

[ . BACK to Daruma Museum TOP . ]
. mingei 民芸 folk art of Japan .


Welcome to the Daruma Museum
for Papermachee and Clay Dolls !

To the Daruma Museum Main Gallery

. Talismans, Amulets and Folk Toys .


Hariko 張子 / 張り子  Papermachee Dolls of Japan

! Read the Basics !

Hariko – Papermache Dolls of Daruma ... ALBUM

. Introducing Clay Dolls 土人形 tsuchi ningyoo


 . . . . . . . . . . 索引 Contents  

Ainu Daruma ... アイヌだるま Hokkaido

Aizu Hariko 会津張子 - Aizu Daruma 会津だるま

akamono, aka mono 赤もの red things for good luck

Aloha Daruma Hawaii

Ayame あやめ 菖蒲 <> Iris Dolls and Daruma

Bandai Atami no hariko 磐梯熱海の張り子 papermachee dolls . - Fukushima

Bishamon Tanuki 毘沙門狸 Bishamon Daruma

Bushuu Daruma Koshigaya Daruma 武州だるま、越谷だるま 張子
Osato daruma 大里だるま
Sunahara Daruma 砂原だるま
Ukiya no goshiki Daruma 浮谷 五色だるま

Cats and Daruma 猫と達磨 Manekineko Beckoning Cats

Celluloid Dolls セルロイド人形 seruroido ningyoo
Chichibu Daruma / 秩父だるま

.. .. Clay Dolls Photo Gallery / 土人形達磨の写真館
Clay Dolls 土人形 ... Clay Doll Museum 土人形資料館

Daruma for special purposes .. 特別なためのだるま
Designer Dolls デザイナーズだるま

Ebisu with Daruma, Clay Doll 恵比寿とだるま、土人形

Echizen Take Ningyoo . takeningyoo 越前竹人形 Bamboo Dolls from Echizen.

Edo Daruma ... 江戸だるま / 江戸達磨 Papermachee dolls from Edo / Tokyo

Etsuki Daruma ... 江月だるまこけし Kokeshi wooden doll from Etsuki town, Miyagi pref.

Fujieda Daruma and Lafcadio Hearn Koizumi Yakumo 小泉八雲と藤枝だるま 

Fuku kitaru 福来る good luck comes to the corner

Fukushima Daruma 福島だるま from Fukushima prefecture

Fukusuke 福助

Funado Daruma 船渡だるま

Fushimi Clay Dolls / 伏見土人形

Gokayama Daruma 五箇山の達磨 and Shirakawa Daruma 白川だるま

Goseki hariko 五関張子 papermachee dolls from Goseki - Urawa, Saitama

Hachimaki - Daruma with a Headband 鉢巻のだるま

Hakata Dolls / 博多張子と土人形
Hige Daruma with Beard

Hanamaki Tsuchi Ningyoo 花巻人形 Clay dolls from Hanamaki

. Hime Daruma 姫達磨 姫だるま Princess Daruma - Introduction

Himeji Dolls /姫路人形

Hina Ningyo and Darumabina 雛人形 . だるま雛, 達磨雛(だるまびな)for the Doll Festival

Imo Daruma ... いもだるま Potatoes and Daruma, sweet potatoes, satsuma imo

Isohama Daruma Doll 磯浜だるま from Ibaraki

Jirochoo and Ishimatsu 次郎長だるま . 石松だるま

Kabocha Daruma as Pumpkinかぼちゃ達磨, かぼちゃだるま

Kanazawa hariko 金沢張子 papermachee dolls

Kashiwa Dolls / 柏張子

Kasugabe Dolls /春日部張子

Kawagoe Daruma ... 川越だるま  Dolls and Daruma Market

Kazusa Dolls / 下総だるまPapermachee Dolls (see also: Kashiwa Daruma)

Kenzon Daruma ... 謙三だるま, 謙三達磨

Kitsune Daruma, Fox Daruma 狐だるま 狐達磨 From Niigata

Kiyomizu Small Clay Dolls 清水豆人形(京都府)

Koizumi Daruma 小泉だるま Doll from Gifu

Kokeshi (1) こけし ..... Kokeshi (2) こけし ..... Kokeshi (3) こけし
Kokeshi Collection (4) こけしコレクション
Kokeshi (5) with Kokeshi

Komatsu Nyoin Daruma 小松女院だるま Lady Komatsu Oita

Konosu Papermachee Dolls 鴻巣達磨Saitama prefecture

Koshigaya Papermachee Doll 越谷張子だるま

Koshu Daruma ... 甲州だるま ... Shingen Daruma 信玄だるま (Takeda Shingen), Yamanashi Daruma

Kurashiki Hariko 倉敷張子 / Tamashima Daruma 玉島だるま

Kyoto Clay Dolls 京土人形

Lego and Nanoblocks レゴだるま - ナノブロック

..... .....Markets to sell Daruma / 達磨市 だるま市
Matsukawa Daruma 松川張子

松本だるま Matsumoto Daruma Nagano

Matsuyama Princess Daruma / 松山の姫達磨
..... Matsuyama Kinten Daruma ... 松山の金天だるま Matsuyama with a golden head

Mihara Daruma   三原だるま

Miharu Daruma 三春だるま

Mikawa Dolls 三河張子や土人形
Toyohashi hariko 豊橋張子
Toyohashi tsuchiningyoo 豊橋土人形

Mishima no Daruma 三嶋のだるま、三嶋大社

Mizuho Daruma Doll Store 祈願ダルマの 瑞 穂

Nagahama Daruma 長浜だるま

Nagoya Dolls / 名古屋張子

Nakaminato no Daruma 那珂湊のだるま Ibaraki

Nakamura Collection 中村コレクション

Nakano Clay Dolls 中野土人形

Ningyoo kuyoo 人形供養 Ningyo Kuyo - Memorial service

Nogata, Tsuyasaki Dolls / 直方張子、津屋崎土人形

Nozawa Daruma / 野沢張子, Nishi-Aizu

Ooasahiko Shrine Naruto Shinto Daruma Doll

Ohama Clay Dolls 碧南大浜土人形 
..... and Asahi Clay Dolls, 旭土人形

Okinawa Dolls / 沖縄民芸

Okkawa tsuchi ningyoo 乙川土人形 clay dolls from Okkawa
..... Otsugawa ningyoo 乙川人形 Otsugawa dolls - Aichi

Okoshi no tsuchiningyoo 起土人形 clay dolls from Okoshi - Aichi

Oomi Daruma 近江張子

Onna Daruma 女だるま、女達磨

Onishi Clay Dolls 尾西のだるま / Okoshi Tsuchi ningyo 起の土人形

Osaka '70 World Fair - Ōsaka Banpaku (大阪万博) Memorial Dolls

Otafuku Daruma お多福達磨 おたふくだるま

Papercraft, Make a Daruma Yourself !

Papermachee Dolls Photo Gallery / 達磨張子の写真館

Plastic Art Dolls ... DCTO Jibun Project

Popoi Doll Museum ポパイ人形資料館

Ringo Apple 林檎だるま りんごこけし

Sawara Dolls 佐原だるま (Sahara) - Chiba

Sankaku Daruma 三角だるま・三角ダルマ Triangular, conical Daruma

Shikoku Daruma 四国のだるまさん Introduction

Shimofusa hariko 下総張子 papermachee dolls from Shimofusa - Chiba

Shirakawa Daruma 白川張子

Shogun Daruma (Shoogun Daruma) 武将達磨
Sanada Yukimura 真田幸村, Naoe Kanetsugu 直江兼続, Toyotomi Hideyoshi 豊臣秀吉 in 2009 NHK Drama

Soccer, World Cup サッカーだるま Nadeshiko Japan なでしこジャパン 

相州だるま  Sooshuu Daruma / 相模だるま  Sagami Daruma

Sunglasses papermachee doll from Taiwan

Tabemono to gangu 食べ物と玩具 Traditional Dolls and Food

Takamatsu Dolls / 高松張子と土人形

Takeda Princess Daruma / 竹田の姫達磨

Takefu tsuchi ningyoo 武生土人形 clay dolls from Takefu - Fukui

Tamashima Dolls / 玉島張子と良寛さん

Tanabata Daruma 七夕だるま <> Star Festival on July 7

..... Tanuki ... 狸々だるま Tanuki from Takamatsu

Tetsuki Daruma with Arms

Tora Tiger Kokeshi トラだるま、こけし

Tsugaru Glass Daruma 津軽のガラス工芸だるま

Tsuyama Dolls / 津山の姫達磨、奴だるま

Ukraine Daruma 2022
- Click for more photos ! -

Uto Princess Daruma / 宇土姫達磨

Uwajima Papermachee Doll 宇和島だるま Uwajima Daruma with Headband

Yakko Daruma / 奴だるま

Yakuri Daruma / 八栗だるま張子

Yamabuki-Iro, Yellow Daruma 山吹色の黄色だるま

Yamagata Daruma 山形だるま
... Hirashimizu Daruma 平清水だるま
... Sakata Daruma 酒田のだるま

Yamanashi 山梨親子だるま Oyako Daruma, Parent and Child, Father and Child

Yonago Daruma 米子だるま


Gabi Greve  。。。ガビ グレーベ
Director    。。。達磨資料館館長
Daruma Museum ABC Index  ABC 索引


source :dipale.musabi.ac.jp - moriyama





Tabineko exhibition

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Exhibition of Hariko from Japan

and more from the

Collection of
松崎大祐 Matsuzaki Daisuke

source : tabineko.seesaa.net... 旅猫雑貨店
Tokyo Toshima ward, Zoshigaya


. Tabineko 旅猫雑貨店 Mingei store Tokyo Zoshigaya .
and more Daruma photos

. Daruma Exhibitions .


- #darumadoll -


akamono red things

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. Daruma, Smallpox and the color Red .
An Essay

akamono, aka mono 赤もの red things (for good luck)

They ward off smallpox and other diseases of children. Also to ward off evil generally.
Some are made quite simple.

The most favorite subjects are

kuma nori Kintoki 熊乗り金時 Kintaro on a bear

tai nori Kintoki 鯛乗り金時 Kintaro on a sea bream

Kintoki is the local name for Kintaro, the Strong Boy.
His toys are bought with the wish for a strong and healthy child.

. Kintaro and Daruma だるま抱き金太郎 .

taiguruma, tai guruma 鯛車 sea bream on wheels
The God of Diseases is invited to sit on this red fish and swim away in the nearest river.

These "red things" are an important cultural property of Japan.

. Clay Dolls from Fushimi - 伏見土人形 .
The Akamono dolls are sold along the access road to 伏見稲荷 Fushimi Inari shrine.

- - - - - Akamono from Fushimi, Kyoto 赤もの 伏見土人形

. akamono komusoo 虚無僧 Komuso begging monk .

. akamono rikishi 赤もの力士 Sumo wrestler .

. akamono Saigyo 西行童子 as a child .

. akamono 三味線弾き shamisen player .

. akamono Tenjin 天神さま Sugawara Michizane .

花もち童女 / 鯛抱き童子 童子「茶坊主/ 伊勢参り姿の童子 /神功皇后 / 狛犬 /虚無僧 / 乳のまし / 大原女
- - About Akamono 赤物人形について
- reference source : hushimi-ningyou.jp... -

赤もの 大黒 Daikoku

and 恵比須 / 布袋 / 立ち娘
- reference source : sakigake-one.sakura.ne.jp... -

. red dolls from Konosu 鴻巣 .


- "akamono #redthings #reddolls -


NENGA 2017






Hariko Introduction

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. mingei 民芸 folk art of Japan .

hariko 張子 / 張り子 papermachee dolls
Papier Mâché Doll - Papiermaché {n}

CLICK for more photos

Hariko 張子 Papermache Dolls
are probably the most common of all the Daruma dolls.
Here is a quote from an article about the development of Daruma dolls in Japan:

From the Tumbler Doll (okiagari koboshi) to the
Tumbler Daruma (okiagari Daruma 起き上がりだるま)

After the Period of the Warring States Japan reached a time of 300 years of peace under the Tokugawa regime. The Tumbler Dolls of papermachee first made in Kyoto, soon
reached the new capital of Edo. The inventive townspeople of Edo painted a big black beard on the face of the old man and a visiting priest came to say: "Well, if this is not the face of Daruma Daishi himself!" The red robe was the traditional garb of a priest.

Getting up after falling down was taken as a wish getting better for an ill person. It was also said that the stark red colour would ward off smallpox, so the red tumbler doll of Daruma would be the best present for a sick child. This one blessing was soon followed by others and developed into "Falling down seven times, getting up eight times"
(nanakorobi yaoki 七転びやおき), turning into a blessing for many generations of the family line, good business and others.

Thus Daruma got a firm place in the heart of the Japanese people and seemd to work for the good of people with six heads and six arms. The faith in him grew steadily and soon the dolls were sold at the New Years fairs at many local temples and the tradition to paint one eye for a wish started. You had to buy a new one every year, so the tradition expanded and we have to thank the founder of the Zen Sect for all of this.

- Who is Daruma ? What is Daruma? -


. Edo shokunin 江戸職人 craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

harikoshi, hariko shi 張子師 artisan making papermachee dolls
harikoya 張子屋 shop selling Hariko dolls

tsujikaze ni jinba no odoroku harikoten

by the whirlwind
horses and dolls are surprized
at the papermache doll store

In Edo many papermachee dolls were made with a wiggling head.

The dolls were also called
harinuki 張り貫き and spread widely in the mid-Edo period.

Many dolls were made with a special wish for the growth of healthy children and were sold at temples and shrines as amulets.

Wet 和紙 washi paper sheets are pasted in layers on a mold. The glue (niwaka にわか) is made from natural material.
The the mold is removed after drying. So the dolls are empty inside and not as heavy as their size suggests.
The washi paper was mostly used paper and scraps.
Once the forms are dried and stiff, they usually get a grounding of white with gofun 胡粉and can then be painted in all colors.

CLICK for stamps with papermachee dolls !


. kami 紙 paper art and craft  .


. Hariko - Album in facebook .   

. CHECK the ABC list for your keyword. .

. mingei 民芸 folk art of Japan .
with more information


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

福岡県 Fukuoka 吉富町 Yoshitomi

tomobiki ningyoo 友引人形 funeral dolls
In this village, if it can not be avoided to have a funeral on the inauspicious day of "tomobiki", people place dolls made from straw or papermachee into the coffin in a ritual to avoid bad luck.
The relatives, who have to carry the coffin to the funeral ground, repeat the following:

. tomobiki ningyoo 友引人形 dolls to put in a coffin.

兵庫県 Hyogo 神戸市 Kobe

obake ningyo お化人形 Monster Dolls
Craftsmen from Takamatsu, Kagawa, had moved to Kobe to make papermachee dolls. But to please the many foreigners in town, they soon began to make mechanical dolls, even Daruma san with eyes popping out.

. Koobe ningyoo 神戸人形 mechanical dolls from Kobe .

京都府 Kyoto 中京区

tsuchigumo 土蜘蛛 ground spider (monster)
During the Mibu Kyogen 壬生狂言 ritual at 壬生寺 Mibudera in April, many papermachee masks are sold as amulets to avoid bad luck.
Well-loved themes are Ushiwakamaru, Benkei, Tsuchigumo, Demons and Jizo san.

. Mibu Nenbutsu 壬生念仏 Invoction of Amida at Mibudera Temple .
Masks in the temple treasury。

東京都 Tokyo - Edo

Daruma hariko 江戸だるま
They are made with the wish to protect children from infectious diseases.

. Edo Daruma 江戸だるま 江戸達磨  .


- source : nichibun yokai database 張子 -

Takamatsu Hariko Selection 高松張子





Marugoto Daruma

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Marugoto Daruma まるごとだるま 


From Musashino Bijutsu Daigaku University of Art

Graduation Exhibition 卒展 2013

source : pics.lockerz.com





Nanoblock Lego

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Nanoblock and Lego Daruma

Nanoblock Daruma ナノブロック「だるま」

It comes in variations with eyes or without, and with three different stickers for the belly.

nanoblock, Nano Block, Nanotick
come in many variations from animals to buildings

- Reference - Nanoblock

ダイヤブロック daiaburokku small blocks

Himeji Castle 姫路城

CLICK for more photos !

source : nathan02

Matsukawa Daruma 松川だるま


An executive toy is a novelty item that is usually a small mechanical gadget placed on the desk of a corporate executive or other office workers. They have no work-related function but are usually interesting to look at and entertaining.

Nanoblocks, a system of plastic building blocks similar to Lego but about half the linear dimensions. Most finished models are designed to be tiny, of a size suitable for an office desk decoration.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !


rego daruma レゴだるま Lego Daruma

Nelson Yrizarry made a LEGO version of a Daruma doll.

source : godbricks.blogspot.jp


source : legolegolego.blog.so-net.ne.jp


source : photozou.jp
レゴだるま+帽子 by 長女

CLICK for more photos !

Lego (trademarked in capitals as LEGO)
is a popular line of construction toys manufactured by the Lego Group, a privately held company based in Billund, Denmark. The company's flagship product, Lego, consists of colorful interlocking plastic bricks and an accompanying array of gears, minifigures and various other parts. Lego bricks can be assembled and connected in many ways, to construct such objects as vehicles, buildings, and even working robots.

© More in the WIKIPEDIA !


Lego Dragon 龍 レゴ

. . . CLICK here for 龍 lego ー Photos !

. . . CLICK here for - dragon lego - Photos !

. The Dragon Art Gallery – 2012 .


. Regional Folk Toys from Japan .



Ko no Su Dolls

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akamono "red things" - see below
nerimono "twisted" clay dolls - see below
. Nakasendo - 07 Konosu station .

Ko no Su Dolls 鴻巣人形 Konosu ningyoo
Saitama prefecture, Konosu, Town Koonosu

Kōnosu earned the nickname "Doll Town" for its many "Hina Ningyo" (a type of Japanese doll) factories. Kōnosu is also called "Flower town." It has several flower markets, and many flowers purchased in Tokyo and Kantō region are grown in Kōnosu. The most popular flower in the city is the pansy, which is also the city's official flower.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !


Dolls from Ko no Su

In Konosu, dolls are produced one by one by the hands of skilled craftsmen. Such Japanese traditional culture as doll manufacturing and associated sense of beauty spread to other parts of Japan, and is handed down through the generations.

source : www3.city.kounosu.saitama.jp

akamono, aka mono 赤もの red things (for good luck)


鴻巣だるま Konosu Daruma 鴻巣達磨

Daruma Doll from the Early Showa Period

© PHOTO : www.japan-toy-museum.org


Here is a collection with one BIG Daruma!

© PHOTO : shuugetu.casse.jp


A whole group of them !

© PHOTO : s-maturi.la.coocan.jp


ashitsuki daruma 足つきダルマ / 足付きダルマ 
Daruma with legs,

made by Konosu Town Tachiya Doll Shop 埼玉県鴻巣市 太刀屋人形

They are papermachee Daruma with extra red legs to stand on. They used to be made as one of the "small red things from Konosu town" (鴻巣の赤物)

CLICK for more photos !

. Daruma, Smallpox and the color Red .
An Essay

akamono, aka mono 赤もの red things (for good luck)

They ward off smallpox and other diseases of children. Also to ward off evil generally.
Some are made quite simple.

The most favorite subjects are

kuma nori Kintoki 熊乗り金時 Kintaro on a bear

tai nori Kintoki 鯛乗り金時 Kintaro on a sea bream

Kintoki is the local name for Kintaro, the Strong Boy.
His toys are bought with the wish for a strong and healthy child.

. Kintaro and Daruma だるま抱き金太郎 .

taiguruma, tai guruma 鯛車 sea bream on wheels
The God of Diseases is invited to sit on this red fish and swim away in the nearest river.

These "red things" are an important cultural property of Japan.

. Clay Dolls from Fushimi - 伏見土人形 .
The Akamono dolls are sold along the access road to 伏見稲荷 Fushimi Inari shrine.

- - - - - Akamono from Fushimi, Kyoto 赤もの 伏見土人形

. akamono komusoo 虚無僧 Komuso begging monk .

. akamono rikishi 赤もの力士 Sumo wrestler .

. akamono Saigyo 西行童子 as a child .

. akamono 三味線弾き shamisen player .

. akamono Tenjin 天神さま Sugawara Michizane .

花もち童女 / 鯛抱き童子 童子「茶坊主/ 伊勢参り姿の童子 /神功皇后 / 狛犬 /虚無僧 / 乳のまし / 大原女
- - About Akamono 赤物人形について
- reference source : hushimi-ningyou.jp... -

赤もの 大黒 Daikoku

and 恵比須 / 布袋 / 立ち娘
- reference source : sakigake-one.sakura.ne.jp... -


nerimono 練り物 "twisted" clay dolls

nerimono 練り物 "twisted" clay dolls
made with clay or raw natural glue and chips of paulownia, leftover from woodcarving of furniture and other dolls. This paste is pressed into molds and later colored.

Together with the nerimono from Iwatsuki in Saitama, they are the most popular "seasonal dolls" in Kanto.
The tradition goes back to the clay dolls of Fushimi, Kyoto, and have been handed down in the Sekiguchi family 関口家, in the store Yoshimiya 吉見屋, since about 1580.

The akamono are the most popular among the nerimono.

They come in traditional forms (above) and some more modern ones.

. inu 戌 / 犬 Dog dolls and toys .

. mi (hitsuji) 未 Ram (sheep) .

source : kyoudoningyou/osaka...
Osaka neri ningyo 大阪練り人形 from Osaka
suwari musume 座り娘 girl sitting down

. Kagawa nerimono 練り物 by Oosaki Toyogoroo 大崎豊五郎 .

. Kanazawa no nerimono 金沢の練り物 hand-twisted toys .
Ishikawa prefecture

. Ise no nerimono 伊勢の練り物 twisted clay dolls from Ise Shrine .
Mie Folk Art - 三重県

Niigata 加茂松原 Kamo Matsubara
. 練人形 Kamo Matsubara neri-ningyo dolls .

Wakayama, Goboo town 御坊市 Gobo
Tenjin and Daruma


shoobu taichi 菖蒲太刀 iris sword
For the Boy's Festival on May 5. They are made from wood and can be up to 1 meter long.

. Musha ningyoo 武者人形 Samurai Dolls .
for the Boy's Festival


aka Tenjin 赤天神 red Tenjin sama
kuro Tenjin 黒天神 black Tenjin sama
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

. Tenjin sama - INTRODUCTION .


kamishimobina, kamishimo hina 裃雛
hina dolls in kamishimo robes

kosei bina 古製雛 old hina dolls

. Hina Doll Festival (hina matsuri 雛祭り) .
March 3

source : http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/


. Daruma, Smallpox and the color Red .

. Regional Folk Toys from Japan .


. Nakasendo - 07 Konosu station .

- quote -
Kōnosu-shuku (鴻巣宿, Kōnosu-shuku)
the seventh of the sixty-nine stations of the Nakasendō highway connecting Edo with Kyoto during the Edo period.
It was located in the present-day city of Kōnosu, Saitama Prefecture.
The original Kōnosu-shuku was located in what is now the city of Kitamoto; however, when the system of post stations on the Nakasendō was formalized by the Tokugawa shogunate in 1602, the post station relocated to the north to its current location.
The new location was approximately 18 ri, 8-chō from the starting point of the Nakasendō at Nihonbashi, or approximately 48 kilometers.
It was 16.4 kilometers from Kumagai-shuku and 7.2 kilometers from the following Okegawa-juku.
Due to the distance between Kōnosu-shuku and Kumagai-shuku, an ai no shuku, Fukiage-shuku was located in-between.
The reason for the move is unclear today, but in its new location the Nakasendō was not the only road running through Kōnosu-shuku. It also had roads connecting to Matsuyama (present-day Higashimatsuyama), Nin (present-day Gyōda), and Kisaichi (present-day Kisai). Most of the post station burned down in a fire in 1767, but was soon rebuilt.
Per an 1843 guidebook issued by the Inspector of Highways (道中奉行, Dōchu-būgyō), the town stretched for about 1.9 kilometers along the highway, with a population of 2274 in 556 houses, and boasted one honjin, one waki-honjin, one tonya and 58 hatago.
At the entrance to the post station is Shōgan-ji, a large temple in the Jōdoshū sect.
- source : wikipedia -


- #konosu #konosudolls #saitama #nerimono -


Fukushima Dolls

[ . BACK to Daruma Museum TOP . ]

Daruma Dolls from Fukushima 福島だるま

. Regional Folk Toys from Japan .

so many
need your help -
Fukushima Daruma

. Japan - after the BIG earthquake .  
March 11, 2011


. Aizu Daruma 会津だるま Papermachee Dolls  

. Bandai Atami no hariko 磐梯熱海の張り子 papermachee dolls from Bandai Atami .

Kabocha Daruma かぼちゃだるま(福島)
Pumpkin Daruma

source : Tohoku Daruma Collection

. Miharu Daruma 三春だるま Papermachee Dolls  

Senoue Daruma 瀬の上達磨
. . . CLICK here for Photos !


... Yanome Daruma 矢野目だるま
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
Yanome is a suburb of Fukushima town.
Now Watanabe Hiroko 渡辺浩子 makes them in the town.


. Shirakawa Daruma Dolls 白川だるま張子  
Shirakawa Daruma Natto 白河のだるま納豆


Hisanohama Daruma, Kunohama 久ノ浜だるま
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Iwaki Daruma いわきだるま
. . . CLICK here for Photos !


Tomioka Daruma 富岡だるま
A kind of Tomioka papermachee dolls 富岡張子.

They are made since about 130 years ago, when the first doll maker went to Miharu and started how to make them. He produced Daruma to improve his meager income from farming. Now the family tradition is in the fourth generation. Later after the war they started to make other kinds of papermachee dolls. A speciality is the use of the blue color. The face is a bit similar to the Miharu Daruma.
Now the widow of the last craftsmen keeps the tradition.

. . . CLICK here for Photos of Hariko !


They come with the eyes painted in and stare at the enemy and bad luck until good fortune comes your way.
The brows are like cranes, the beard in the form of a tortoise. The face is framed with a green pattern that looks like a dragon. It is thus used to protect from fire.
source : fukushimatsuu.blog


Shirakawa Daruma Ramen 白河だるまラーメン
Noodle soup "Daruma"

Daruma sake だるま酒 Ricewine
in a bottle looking like a Daruma from Shirakawa

. Fukushima - Food and Daruma food  

. Koma 駒 horse folk toys from Fukushima


source : bussan/dentou

During the Edo period travel along the river Abukumagawa 阿武隈川 was frequent and together with the tax rice Daruma dolls were shipped around.

The Abukuma River (阿武隈川, Abukuma-gawa),
with a length of 234 km, is the second longest river in the Tōhoku region of Japan and the 6th longest river in Japan. It runs through Fukushima Prefecture and Miyagi Prefecture, rising from springs in the peaks of the Nasu mountains, collecting water from tributaries leaving the Ōu Mountains and the Abukuma Highlands (阿武隈高地, Abukuma-kōchi), then emptying into the Pacific Ocean as a major river.
The Abukuma River flows north through Fukushima Prefecture's Nakadōri region, past the cities of Shirakawa, Sukagawa, Kōriyama, Nihonmatsu and Fukushima. The portion of the river flowing between Nihonmatsu and Fukushima forms a deep ravine called Hōrai-kyō (蓬莱峡).
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !


Sogi modoshi 宗祇戻しThe place where Sogi returned his steps

The famous poet Io Sogi (Soogi, Sougi 飯尾宗祇 いいおそうぎ) on his way to a poetry meeting for linked verse in Northern Japan met a poor girl here selling cotton. When he started talking to her, she answered him with a perfect waka verse. He felt quite ashamed at this and went back to Kyoto without attending the poetry meeting.

The waka

「阿武隈の川瀬にすめる鮎にこそ うるかといえる わたはありけれ」
Abukuma no kawase ni sumeru ayu ni koso


Oku no Hosomichi - - - - Station 11 - Sukagawa 須賀川 - - - あぶくま川
Pushing towards the north, I crossed the River Abukuma, and walked between the high mountains of Aizu on the left and the three villages of Iwaki, Soma, and Miharu on the right. . .
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .


abukuma ya gojuushi gun no otoshi-mizu

The Abukuma River;
Water drained off
Flows from fifty-four counties

Tr. Shoji Kumano

. WKD : Yosa Buson 与謝蕪村 in Edo .

