Year holiday for the yakko servants

kigo for the New Year


Now let us talk about YAKKO Daruma in Japanese folk art a little more.

Maybe the most famous are the dolls made of laquer from Oouchi in Yamaguchi Prefecture. They are made from local wood, covered with tree laquer (本漆) and decorated with goldleaf foil. A lot of dolls and other pieces are made in this way, so have a look at the following Yakko Daruma. On the left you find two pictures of Oouchi Yakko Daruma. This is the second type of Oouchi Daruma

Oouchi Daruma / 大内だるま
Made from Laquer and Wood 漆のもの

. Ouchi Ningyo 大内人形 Yakko Laquer Dolls from Yamaguchi  

CLICK for more photos

. Folk Toys from Yamaguchi .


Yakko Daruma made from Stone 石の奴だるま

This one is made in China and sold in Japan. 中国産です at Ashiyoshidai in Western Japan.

Yakko from Ashiyoshi-dai


Made from chirimen material / ちりめんでできた奴

. chirimen ちりめん / 縮緬 crepe silk .


was the name of the lowest social position in the Edo society, the simple workers of a daimyo household. They were the chuugen 中間(ちゅうげん)」 or orisuke 折助(おりすけ. yakko, most probably derived from the "child of the house", member of the household, ie no ko 家つ子 iekko. They came from poor farming families and did hard labour, carrying the luggage of the lord during traveling. They used to wear simple square jackets (hanten) with a square as decoration, kuginuki mon 釘抜紋.

 WASHOKU - hiyayakko, hiya yakko 冷奴 "cold guy",
"kalter Bursche"

source : rakuten.co.jp/ujichaen

chopstick rest 箸置 from Kiyomizuyaki pottery 清水焼


. tako 凧 Kites of Japan - Introduction .

CLICK for more photos !

yakkodako, yakko tako 奴凧 kite with a Yakko

- quote -
Also of note is is the yakko dako.
A yakko was a lowly servant of a daimyo or nobleman and one of his jobs was to clear the roads and force the populace to kneel when his master’s entourage passed by.
The size and shape of a yakko dako depends on the area of Japan where it is made, but it is easily recognized by the wide sleeves that catch the wind and act as stabilizers instead of a tail.
Some yakko dako are also called hibuse 火伏せ(fire prevention) and are believed to protect against fire, an ever-present danger in old Japan where an overturned lamp or uncontrolled cooking fire could easily raze an entire neighborhood of paper-and-wood built houses. Symbolically, the yakko dako cuts through the wind and reduces its power to fan the flames of destruction.
- source : japanesqueaccents.com -

. Edo Yakko 江戸奴凧 Yakko kite from Edo .


. Kyushu Yakko kites 九州の奴凧 .
ura yakko tako 裏奴凧 Yakko from the backside from Usuki臼杵

. Shizuoka Yakko kites 静岡の奴凧 .
shoosuke yakko 庄助奴凧 Yakko names Shosuke
ashinagayakkodako, ashinaga yakko 足長奴凧
kite with a "long-legged Yakko"

. Tokushima Yakko kites 徳島の奴凧 .
Awa yakkodako 阿波奴凧 Yakko kite from Awa

source : youchan.com/japanese


manhole from Shizuoka 静岡県 マンホール



- #yakko #yakkodako -

Tsuyama Dolls


Dolls from Tsuyama / 津山の姫達磨や奴だるま

Yakko Daruma and Flower Viewing in Tsuyama

First let me explain what YAKKO 奴 means. The word "yakko" in this context refers to halberd-bearers of a Daimyoo Lord in the Edo period. Servants attached to a daimyoo or hatamoto were often called "Yakko", in reference to the use of this word in the Nara period, meaning slaves or personal servants. Sometimes these yakko formed their own groups of rowdies, growing large beards, looking fierce and wearing outlandish garments, much like the young people in Harajuku today. The city of Tsuyama, Okayama Prefecture, is featuring a festival in autumn, where a parade of these yakko walks through the town, performing sporty throws and catches with the long halberds (yakko gyooretsu).

The little Yakko Daruma Dolls of Tsuyama city are made in rememberance of this parade. This tradition started one generation ago at the local Folk Art Store, but was interrupted when the doll maker, who produced little clay bells (dorei 土鈴) with a Yakko Daruma face painted on it, passed away. Now it is revived in a little different form and again we can enjoy the funny face of the Yakko Daruma.
This year the cherry blossoms where early and the castle park of Tsuyama was all in a pink cloud! This vast area is one of the three best places for Cherry Blossom Viewing (hanami 花見) in Western Japan, a favorite passtime of this season. Have a look at the following HP of Tsuyama City to get an idea of these beautiful places. This is Kakusan Park, where the remains of Tsuyama Castle come to life during Flower Viewing Season.

. My Tsuyama Hanami Cherry Blossom time 2007

. My Tsuyama Hanami Cherry Blossom time 2008  

. My Tsuyama Hanami Cherry Blossom time 2009  


At the local souvenir store I found three new Daruma dolls.

First a little Yakko Daruma in the form of a little bag filled with beans for small children to throw and catch (tedama 手玉), the head a white paper ball with a very individual face, so just making my pick was a joy. He wears a purple dress and carries a halberd, but there was another type with blue dress. Look at the funny little guy:

Very similar dolls are made by another maker, where I got these two a while ago.  

Number two are little clay bells with a yakko face painted on it (dorei 土鈴).

This little bell is produced at the following place:
セノオ民芸社 TEL 08688-22-4532
Senoo Mingei Sha (Senoo Folk Art Company) And displayed and sold at the following place: 作州ふるさと観光センター  
TEL0868-22-3310 Sakushu Furusato Kankoo Center

Number three is a little Princess Daruma (Hime Daruma 姫達磨) made of white clay (tsuchiningyoo 土人形). She is very heavy, comes in three sizes, with a lot of pink flowers on her dress and real goldleaf foil on both sides. She is really a gorgeous little princess.。

As we climbed up the many stone stairs to the top of the castle walls, the view was so pretty and the sunshine so warm, I unpacked my three new friends and let them have a little hanami too.

Let us part this time with a little Haiku which I made during this years pretty Hanami excursion. By the way, I live only a 40 minutes drive away from this beautiful park.:

津山にて奴だるまの 花見かな 

Here we are in Tsuyama!  
Even the Yakko Daruma   
Can enjoy their Hanami!  


Now let us talk about YAKKO Daruma in Japanese folkart a little more.
Maybe the most famous are the dolls made of laquer from Oouchi in Yamaguchi Prefecture. They are made from local wood, covered with tree laquer (本漆) and decorated with goldleaf foil. A lot of dolls and other pieces are made in this way, so have a look at the following Yakko Daruma.

Yakko Daruma / 奴だるま

. . . . .

. Tsuyama Fukumusubi Dolls 福結びの人形


Sakushu Mingeikan 作州民芸館
Folk Museum in Tsuyama

Look here for some photos of an ancient building turned museum.
source : sakushumingeikan


. Okayama Folk Toys - 岡山県 .


Uto Princess Daruma


Princess Daruma from Uto / 宇土の姫達磨

This Princess Daruma from Uto, Kumamoto prefecture in Kyushu is closely related to the one from Takeda, so please refer to her story too.
. Princess Daruma from Takeda
竹田の姫達磨 .

This Princess Daruma is also called
"The little Roly-Poly Daruma" (Okina Koboshi) in the local dialect. She belongs to the group of papermachee dolls of Uto (called: Udo Hariko), which we will see later. The production started in the time of the third Tokugawa Shogun and has lately been made by an old lady, Mrs. Sakamoto Katsu, until she was almost 80 years old. She also made figures of the gods or warriors on horse, small horses and masks, sumo wrestlers and people in rikshaws reminding us of the Taisho Period. Her Hime Daruma comes in three sizes, but Mrs. Sakamoto produced only about 20 pieces a year, so they are hard to get. She died in 1981 and the production seemed to die with her. Lately her eldest son got in retirement and is now trying to resurrect this tradition. You can contact him at
Uto-shi, Honchoo 84 TEL:0964-22-0457

This Princess is made in rememberance of the famous Emperess Jinguu Koogoo 神功皇后, Jingu Kogo, who passed through this area on her trip to Korea, as we will see in her story a little later.

The Uto Princess Daruma has long slender eyes and eyebrows like a new moon. Her face is really pretty. It is sourrounded by one thick black circle and on the head there are many stripes of gold. The three lines under her chin let you imagine an ancient court dress of 12 layers (juuni hitoe). On her stomach she has a blue pattern that looks almost like a dragonfly with blue wings, which is a rendering of the auspicious pine, bamboo and plum blossom motive.
Like the Lady Daruma from Takeda on her white back side there is a painting of a male symbol.

神功皇后にちなんで創った張子だるまです。 切れ目の長い眼、三日月形の眉を描いた美しい顔に襟元に十二巣衣を重ねたように描かれている。竹田の女達磨と同じ様に背面 には男根様の文様が描かれている。坂本カツが創ったものですが昭和56年に死亡したため後継者がなくいまは創られていませんでしたが最近長男の光勝が製作をはじめました。
坂本光勝 宇土市本町 84 TEL:0964-22-0457

source : t-matusita

. Jingu Kogo 神功皇后 and Japanese Dolls .


Let us take a short excursion into the old Japanese history and legends. Jinguu Koogoo is one of my favorite Japanese Lady Politicians.

Regent-Empress Jinguu Koogoo  神功皇后
AD 170 - 269, Regent from 201 - 269

She was the wife of the 14th Emperor, Chuuai who reigned from 192 - 200. According to the Nihonshoki, after the death of her husband, she crossed over the sea to conquer three Korean Kingdoms, Koguryo, Paekche and Silla while pregnant with the future Emperor, Oojin. After her return to Japan she gave birth (after many years of legendary pregnancy) and returned back to Yamato with the baby Oojin to punish those who didn't accept him and reigned in his name. Nihonshoki also says that Himiko should be another name of Jinguu but many historians don't agree with this thesis.

Legend has it she had a pair of divine jewels that allowed her to control the tides when she began her bloodless conquest of Korea. Her son is also known as Hachiman, later being subject to the Hachiman belief originating in Usa, where the main shrine of the present Hachiman Cult is located.

Jinguu Koogoo is venerated as a Godess for Easy Childbirth and Warfare at Sea.
(Alternative words: Empress Jingukogo, Jingu Kogo, Jingu-kogo, Okinagatarashi-hime.)

The Great Hachiman Shrine in Usa  宇佐神宮
This is the head shrine of more than 40,000 Hachiman shrines throughout the country. It is one of the three most revered shrines in all of Japan. (The other two main shrines are Izumo and Ise).
Built in the Edo period this huge shrine is a national treasure.

. Hachiman Shrines in Japan .


During the famous Gion Festival in Kyoto
there are two floats in honor of this empress.
Ship's Float  船鉾 Fune Boko
This float is built in the shape of the ancient ship. According to the Japanese tale, this ship was used for carrying the Japanese empress "Jinguu Koogoo" who is still worshipped among the women as the Goddess of safe delivery. This float is also very popular for its unique style and gorgeous carvings, which are put around all over the body of the float.

The main figures in the float are Empress Jinguu Koogoo and
"Ryuujin", the God of the Sea.

Divination Float  Urade Boko
"Urade" means divination in Japanese. According to the Japanese tale, this float depicts the story of Empress Jinguu Koogoo, the Goddess of safe delivery who goes fishing to divine her luck by the amount of fish, which she catches.
The figure of Empress Jinguu Koogoo on this float holds a fishing line in her left hand and a fishing pole in her right hand.

. WKD : Gion Festival (Gion matsuri)


Ein Königreich für ein Pferd...
Pferde und Reitkunst im alten Japan

Checking about Jinguu Koogoo I found an interesting German essay about the use of horses in Japan. One of the first use of horses may have been at the time of her battle against Korea, either bringing horses from Japan or getting horses in Korea to move her large army. Since Mrs. Sakamoto also made horses of papermachee, I recommend this for my German readers.

source : TENSHU/bajutsu.


Hime Daruma 姫だるま
Princess Daruma, Introduction.


Uto hariko 宇土張り子
papermachee dolls from Uto

The maker, Sakamoto Katsu 坂本カツ, died in 1981 and since then they have not been made again.
There are about 30 different motives of the dolls, many with a nostalgic touch of the Meiji and Taisho period.

One of her best motives was the five anesama dolls 五人姉様

- - - - - Origin
Around 1839, the wife of Sakamoto Katsuji, Saki 坂本勝治が妻のサキ began making them. When Katsuji died at age 75, KATSU was only 19 years old, but already a veteran at making papermachee dolls. But after WW II, life became difficult for her since they lost all the molds during the war. Local people helped restoring the shop.

Later her grandchild Kooshoo 光勝 Kosho, a school headmaster, helped making the dolls after his retirement, but he died at age 55. His wife Kimiko 紀美子 is trying to do her best now.

Adress of Sakamoto Kimiko :

- source : www.asahi-net.or.jp/~SA9S-HND

CLICK for more photos !


. Folk Toys from Kumamoto .



Daruma from Oita


Princess Daruma from Takeda 竹田の姫達磨

Komatsu Nyoin Daruma 小松女院だるま


Princess Daruma from Takeda 竹田の姫達磨

She reminds us of the diligent wife of the samurai
Zaika Kanzaemon
雑賀勘左ヱ門 of the Oka clan in the old province of Bungo in Kyushu.

Once upon a time more than 300 years ago, there was the young girl Aya, wed into a Samurai family and thrown out of the house by her unfriendly mother in law on an icecold winter night. She had to stay in a shed braving cold and hunger for two days and was rescued by her husband just in time. The mother in law heard the story and came to see Aya, tears in her eyes and remorse for her harsh behaviour and from that day on the family lived happily together.
The diligence of Aya became the model for a tumbler doll in the fashion of Daruma, since he is the model for diligence too, meditating nine years in a cave. She is also called
Takeda Onna Daruma, the Lady Daruma of Takeda.

Aya endured spiritual and emotional conflict and found peace through living a pure and noble life. Words of the artist Mrs. Gotoo: "We can achieve a happy life by devoting ourselves to selfless love of others. I believe that if one can reach the state of this Himedaruma, one will be able to enjoy a life filled with good luck. A life without peril; in wich one's family is happy and one's business is fruitful."    

This Princess Daruma or Lady Daruma is one of the specialities of Oita prefecture and of course the village of Takeda. It is sold at various places throughout this area, especially at the souvenir shops at Oka castle. This doll is also called the "Roly-Poly Doll of Takeda", Takeda no Okiagari 竹田の起き上がり, but since 1931 it is usually called "Princess Daruma".

This papermachee doll is also called
"Lucky Lady" (fukuonna 福女)
and her face is really pretty. During the second night of the New Year, young people of the town of Takeda start running through the village at the cry of the cock and throw small Lady Daruma Dolls in the entrance of the homes. So all homes will have a lot of good luck during the coming year.

The small doll of the following picture was made by the first producer of this doll, Mrs. Gotoo, the bigger one by her daughter. If you cover the mouth of the bigger doll, the facial expression will change and she looks like crying. The face of the smaller one does not change if you cover any part, it will always look full of happiness. Maybe it is the rendering of the face of her daughter, who was still a young child when Mrs. Gotoo made this one.

Gotoo Himedaruma Store
source : 後藤姫だるま工房 大分県竹田市吉田889-1


"On the back of this kind-looking lady
we find a picture of the male symbol Hohoho....!"
優しい顔の背中に男性のシンボルが描かれています。 ぎょ!ぎょ!


Komatsu Nyoin Daruma 小松女院だるま

Made by Ogawa Shuuta 小川秀太 from Kusu village.

Once upon a time in the Heian period
the grandchild of Daigo Tenno named Lady Komatsu Nyoin 小松女院 fell in love with a samurai of low rank from the Bungo province and followed him into exile to Bungo.
His name was Kiyohara Masataka 清原正高 (some say he was the brother of Sei Shonagon).
When she arrived in Bungo, she found out that he was already married and she and her fellow ladies threw themselves into the waterfall Mikazuki no taki 三日月の滝 to die.
The pine where she deposited her stick and straw hat are still there.
kasakake no matsu 笠掛けの松.

Mikazuki waterfall in the shape of a crescent moon

The Bungo Kiyohara Family 豊後清原一族 When Emperor Daigo found out that Masataka had been with his grandchild, Komatsu, he banned him to Tajima and leter to Bungo. In 973 he arrived by ship in Hiji no shoo 日出庄 and made his way to Kusu village 久兼. He became involved with the daughter of a local regent and married her. Eventually the emperor forgave him and he could move back to Kyoto.


. Onna Daruma 女だるま Daruma as a Woman .

. Oita Folk Art - 大分県 .


Yakuri Daruma


Daruma from Yakuri 八栗だるま
八栗達磨 Yakuri Daruma

The Temple Yakuri-ji, Nr. 85 of the Shikoku Pilgrimage

CLICK for more photos

Before introducing the Yakuri Daruma you have to know a little about this temple. It stands on the slopes of Mt. Goken 五剣山 (Mt. Five Swords). Today, the 376.5m mountain does have only four peaks looking like as many swords thrust into it. The 5th peak slid down in 1707 in a big earthquake. These sheer peaks used to provide an ideal place for rigorous asceticism, making Yakuri-ji into a sort of seminary for ascetics. Even today not a few people climb up and down the cliffs by the chains as an ascetic practise.

The temple has been founded in 829. According to the history of the temple, before Kobo Daishi went to China to study Buddhism, he climbed this mountain and prayed that his studies may be fruitful and his journey be safe. He made an offering to the guardian god of the mountain by burying eight roasted chestnuts in the ground. When he returned to Japan, he visited this temple again, and saw five swords fall from heaven (thus the name of the mountain) as well as eight trees growing up from the roasted chestnuts.
Thus the temple was named "yakuri (yaguri)," meaning "eight chestnuts".

Another attraction of this temple is Kanki-ten 歓喜天, a Buddhist guardian divinity enshrined in Shooten-doo Hall. Kanki-ten, meaning "gods in ecstasy", is actually an elephant-headed god and goddess in an inseparable embrace, a motif of Ganesh of Hindu iconography adopted along with Buddhism. They are believed to share their pleasure with their worshippers, also bringing them marital happiness, family well-being and success in business. They attaract many people when the fire ceremony is performed on the 1st and the 16th of every month, even though they are open to the public only once every 50 years.

Kukai, Kobo Daishi
弘法大師 空海 (Kuukai, Kooboo Daishi)




Yakuri Daruma, me-nashi Daruma 八栗目無しだるま
Daruma without eyes

© PHOTO : mumu.ocnk.net

Yakuri Daruma 八栗だるま

These papermachee dolls are hard to get and in April of this year, I had asked the owner of the Hisaroku Store if he could get one for me. He was so kind to talk to his doll friends in the area and one person was willing to part with one of his Daruma dolls from Yakuri. Thank you so much, unknown Daruma friend! Now I will take the chance to tell you a little more about this one.

This Daruma used to be made by Mr. Yasuo Urushibara since about 1960 as a talisman for the nearby Yakuri temple, but he died in 1978. The tradition stopped for a while but now the widow, Mrs. Chioko Urushibara, makes a few.

This one is about 14 cm high. His beard is painted in an individual form with single strokes. His eyebrows are like half-moons facing up, but he has no pupils painted in the white round eyes. On the belly you can see a rendering of Mt. Five Swords. On the bottom the Chinese letters for Chiyo 千代, his late wife, are written.



On this HP about toys you can have a look at one Yakuri Daruma on the lowest picture. This one was sold at a store near the entrance of the cable car up the mountain, but now you cannot buy it there any more.

Some dolls from Takamatsu

© PHOTO : 全国郷土玩具の旅

. Papermachee and Clay Dolls from Takamatsu

. Folk Toys from Kagawa .


Daruma News ... だるまNEWS Vol. 18
Introducing SHIKOKU Daruma




Yakuri-ji no chijistu no ishizaka no kankyuu ni

the steep stone slope
up to temple Yakuri-Ji -
days getting longer

Izawa Masae 井沢正江


