
Shirakawa Daruma

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Shirakawa Daruma 白河のだるま - 白川だるま
Iwaki Daruma 岩木、いわきだるま

These dolls have a history of more than 160 years. They are sold at the annual Daruma Market on February 11. Daruma made north of Shirakawa all have the black eyes painted. White ones are for bringing good luck, red oned are for avoiding evil influences.

They have a tradition of more than 160 years. You can paint the eyes for good luck. They come in different sizes and red or white. The Daruma in the picture next to it is from Iwaki.

Look at some nice pictures here:

いわき市は大平洋に面した広域都市です。その中心となるのが城下町から発展した「平」の町で、いわき張り子はこの町で作られています。 張り子の製作には多量の和紙が必要となるため、江戸時代に反古紙が多く出る城下町で始められたといわれています。張子人形師が六と記された江戸中期の記録が残っています。 その主なものは「だるま」と「天狗面」ですが、虎、おかめの面なども作られてきたようです。
---制作者記録---村山しずえ:いわき市平作町(たいらさくまち)高橋晃平:いわき市平正月町  TEL: 0246-23-4077

. Tsurukame ― Crane, Tortoise 鶴亀 and Shirakawa Daruma  

Tani Bunchoo 谷文晁 Tani Buncho (1763 - 1841)
It is said his painting of Daruma became the model for the dolls of Shirakawa.


会津だるまの高さ20cm。(H16. 11.26)

The brow is in the form of the crane,
the beard in the form of the turtoise.

From Ku no Hama

久之浜 Ku no Hama など浜通りのだるまでは三春の影響は限られたものとなる。顔は青く縁取られているが彫りは浅く、目は開いているが睨み顔ではない。鼻つきなどは隣の茨城県産だるま(那珂湊、大洗)に、眉や髯の描き方などは関東だるまに類似している。
高さ33cm。(H16. 11.26)

© 佐藤 研 (仙台市)


. Shirakawa Genki Daruma 白川元気だるま
For your Wellbeing  

Exhibition of Shirakawa and all Japan Daruma

With a wonderful catalogue of all the exhibits !
source : shirakawa315.com


Shirakawa Daruma Natto

Fermented beans from Shirakawa, Daruma brand


Shirakawa Daruma Market 白川だるま市

Shirakawa town has been a market place since the Kamakura period and the present-day Daruma market developed from an old "Flower Market" in January; it is now held on February 11th, on the National Holiday for the Founding of the Constitution. There are more than 800 stalls, about 150.000 Daruma dolls are produced locally and about 150.000 people visit the market. Daruma dolls come in 18 different sizes, mostly with all the auspicious symbols we have just seen above at Jindai-ji. The biggest is 75 cm and the smallest 8 cm.

Daruma Ichi 達磨市 Markets to Sell Daruma

Tickets for the train to the Daruma Market
with a red and white Daruma doll
白河だるま市 / 国鉄バス

Shirakawa Daruma bus ticket


At the shrine Shirakwaw Kashima Jinja 白河 鹿嶋神社
they sell ema votive tablets with the red and white Daruma.

Deity in residence
Take Mikazluchi no Mikoto 武甕槌命
The shrine was founded around 775. The deity was a protector of the Samurai from Hitachi.
source : www.kashimajinja.jp


Children making their own Shirakawa Daruma



Watanabe Daruma Store 渡辺だるま店
Shirakawa Town

You can also make your own Daruma ther, Mr. Watanabe will help!
The tradition goes back to Lord Matsudaira Sadanobu 松平定信 and the first doll maker, Watanabe Hanjiro 渡辺半次郎.

source : 渡辺だるま店


The village of Shirakawa 白河郷
is famous for the roofs of the old farmhouses, strong to bear a lot of snow. This sight is a World Heritage.


The houses in the villages in the valley are unique to Japan. They are very big, and have thick thatched roofs that come down steeply. This way the snow can slide off the roofs. There is also enough space under the roofs to store supplies for long winters. The inhabitants of these villages used to earn their money in the silk-industry. They lived a very secluded life. In Japanese, the houses are called Gassho-zukuri. Gassho means praying hands, suggesting the form of hands raised in prayer to the buddha. Here it refers to the triangular shape of the roof.

CLICK for more photos

The Old Farmhouses
Once the center of the silk trade in Japan, these houses are now kept as examples of the gassho-zukuri (prayer-shape) style of architecture used in some mountainous parts of rural Japan. Extended families lived on the first two floors, while the upper story sheltered the silkworms brought over from China. (Silk traveled east from China, too, along the Silk Road.) Cooking and heating fires permeating the upper story kept it at an ideal temperature for sericulture even in the coldest winters. The smoke protected the cocoons while discouraging wood-boring insects. The silk was sold to expert kimono-weavers in Kyoto and Edo (the old name for Tokyo), and became a key item of Japan's exports. So important was the silk trade to Japan that Dupont's invention of Nylon in the 1940s was deemed to have strategic value by the US Government. Nylon stockings foreshadowed the end of the silk trade as an international business.

Every ten years or so, the thatch roof of a gassho-zukuri house must be replaced, and this work requires the help of neighbors. Even as the economic mainstay of Shirakawa has shifted from silk to tourism, the community work system remains intact today. Shirakawa is actually only one of several villages, and others such as Gokayama and Ainokura have their own uniquely recognizeable styles of construction. Located in valleys where the wind direction is predictible, the houses are generally oriented with their narrow sides facing the wind, giving the villages the look of a schoolroom of alert students when viewed from above. Summer brings a plague of bus tours; winter is much less crowded and is the best time to wander around freely. Several of the gassho-zukuri houses serve as country inns, minshuku where one can stay overnight at reasonable cost. These offer a great chance to experience both the cold of winter and the warmth of an old country inn.

. Fukiyachoo 葺屋町 Fukiyacho District of roof thatchers .


Daruma protecting the bridge


Daruma Cafe - collaboration 2018

だる抹茶パンケーキ Darumacha pancake

- source : haveagood.holiday/events... -


. 「きらり!えん旅」 NHK Kirari Entabi .

Support for Shirakawa after the great earthquake.

Part of the castle walls were destroyed and many people from Fukushima radiation evacuees now live in temporary housings in the town.

. Japan after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011 .


Gokayama 五箇山
is also a world heritage site close to Shirakawa. In winter folks had no way of getting over the steep snowed passes and could not do much.

Gokayama Daruma 五箇山の達磨

He is almost square and has a rather unhappy expression !

source : kyoudogangu.xii.jp/daruma.html


. Daruma Dolls from Fukushima 福島だるま .  

. Folk Toys from Gifu .

- #shirakawadaruma -


Mizuho Daruma Store

[ . BACK to TOP . ]

Mizuho Daruma Store

Here you find a lot more Daruma for special events on sale at the Mizuho store:


Mizuho Inari Daruma


The picture on the belly of this Daruma is the deity Inari Daimyoojin.

He is evoked for a good harvest, for good business, to prevent any kind of disaster and call in good luck. There are more than 35000 shrines in his honour all over Japan!

There is a famous proverb about old EDO:

There is dog shit and an Inari shrine at every corner of the city.

I will take up the Inari connection in another article
Fox Shrine Festival (Inari Matsuri)


There is another Daruma for a Shrine festival in prayer for a good fishing season on the fourth of Feburary in the Southern Akia Province. As you can see on the belly of Daruma, a huge codfish of more than 30 kg is honoured and then changes his form to a good hot codfish soup for all to eat.


鱈 this Chinese character contains a FISH and SNOW.

Please send your contributions to Gabi Greve

Alphabetical Index of the Daruma Museum


Oomi Daruma


Oomi Daruma (Omi Daruma 近江だるま)
近江張子 Ohmi Papermachee Dolls

かつて 近江八幡の勧修寺YHにお世話になっていた頃に能登川の駅の近くで張子の達磨を作っている人がいるよと聞いて伺ったことがありました寺井さんといわれる方で 伺った時には 体調が悪いという事で奥様が対応してくださいました素朴な味わいのある可愛い起き上がりと言う感じの達磨さんでしたそのとき頂いたのは全て女だるまばかりで男だるまは在庫が無いという事で手に入れることが出来ませんでした長い間 ユースホステルに置いたままになっていたこの達磨たちも最近 やっと整理しなおし 名前も近江八幡YHとなったユースに滋賀県代表で小幡人形と共に鎮座しています

Female Ohmi daruma dolls by Terai San

寺井さんは毎年 新しい年を迎える度に国鉄(JR)能登川駅にこの近江達磨を飾られ続けたそうです毎年毎年 行きかう人々を達磨は見守り続けたのでしょう通勤 通学 雨の日も 晴れの日も 春夏秋冬近江の人たちの生活を見守り続けた近江達磨が寺井さんの亡くなられた事により廃絶してしまったのです。

One more Doll

source : kyoudogangu.xii.jp


The history of Oomi Daruma
Ohmi Daruma have been made since the Taisho period by Mr. Terai of Notogawa.




Oomi Daruma Clay Bell
from Nakamura Kazuhiko

I have written about this Clay Doll before:
Daruma Clay Bells 【土鈴】 dorei


Doll Museum of Omi Hachiman
The Temple Kajuu-Ji 勧修寺(かじゅうじ) functions as Youth Hostel and Local Museum.

昔々お世話になった 勧修寺(かじゅうじ)ユースホステル今では 名前も変わって近江八幡ユースホステル』登録有形文化財『明治の館』として活用されながら保存されています.


© PHOTO : www.notogawaminami.ed.jp
CLICK on Drawing for enlargement!

CLICK for more photos


. Omi Hakkei 近江八景 Eight Views of Omi .

. Oomi shoonin tsuchi ningyoo 近江商人土人形
clay dolls from tradesmen of Omi . .

. Regional Folk Toys from Japan .
Shiga prefecture





Papercraft Daruma Dolls to make Yourself !

Lucky items are easy to make with Papercraft.
They make great decorations and may even bring you good luck!

© Canon 3D Papercraft


The first Dharma dolls are said to have been made some 300 years ago at the Sorensen Dharma Temple in Takasaki City in Gunma Prefecture, modeled after the Zen monk, Bodhidharma. The eyebrows and beard represent the crane and the turtle, long considered symbols of longevity in Japan, and the dolls are popular as good luck charms.

It is traditional to paint in the left pupil (the right one facing you) when you make a wish, and then paint in the right pupil when the wish comes true. Also, it is said to be most lucky to place the doll so that it faces south.

In Japan, red and white are considered lucky and these are the usual colors for a Dharma doll. There are other dolls with different colors, based on oriental astrology, so you can select the color of the doll based on the nature of your wish and your lucky color, increasing the fun and perhaps the efficacy of the charm.

The color red is said to have the power to promote vitality and bring good luck. It should be used to bring victory in work, study or love, etc.

Recommended interchangeable parts:
Body characters: Victory
Side characters: May your greatest desire come true, Achievement of one's goals

© Cannon Papercraft Red Daruma


This Daruma comes in various colors or you can paint the white pattern yourself.
It is very detailed, yet easy to follow the instructions.
It will keep the kids busy for hours!


Good Fortune Daruma Doll - Paper World

Beat illness! Invite good fortune! The daruma doll will bring you good luck

The red daruma protects against disease and brings happiness to your home. The white daruma brings you happiness and prays for bountiful days and good fortune. When you've decided on your wish insert the left eye, and when your wish comes true insert the right eye.
A daruma doll made by a cardboard lover.

This type can be constructed by layering the three sheets on top of each other
To make the good fortune daruma just layer the sheets in order and pull the adjoining hooks. Add stickers of your choice and the left eye to finish it off. A4 package size.

- source : paperworld.jp/en -



This Daruma is easy to fold and you can stick your own message on the headband !

- reference source : rakuten -


Relax Bear - Daruma Doll Papercraft

Relax Bear's latest theme features the Daruma doll. Only Relax Bear (Rilakkuma リラックマ) and his friend Korilakkuma are on this one, no Kiiroitori.

source : paperkraft.blogspot.com

Papercraft: Rilakkuma

Rilakkuma omamori リラックマ 御守り  Relax Bear Amulet
. Toys and Talismans from Japan . 


. Papercraft Dragon - 2012 .


- #papercraftdaruma #papercraft #paperart -


Tsugaru Glas Daruma


Tsugaru Glas Daruma 津軽のガラス工芸だるま

Two red ones with rather sharp noses


Tsugaru Glass Artist Yamano

Look at more of his work here


Ruri Glass Daruma
津軽びいどろ 瑠璃だるま

© www.takeyu.co.jp


Keyholder from Kuroishi, Tsugaru
Blue Daruma

source : furusatobin blog


Tsugaru Glass Ware, Tsugaru Bidoro

This glassware, referred to as "vidro (biidoro)," meaning glass in Portuguese, was originally created from the glass buoys used for fishing in the vicinity of Mutsu Bay. Sand from the Shichiri Shore, found on the west coast of the Tsugaru Peninsula, is used to create this glassware, which is hand-blown in the style that originated over 2100 years ago.

The glass is first fired at 1500 degrees, and then again at 1200 degrees, when it begins to take shape. After the second firing, the red-hot glass is taken out of the oven and blown again by filling the rod, to which the glass is attached, with air to force the glass to expand. At that stage, the glassware takes on its final form. This glassware, with both its colourful transparent qualities, is not only beautiful, but practical as well.


Tsugaru Utou-bori Daruma

from Aomori Town
made from popular wood, cut with one knife. UTOU is the old name of Aomori.

. . . CLICK here for Photos 善知鳥彫りだるま!

A famous shrine is Utou Jinja 善知鳥神社.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

. Folk Toys from Aomori .





Yonago Hariko

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Yonago Daruma 米子だるま





The Papermachee dolls of Daruma from Yonago are made by the members of the Old People's Club in Kaike Hot Spring Village. They started around 1980 and this has become quite a happy hobby for the elders.


Kaike Hot Spring at the Ocean Front

Yonago has two prominent onsens—at both ends of the price spectrum. The first is the Kaike Ocean Onsen. This one’s located in the heart of Kaike. It’s 1,100 yen, but that includes a large and small towel and a yukata (upon request). There are a couple indoor pools (hot and cold) and a large rocky rotemburo.
This one’s nice when it’s snowing—you’re in a hot pool though the air and precipitation are cold! There is a large relaxation area with recliners. Upstairs is a snack bar and entertainment area. This is somewhere you could bring a book and stay all afternoon!

More about Hot Springs in Tottori prefecture

Official Japanese Page of Kaike Onsen

Kaike Hot Spring is one of the top 100 places for viewing the Morning Sun !


 皆生温泉から見る朝日は、国立公園・大山の方向から昇るため、雄大な山容がシルエットとなり、幻想的な風情を醸し出します。少し早起きして海岸線を散策 すると、潮騒の奏でるメロディーも心地よく、一層ロマンチックな気分に浸れることでしょう。 なお、皆生温泉は夕陽の情景も一見の価値があります。皆生温泉にお越しの際は、日の入り前にチェックインされることをお勧めします。


Here is a link to my own trip in the area in Spring 2005.
Click on the Haiku to get there.

spring wind -
the mind just soars and soars
and soars


. Folk Toys from Tottori .

Izumo Kaido ... Yonago

Alphabetical Index of the Daruma Museum



Otafuku Okame Daruma


Otafuku, O-Tafuku, O-Fuku Daruma
お多福だるま、お福達磨, お福だるま

There are many examples at Kodomobeya.

Great Link for many Papermachee Dolls.



This O-Fuku Daruma comes in various shapes.

© paperboy&co / Snow Factory


柏お福だるま Kashiwa O-Fuku Daruma

Source : 工房夢舞 Kobo MuMu


. Saitama Folk Art - 埼玉県 .

Daruma seoi 達磨背負い carrying Daruma

matsutake seoi o-kame 松茸背負いおかめ
O-Kame carrying mushrooms on her back

- reference source : popeye.sakura.ne.jp/saitama... -


Onna Daruma

Oiran to Daruma 花魁と達磨 Daruma and the Courtesans (geisha)

Tatoo - O-Kame Daruma


Daruma Museum - Fukusuke 福助だるま
Husband of O-Fuku

. Tenugui 手ぬぐい Small Towels .


. . . CLICK here for O-Kame Photos !

Okame, Okamesan おかめ【お亀/阿亀】
is another name for O-Tafuku.

O-Kame san

She derived from Ame no Uzume アメノウズメ
天宇受賣命, 天鈿女命, 天宇受売神

CLICK for more photos
A goddess of mirth, mentioned already in the Kojiki. The first masks of O-Kame where used for Kyogen performances and have maybe shown the ultimate of female beauty.
She danced in front of the stone cave where the sun goddess had hidden. Her lascivious dance made the goddess laugh and come out to this world again.
. . . CLICK here for 天鈿女命 Photos !

Later she changed into a funny round face, sometimes identified with the cheap courtesans of the Edo period.

Ame-no-Uzume-no-mikoto (天宇受売命, 天鈿女命) Ama no Uzume
is the goddess of dawn and revelry in the Shinto religion of Japan. Her name can also be pronounced as Ama-no-Uzume.
The Great Persuader, The Heavenly Alarming Female.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

- - - - - and her partner,
. 猿田彦 Sarutahiko .

Otafuku: Joy of Japan
Amy Katoh

Anywhere you go in Japan you are likely to encounter the plump, smiling image of Otafuku. Author Amy Sylvester Katoh traces the roots and folk beginnings of this mythic figure, showing Otafuku's many delightful identities, and providing a magical glimpse into this charming character who has become a national icon.
With a mixture of poems, photographs, anecdotes, and stories, she presents a veritable treasure chest of surprises that is sure to enchant readers.
- amazon com -


. tsurushibina つるし雛 / 吊るし雛 small hanging hina dolls .

With the wish to bring a "lot of luck" (ta fuku) to the child.


Mask of O-Kame, click for more photos !

. tori no ichi 酉の市 (とりのいち)
market on the day of the rooster

okame-ichi おかめ市(おかめいち) maket for masks of "o-kame"
okame おかめ【阿亀】 is a woman with a flat, round face.
This is an auspicious item for happy couples, together with the kumade sold at the fair.

With this name, her husband is Hyottoko ひょっとこ.
This is short for Hi Otoko 《「ひおとこ(火男)」, a man in the fire. His face is distorted like a man who uses a bamboo stick to blow into a fire.
This mask is often used for comical rural Kaguya dance performances at the local Shinto Shrine.

In Iwate Prefecture, there is a myth about the origin of Hyottoko. In that story, there was a boy with a bizarre face who could create gold out of his belly button. When someone died in a house, you would put the mask of this boy at the top of the fireplace to bring good fortune to the house. The name of the boy was hyoutokusu (ヒョウトクス). This is considered as one of the possible name of the origin of Hyottoko.
Hyottoko appears in traditional dance Dengaku (田楽). He plays the role of a clown.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

Hyottoko Daruma as clay bell


Here O-Kame comes in an advertisement for Natto, fermented soy beans , with O-Kame san.
CLICK for more photos

. . . CLICK here for 達磨おかめ Photos !

. . . CLICK here for O-Kame Photos !

. Choosa tsuchi ningyoo 帖佐土人形 Chosa clay dolls .
Hyottoko figure

. Men, omote 面 masks of Japan .

火男 Hyottoko
- reference source : 伊豆面工房 Izu Men Kobo Shop for masks -
Izu, Shizuoka


Okame and Hyottoko as a chopstick rest
for a good couple

. Chopstick rest 箸置け hashioki .


source : solotama

tonbodama beads とんぼ玉 for good luck

. Tonbodama とんぼだま【蜻蛉玉】
Dragonfly Glass Beads .


Okame hyottoko odoru yubisaki kara karete

O-Kame and Hyottoko
dancing - from the fingertips

Takahashi Kyoko 髙橋京子


Usobuki, Usofuki 嘘吹き - (空吹き)
(not to mix with Hyottoko)

Usofuki (or sometimes, Usobuki), is the smallest of the characters, representing the meaninglessness of the human condition in its impotent apex. Its eyes look surprised, but it is unable to scream or roar; it can only whistle, discretely, cowardly, inconsequentially. Hence, Usofuki also being used as the representation of insects and small animals. Hence, again, the origins of its own name: "uso" meaning lie, and "fuki" meaning to blow, to whistle.
As a representation of the human condition, it is exaggerated and comedic. As an esoteric principle, it is precise in the form it depicts the action of man and the turns of Fortune: tragedy arising from the whisper of a lie.

- source : maskdictionary.blogspot.jp


source : blog.nihondorei.com
clay bells with Choroken and O-Tafuku

. choroken ちよろけん / ちょろけん  Choroken .
A street performance custom 長老舞 in Kyoto and Osaka.




Onna Daruma

[ . BACK to Daruma Museum TOP . ]

Onna Daruma, Daruma as a Woman
女達磨 女だるま 女ダルマ

Daruma News 2005, Nr. 7 had an interesting contribution about the female Daruma.

Murakami san listed 30 dolls from his collection.

1 China, Ban futoo from Rakuyoo 洛陽の搬不倒

2 China, Santooshoo Shangdongsheng, Hoimin no Ban futoo 山東省

3 Korea, Ottoki 韓国のオットキ
ottoki in Korean means okiagari, go fall down and get up again. The dolls come in male and female form.


30 Myanmar (Burma).
Little dolls are sold at the entrance to the many pagodas of Burma.



Female Daruma from Japan

5 Made by Bui Hachi'emon 武井八右衛門

6 Made by Kasama Banjiroo 笠間幡次郎、筑前山川村

7, 11 from Kagoshima 鹿児島

H12.7×W7.7×D8.6(cm) 88.6(g)
粘土、塗、紙、張り子、墨書 / 破損、剥離・接着不良、よごれ

特別展「大正昭和くらしの博物誌 ‐ 民族学の父・渋沢敬三とアチック・ミューゼアム ‐」

8 from Hiroshima 広島の女達磨

H13.2×W8.5×D8.9(cm) 57.0(g)
粘土、塗、紙、張り子、墨書、スタンプ / 亀裂、破損、剥離・接着不良、わん曲・変形、変色・退色、よごれ
「屋根裏の博物館 ‐ 実業家渋沢敬三が育てた民の学問 ‐」展

9, 21 from Kaga 加賀の女達磨
. Kanazawa hariko 金沢張子 papermachee dolls .
made by Nakajima Menya from Kanazawa 金沢の中島めんや

21: Hachiman okiagari 八幡起き上がり, 八幡起上り
(there are different Hachiman Okiagari from Shikoku).
Hachiman Oki-agari from Watanabe San . 泉王子だるま

10 from Fukuoka Pref. Yanagigawa 福岡県、柳川の女達磨
made by Yamashita Jinsaburoo 山下仁三郎


Meoto Daruma, Enmusubi and more Happy Couples 夫婦だるま

12, 13, 14 from Osaka 大阪の女達磨

15, 16 from Kyoto 京都の女達磨

17 from Takamatsu
with a green robe.
Takamatsu Daruma 高松張子、 

18 from Ashiya 芦屋の女達磨, Fukuoka pref.

19 from Kurayoshi, Tottori pref. 倉吉の女達磨

20 from Matsuyama 松山の女だるま(姫だるまとは違う)
Tenkin Daruma with a golden head, 天金
Princess Daruma from Matsuyama
Himeji no Daruma - Daruma from Himeji 姫路のだるま ...
Matsuyama no Kinten Daruma 松山の金天だるま with a golden head

22 from Okaya 岡谷の女達磨

. 23 from Tosa 土佐の女達磨 .
made by Yamamoto Koosenn 山本香泉
. . . . . Kochi Onna Daruma 高知女だるま

24 from Kooshuu 甲州の女達磨
Kooshuu Daruma, Takeda Shingen

25 from Toyokawa 豊川の女達磨
Mikawa Daruma, Daruma from Toyokawa and Toyohashi ... by Gabi Greve

26 from Moji 門司の女達磨

27 from Takeda 竹田の女達磨
Takeda no Hime Daruma - Princess Daruma from Takeda ...

28 from Ibaragi 茨城の女達磨

29 from Goboo, Wakayama Pref. 御坊の女達磨
a pair of male and female


姫だるま, Hime Daruma, Princess Daruma
is a different matter. I will take it up in more detail.

Hime Daruma Dolls 姫達磨 姫だるま Introduction

. Komatsu Nyoin Daruma 小松女院だるま .
from Bungo 豊後, Beppu, Kyushu


